6 facts about surgical weight loss, who are unlikely to tell You
Seventy million four hundred seventeen thousand three hundred sixty three
A scalpel is not a magic wand
Obesity is one of the major diseases of mankind. The extra pounds do not decorate the person, in addition, they can cause many serious health problems.
One of the most radical and effective ways to bring the weight back to normal — surgery to gastric bypass, however, it is resorted to only if the situation has gone so far that the other options are simply not there. In addition, there are some nuances of conducting such procedures, they know you from our selection.
1. Problems with the digestive tractIf you decide to go under the surgeon's knife to get rid of excess weight, first of all, keep in mind that surgery of this kind has some side effects, such as dumping syndrome.
The point is that after the operation violated the patient's digestive system too quickly skips through foods rich in simple carbohydrates (say, of sweetness), a person has seen increased sweating, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, these unpleasant effects may occur almost immediately, can few months after surgery, and may not occur at all.
If the dumping syndrome still makes itself felt, the only effective way to avoid surprises is to understand what foods cause the attacks and eliminate them from the diet.
2. Surgical intervention requires trainingBariatric surgery (surgery to combat obesity) is not a way to get rid of two or three extra pounds to look more fit. As a rule, clinics agree to hold such medical procedures only if the person is very serious health problems due to obesity.
For example, one of the conditions may be a body mass index of at least 40-that is, for example, a man with a height of 1.8 m must weigh at least 130 kg. in addition, before you allow a man to lie on the operating table, the facility may insist on the preparatory procedures, which sometimes last for months. Often, the preparation includes, for example, special exercises, visits to groups of psychological support and adherence to special diets. This is not just a formality — the specialists want to make sure that the patient has tried all possible ways of weight reduction. Only if they do not give the desired effect, we will talk about radical surgical measures.
After the training most likely will have to go through the not-too-pleasant medical procedures, like endoscopy, multiple blood sampling for analysis or a colonoscopy. All this is necessary in order for surgeons to better plan the operation. After her, by the way, some patients are under observation physicians thus evaluated the success of surgical intervention.
3. Bariatric surgery is risky
Medical companies knowingly put a number of conditions for the admission of obese patients to surgical interventions. Surgery should be the last resort because the risks in such procedures are very high. Fat people always have health problems that may worsen after surgery or lead to death during its implementation. The older a person is and the higher the weight, the greater the chance that the operation he did not survive.
As already mentioned, after the surgery may experience adverse health problems, here are some of them: bowel obstruction, stomach pains, osteoporosis, gall stones, hernia, anemia, impaired blood clotting, and much more.
Sometimes complications appear after a few months, and even years after the surgery, so after it is necessary to carefully monitor their health, otherwise one of these "ticking time bombs" can cause death.
4. Strict control over the dietSo, all necessary conditions are met, procedures completed, before the surgery left quite a bit... Be prepared for the fact that about two weeks just before surgical procedure you will have to eat only vegetables and protein drinks.
Of course, the doctors need to adhere to a certain diet is not out of spite diet helps to reduce the liver, which can prevent the surgeons access to the stomach. Needless to say that for those who like to pamper themselves with delicacies, live for two weeks on lettuce leaves and protein shakes — a real torture. Don't think you can "take heart" after the surgery — likely to fail again and gain weight, you will have to radically change your diet, with the result that there is practically no space for something "tasty".
5. Surgery can ruin your personal life
Sharp getting rid of excess weight inevitably leads to numerous changes in lifestyle, and therefore affects relationships with others, including with family and friends.
In the practice of bariatric surgery breaks the relationship between post-surgery patients and their loved ones meet so frequently that there was even a special term "bariatric divorce" (bariatric divorce). One of the main reasons for this phenomenon — sexual partner feels insecure around favorite, actually gained a new body. Losing weight, many begin to behave quite differently from that of the husband or wife has the feeling that the person with whom they have lived for many years, suddenly turned into a stranger. To avoid such difficulties, experts recommend that couples in which both partners are overweight, along to undergo surgical procedure — this will help you not to lose each other, starting a new life.
Often friends of a patient having overweight, changing their attitude to him because his example makes them think about their own health problems and simply envy. If such a person did not have the courage to change your life for the better, he may experience severe psychological discomfort, communicating with the transfigured man. It happens that losing weight, a person hears from others that "before, he liked them much more." People are very afraid of radical change, both in their own lives and in the lives of others, but that doesn't mean you have to indulge their fears and complexes, especially to the detriment of their own health!
6. The operation may be meaninglessMost worryingly, after the physical and mental anguish experienced in the preparation for operations and the Commission, it may be that it was all for nothing. About 20% of patients undergoing similar surgical intervention, are once again gaining weight. Of course, it's much better than practicing different diets (they have lost weight almost always come back), but survive the dangerous surgery — not the same as two weeks to eat some apples and carrots!
As a rule, the former the numbers on the scale after bariatric surgery are there for two reasons and both involve a violation of the rules of the diet. First — a quick getting rid of excess weight leads many to think that now you can afford a little high-calorie food: "Well, that one piece of cake over tea certainly didn't hurt". In the end, the man himself without realizing it, begins to "cococnut" small portions, but more and more often... Voila — operation if it was not! The second reason is trying to compensate for the lack of favorite foods in the diet, man eats seemingly healthy and low-calorie food, but in huge quantities. The result is the same.
Do not take an operation to get rid of extra weight as a kind of "magic wand" which will solve your health problems once and for all. Bariatric surgery is extremely effective but still temporary. Everything else, including the habit to lead a healthy, active lifestyle and maintaining normal weight after surgery — in your hands.
