As we wanted to get out of exam, but our teacher just not up to snuff...
Seventy seven million nineteen thousand nine hundred twenty seven
In my student years we were having fun as they could. Here and that night was priceless party, and the next morning important exam. Wake up with a friend in the Dorm, my head hurts, to take the exam is physically impossible.
Then my friend offers me a great idea. That day in uni we never showed up, and the next morning he came to the teacher and explained the situation, saying that the weekend was helping my aunt in the country, spent the night and when the morning to school was driving, struck the wheel. That's why you missed the exam, although I was in a hurry.
The teacher was an understanding person, so he was allowed to take the next morning. At the appointed time we came to class, but he lit us to different rooms, and then asked everyone:
— What kind of wheel you have a flat?
via factroom.ru
In my student years we were having fun as they could. Here and that night was priceless party, and the next morning important exam. Wake up with a friend in the Dorm, my head hurts, to take the exam is physically impossible.
Then my friend offers me a great idea. That day in uni we never showed up, and the next morning he came to the teacher and explained the situation, saying that the weekend was helping my aunt in the country, spent the night and when the morning to school was driving, struck the wheel. That's why you missed the exam, although I was in a hurry.
The teacher was an understanding person, so he was allowed to take the next morning. At the appointed time we came to class, but he lit us to different rooms, and then asked everyone:
— What kind of wheel you have a flat?
via factroom.ru
Met once in the forest, a beggar notorious outlaw...
How fast and is guaranteed to get rid of the annoying zealots