The strongest mother's prayer for a son in war, the most powerful protection can be found.
Parents are always very worried about their children. It is especially disturbing when an adult son goes to serve in the army. When he becomes the defender of the fatherland and sheds blood to protect his native land, the parents can only rely on Heaven so that the son returns home alive. While fathers are usually more self-contained, mothers do not hesitate to let their feelings go and seek support for their child from great intercessors. Prayer for a warrior son helps convey the mother’s prayers to the saints.
Editorial "Site" He shares with you the text of a strong prayer. We all pray together that every defender will come home.
The prayer should be read by the icon of the saint to whom its words are intended. In advance, you need to put a lit candle in front of the image, kneel and cross. Pray sincerely and with love in your heart.
Prayer to the Lord, O merciful Lord, hear my prayer for my son. Exercise your power and preserve the life and health of my child. Protect my son and his faithful partners from sudden destruction on the battlefield for the native land. Lord, bring the soldiers home safe and sound. Quiet the enemies of the fierce and protect the defenders from mortal sin. Let the Orthodox people live in the world! Amen!
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become the patroness of my son (name). Wrap my child with your mother’s robe away from your home and protect him in a fierce battle. Pray to God Almighty for my son, that he may be brought home in good health. Ask the King of Heaven to protect my child from severe sin, mortal wounds and torment of the soul. Give our house peace and tranquility! Amen!
Pray to the Son of God Jesus Christ, Son of God, hear my words! Show your generosity and forgive my son for his transgressions and transgressions. Show him the right path and teach him to live according to the commandments of the Lord. Keep my child from perdition, become his intercessor and protect him from mortal wounds and torments of the soul, from trouble and betrayal. Give my son a holy blessing and bring him home safe and sound. Send peace to your native land! Amen!
Parents turn to the priest for a blessing on peace, submit notes in the temple and order a prayer for the health of their son. Moleben is responsible for the health and well-being of the offspring, for the speedy completion of the war, for the warrior’s happy return home.
How do you file a note at church? In the temple, a special place is reserved for a table on which there are sheets of paper for writing notes. Please note: the sheets can be signed "For health" or "For rest". If there is no mark, you need to make the inscription “For health” yourself. Fill in the note is required in large letters and legible handwriting. On paper, you indicate for the health and well-being of whom you ask to pray.
The note contains the full name of the person. The names of unbaptized people are prohibited. The completed leaflet together with the donation to the temple is thrown into a special box or handed over to the minister of the church. Prayer is especially powerful if you pray in the temple at the same time as other believers who have given similar notes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to write notes and order a prayer service in three different churches.
You can read a prayer for a warrior son at home and order a prayer service for his protection outside the temple: the strength of maternal and fatherly love does not depend on the place of stay of parents, and the patron saints will hear heartfelt words from everywhere. We all pray for warriors tirelessly, because only through them can we live in a free country. We pray for the victory of Ukraine and for intercession for each of its defenders.

Editorial "Site" He shares with you the text of a strong prayer. We all pray together that every defender will come home.
The prayer should be read by the icon of the saint to whom its words are intended. In advance, you need to put a lit candle in front of the image, kneel and cross. Pray sincerely and with love in your heart.

Prayer to the Lord, O merciful Lord, hear my prayer for my son. Exercise your power and preserve the life and health of my child. Protect my son and his faithful partners from sudden destruction on the battlefield for the native land. Lord, bring the soldiers home safe and sound. Quiet the enemies of the fierce and protect the defenders from mortal sin. Let the Orthodox people live in the world! Amen!

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become the patroness of my son (name). Wrap my child with your mother’s robe away from your home and protect him in a fierce battle. Pray to God Almighty for my son, that he may be brought home in good health. Ask the King of Heaven to protect my child from severe sin, mortal wounds and torment of the soul. Give our house peace and tranquility! Amen!

Pray to the Son of God Jesus Christ, Son of God, hear my words! Show your generosity and forgive my son for his transgressions and transgressions. Show him the right path and teach him to live according to the commandments of the Lord. Keep my child from perdition, become his intercessor and protect him from mortal wounds and torments of the soul, from trouble and betrayal. Give my son a holy blessing and bring him home safe and sound. Send peace to your native land! Amen!
Parents turn to the priest for a blessing on peace, submit notes in the temple and order a prayer for the health of their son. Moleben is responsible for the health and well-being of the offspring, for the speedy completion of the war, for the warrior’s happy return home.

How do you file a note at church? In the temple, a special place is reserved for a table on which there are sheets of paper for writing notes. Please note: the sheets can be signed "For health" or "For rest". If there is no mark, you need to make the inscription “For health” yourself. Fill in the note is required in large letters and legible handwriting. On paper, you indicate for the health and well-being of whom you ask to pray.
The note contains the full name of the person. The names of unbaptized people are prohibited. The completed leaflet together with the donation to the temple is thrown into a special box or handed over to the minister of the church. Prayer is especially powerful if you pray in the temple at the same time as other believers who have given similar notes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to write notes and order a prayer service in three different churches.

You can read a prayer for a warrior son at home and order a prayer service for his protection outside the temple: the strength of maternal and fatherly love does not depend on the place of stay of parents, and the patron saints will hear heartfelt words from everywhere. We all pray for warriors tirelessly, because only through them can we live in a free country. We pray for the victory of Ukraine and for intercession for each of its defenders.
I've been looking at the picture for 15 minutes and I can't figure out where the cat is, try it yourself, maybe you can do better.
The autumnal equinox occurs every year in September, but this time it is quite special.