Why you should not neglect the power of mother prayer: an instructive parable, after reading which, you will remember for a lifetime

The Strongest Mother's Prayer It is able to protect a dear child even in very difficult times. The soul of a mother will always feel that a loved one needs sincere words of support. And even if it is not possible to say them right now, every mother will faithfully pray that the higher forces will protect her child.

This truly instructive story occurred in the poor family of Elena Alexandrovna and her daughter Sveta. The head of the family left Elena immediately after the birth of Svetochka, and the parents have long left this world. This is what led Elena Alexandrovna to the temple. She's been there a lot. learned the main prayersShe even tried to sing to the church choir.

The light never did. I didn't share my mother's love. To go to church. Elena gladly took her daughter with her, but with age Svetlana did not want to visit the temple with her mother. The woman tried to blame it on teenage changes and hoped that the daughter will outgrow this problem. But it didn't get any easier.

As soon as the light was 15 years old, she seemed to break off the chain. She left home for a long time, walked with unfamiliar people, did not want to communicate with her mother. Elena Alexandrovna I tried to talk to my daughter.To support her, I wanted to draw the attention of the Lights to prayers and so reason her. But as soon as it came to prayer, Svetlana became even more ferocious.

“I don’t want to hear about your prayers! How will they help me? Do what? More money or new clothes? No need to tell me what to do, or try to control me, I am already an adult and can do what I want!

Elena was shocked by her daughter’s words. She is. tried to give her everything. What could I do? I bought things for my daughter so she would look better than everyone else. Saved up on fashionable gadgets so that her Svetochka did not feel deprived. “I pray for you that God may send you prudence and patience. Honey, I understand that we are not so rich, but I really try to do everything for you.

“Take it as you wish, but if I see you praying again, I will throw out all your prayer books or burn them. Don't pray for me! Don't! I forbid you to do that. I do not want to hear more about what you are trying to do for me by prayer, said the young lady.

After a quarrel with the mother of Light slammed the door and left the house. The girl was going to look at the apartment to friends and drink there. She was halfway there, but something stopped her. Some unknown force forced Svetlana stand still And I didn't take a step. She didn't understand what was going on. Maybe she is sick and needs to call the doctors?

At this time, Elena was kneeling and praying desperately. Silently whispered a text long memorized. He asked for wisdom for his daughter and patience. She asked her daughter not to do anything stupid. To come home safe and sound. Elena doesn't need anything. She only asked for the good of her daughter.

Sveta came home a few hours later. She never dared to go to those unfamiliar guys. I sat in the park for a while and returned home. Elena was already asleep. At least Sveta thought so. The woman heard that her daughter had returned, but did not give her appearance. In the morning, their small town stirred up the news.

At night in the very apartment where Svetlana was going to look, a terrible thing happened. No one really understood what exactly the guys did not share, but one of them is now dead. Another went to the hospital with serious injuries. The others lay low. She was horrified when she heard such information from her friends. Elena also realized that her daughter escaped great trouble.

“Mommy,” Sveta quietly said, “I told you too much.” I'm really ashamed right now. I miss you so much. It always seemed like those religious books stole you from me. But if that's how we get closer, then please pray for me. At least sometimes”. Elena could not hold back her tears and hugged her beloved daughter. In her thoughts, the woman zealously thanked Heaven for saving her child from mistakes and giving wisdom.

EditorialWe sincerely hope that now Elena Alexandrovna and Svetlana will improve communication. I would like my mother and daughter to be open and honest with each other. May heaven hear the prayers of all who call upon him for help and support. And that help will be received.


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