Healing prayer
History is replete with cases of unexplained healings through prayer. This is another aspect of the impact of words on living organism. Scientists have conducted many studies in order to understand how it works. The results of these studies are impressive. It turned out that words actually can work wonders.
In the Catholic Church it is called exorcism in the Orthodox otchetnoi is a special service during which the priest reads a special prayer. It is assumed that these words can cast out a demonic spirit that possessed a human body.
Doctors look at the symptoms of demonic possession as manifestations of mental disorder. Obsessed with inherent symptoms of hysteria, mania and schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder. During attacks a person's face can be distorted painful grimace. Due to the overstrain of the cervical vertebrae of the patient's speech becomes unintelligible. Ironically, this diagnosis coincides with the description of demon possession from the medieval treatise "the Hammer of witches." Obsession and a family curse, experts say, is definitely linked. However, the nature of this connection, so far nobody has been able to explore. Even experienced scholars are not always able to explain why some people suddenly become possessed, and the other is a curse bypasses.
The Church believes that obsession manifests itself only under certain circumstances in contact with sacred things – an icon, a cross or Holy water. Holy water is one of the most important ritual objects in Christianity. To turn water into a powerful weapon against the demons, may be a priest, reading a certain prayer.
Interestingly, to make the reverse action and a witch. Perhaps such water myths of ancient Slavs called "dead". In such cases, wells were poisoned, and people die from terrible epidemics. Turns out, it wasn't in the water and pronounced over it the words. These words, saragusa water could either bring someone back to life, or to kill.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: skylineru.net/religion/iscelenie-molitvoj.html

In the Catholic Church it is called exorcism in the Orthodox otchetnoi is a special service during which the priest reads a special prayer. It is assumed that these words can cast out a demonic spirit that possessed a human body.
Doctors look at the symptoms of demonic possession as manifestations of mental disorder. Obsessed with inherent symptoms of hysteria, mania and schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder. During attacks a person's face can be distorted painful grimace. Due to the overstrain of the cervical vertebrae of the patient's speech becomes unintelligible. Ironically, this diagnosis coincides with the description of demon possession from the medieval treatise "the Hammer of witches." Obsession and a family curse, experts say, is definitely linked. However, the nature of this connection, so far nobody has been able to explore. Even experienced scholars are not always able to explain why some people suddenly become possessed, and the other is a curse bypasses.
The Church believes that obsession manifests itself only under certain circumstances in contact with sacred things – an icon, a cross or Holy water. Holy water is one of the most important ritual objects in Christianity. To turn water into a powerful weapon against the demons, may be a priest, reading a certain prayer.
Interestingly, to make the reverse action and a witch. Perhaps such water myths of ancient Slavs called "dead". In such cases, wells were poisoned, and people die from terrible epidemics. Turns out, it wasn't in the water and pronounced over it the words. These words, saragusa water could either bring someone back to life, or to kill.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: skylineru.net/religion/iscelenie-molitvoj.html
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