Author: Dmitry Zykov
Source: www.factroom.ru/facts/65437
A scalpel is not a magic wand
Obesity is one of the major diseases of mankind. The extra pounds do not decorate the person, in addition, they can cause many serious health problems.
One of the most radical and effective ways to bring the weight back to normal — surgery to gastric bypass, however, it is resorted to only if the situation has gone so far that the other options are simply not there. In addition, there are some nuances of conducting such procedures, they know you from our selection.
1. Problems with the digestive tractIf you decide to go under the surgeon's knife to get rid of excess weight, first of all, keep in mind that surgery of this kind has some side effects, such as dumping syndrome.
The point is that after the operation violated the patient's digestive system too quickly skips through foods rich in simple carbohydrates (say, of sweetness), a person has seen increased sweating, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, these unpleasant effects may occur almost immediately, can few months after surgery, and may not occur at all.
If the dumping syndrome still makes itself felt, the only effective way to avoid surprises is to understand what foods cause the attacks and eliminate them from the diet.
2. Surgical intervention requires trainingBariatric surgery (surgery to combat obesity) is not a way to get rid of two or three extra pounds to look more fit. As a rule, clinics agree to hold such medical procedures only if the person is very serious health problems due to obesity.
For example, one of the conditions may be a body mass index of at least 40-that is, for example, a man with a height of 1.8 m must weigh at least 130 kg. in addition, before you allow a man to lie on the operating table, the facility may insist on the preparatory procedures, which sometimes last for months. Often, the preparation includes, for example, special exercises, visits to groups of psychological support and adherence to special diets. This is not just a formality — the specialists want to make sure that the patient has tried all possible ways of weight reduction. Only if they do not give the desired effect, we will talk about radical surgical measures.
After the training most likely will have to go through the not-too-pleasant medical procedures, like endoscopy, multiple blood sampling for analysis or a colonoscopy. All this is necessary in order for surgeons to better plan the operation. After her, by the way, some patients are under observation physicians thus evaluated the success of surgical intervention.
3. Bariatric surgery is risky
Medical companies knowingly put a number of conditions for the admission of obese patients to surgical interventions. Surgery should be the last resort because the risks in such procedures are very high. Fat people always have health problems that may worsen after surgery or lead to death during its implementation. The older a person is and the higher the weight, the greater the chance that the operation he did not survive.
As already mentioned, after the surgery may experience adverse health problems, here are some of them: bowel obstruction, stomach pains, osteoporosis, gall stones, hernia, anemia, impaired blood clotting, and much more.
Sometimes complications appear after a few months, and even years after the surgery, so after it is necessary to carefully monitor their health, otherwise one of these "ticking time bombs" can cause death.
4. Strict control over the dietSo, all necessary conditions are met, procedures completed, before the surgery left quite a bit... Be prepared for the fact that about two weeks just before surgical procedure you will have to eat only vegetables and protein drinks.
Of course, the doctors need to adhere to a certain diet is not out of spite diet helps to reduce the liver, which can prevent the surgeons access to the stomach. Needless to say that for those who like to pamper themselves with delicacies, live for two weeks on lettuce leaves and protein shakes — a real torture. Don't think you can "take heart" after the surgery — likely to fail again and gain weight, you will have to radically change your diet, with the result that there is practically no space for something "tasty".
5. Surgery can ruin your personal life
Sharp getting rid of excess weight inevitably leads to numerous changes in lifestyle, and therefore affects relationships with others, including with family and friends.
In the practice of bariatric surgery breaks the relationship between post-surgery patients and their loved ones meet so frequently that there was even a special term "bariatric divorce" (bariatric divorce). One of the main reasons for this phenomenon — sexual partner feels insecure around favorite, actually gained a new body. Losing weight, many begin to behave quite differently from that of the husband or wife has the feeling that the person with whom they have lived for many years, suddenly turned into a stranger. To avoid such difficulties, experts recommend that couples in which both partners are overweight, along to undergo surgical procedure — this will help you not to lose each other, starting a new life.
Often friends of a patient having overweight, changing their attitude to him because his example makes them think about their own health problems and simply envy. If such a person did not have the courage to change your life for the better, he may experience severe psychological discomfort, communicating with the transfigured man. It happens that losing weight, a person hears from others that "before, he liked them much more." People are very afraid of radical change, both in their own lives and in the lives of others, but that doesn't mean you have to indulge their fears and complexes, especially to the detriment of their own health!
6. The operation may be meaninglessMost worryingly, after the physical and mental anguish experienced in the preparation for operations and the Commission, it may be that it was all for nothing. About 20% of patients undergoing similar surgical intervention, are once again gaining weight. Of course, it's much better than practicing different diets (they have lost weight almost always come back), but survive the dangerous surgery — not the same as two weeks to eat some apples and carrots!
As a rule, the former the numbers on the scale after bariatric surgery are there for two reasons and both involve a violation of the rules of the diet. First — a quick getting rid of excess weight leads many to think that now you can afford a little high-calorie food: "Well, that one piece of cake over tea certainly didn't hurt". In the end, the man himself without realizing it, begins to "cococnut" small portions, but more and more often... Voila — operation if it was not! The second reason is trying to compensate for the lack of favorite foods in the diet, man eats seemingly healthy and low-calorie food, but in huge quantities. The result is the same.
Do not take an operation to get rid of extra weight as a kind of "magic wand" which will solve your health problems once and for all. Bariatric surgery is extremely effective but still temporary. Everything else, including the habit to lead a healthy, active lifestyle and maintaining normal weight after surgery — in your hands.
Author: Dmitry Zykov
Source: www.factroom.ru/facts/65437