A strong motherly prayer to a guardian angel for the protection of his son can be read at least every day.

When the war broke out, thousands of mothers sent their children to the front. We said goodbye to sleep and prayed. There is nothing more powerful than a mother’s prayer for her son. These strong words help to turn to the Lord and calm the heart, as well as to envelop your child with divine protection.

Today's edition. "Site" He will share with you the text of a strong prayer to the Guardian Angel.

The Mother’s Prayer for the Son of the Guardian Angel protects every person. It is to him that we pray for protection and help. It is read to protect the son from trouble, failure and hardship. You can also ask the Guardian Angel to help your son before an important event. This is a very strong prayer, you can say it every day. Prayer is especially powerful on the birthday of his son. The main thing is with pure thoughts and sincere faith.

“The Guardian Angel given by the Heavenly Father to my son (name), I address You.” The angel is the guardian of the son, keep him in sorrow and in joy. Do not forsake my son in a difficult moment of life, extend to him your merciful hand, help my son overcome all the trials of life, give strength, confidence and faith in the best, bright and good.

“Angel Keeper of my son, protect him from all evil, from misfortune and sorrow, from theft and deceit, from corruption and evil tongue.” The Guardian Angel given by God to my son (name), please help him to cleanse himself of his own bad thoughts and words, of actions that are not of God, and direct his life towards light, love, goodness and peace.

In the Name of God the Most High, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask You, Guardian Angel of my son (name), do not leave him in sickness, give him faith in healing, be his faithful and strong protection. I am the guardian angel of my son, I thank You and bow low to You for Your love for my son. I thank the Father of Heaven, the Lord of the Most High, for sending You, a protector and helper, to my son. In the Name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother. Amen.

We hope that this motherly prayer for your son will help you calm your heart. To all mothers who are waiting for their children from the front, we wish strength and patience. Pray for their return and do not lose faith. Ask God to send peace and prosperity to Ukraine.

We know that at the front now not only men, but also women. We want to share with you a strong prayer for the children. Trust the Lord. Let your child come home! They will win the world, and we will help in any way we can. We will all survive and there will be times of peace.


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