Published a detailed "examination rights" roboavtomobilya Google
In May 2012, Google first got the license on the motion of autonomous vehicles on public roads in Nevada. Today, 16 September, take effect traffic rules unmanned vehicles on the roads of other US states - California. By this date, reporters publication IEEE Spectrum, using the US law on freedom of information, it was possible получить copies of the minutes tests and e-mails related to their conduct.
The exam was held May 1, 2012 in Las Vegas. As it turns out, Google representatives had the opportunity to choose the route that the car was moving during the exam, as well as have the opportunity to move the test in case of bad weather. In addition, the examination engineer Google, sitting behind the wheel for secure, twice had to take it over. However, in general roboavtomobil Google demonstrated driving ability is not worse than the average driver. Perhaps the main drawback that examiners noted, was the excessive caution of the robot, which seems to start a little annoy them:
mark in the box on the passage of traffic lights: "It seems that the car is too cautious when approaching some traffic lights». I>
From correspondence with Google Road Department of Nevada just found out that at the time of the exam, the security policy of the company did not provide for the possibility of unmanned drive in some particularly difficult for a robot or a danger to passengers and pedestrians situations - at level crossings, near schools, on parking lots of supermarkets, roundabouts (where, according to Google, many drivers did not know and did not comply with the rules of the road), as well as in fog and rain. In addition, during the exam itself, the machine "did not dare" to overcome their own sophisticated twist, where part of the road was closed due to repairs:
«Approaching the repair area, the car stopped and demanded to go to manual mode» i>
Since Google honestly warned examiners about these limitations, and given that regardless of the degree of autonomy of the vehicle, the wheel must be a person, it does not become an obstacle to obtaining a driving license. In most situations, both on the highway and in city traffic, both day and night, an unmanned vehicle showed himself well.
Interestingly, Google almost did not use a driver's license in Nevada. After May 2013, when the first license has expired, the corporation had not updated it for eight months. The fact that almost immediately after receiving the license Google managed to agree on the admission to public roads with the authorities of California and no longer ride in the neighboring state.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/237001/

The exam was held May 1, 2012 in Las Vegas. As it turns out, Google representatives had the opportunity to choose the route that the car was moving during the exam, as well as have the opportunity to move the test in case of bad weather. In addition, the examination engineer Google, sitting behind the wheel for secure, twice had to take it over. However, in general roboavtomobil Google demonstrated driving ability is not worse than the average driver. Perhaps the main drawback that examiners noted, was the excessive caution of the robot, which seems to start a little annoy them:

mark in the box on the passage of traffic lights: "It seems that the car is too cautious when approaching some traffic lights». I>
From correspondence with Google Road Department of Nevada just found out that at the time of the exam, the security policy of the company did not provide for the possibility of unmanned drive in some particularly difficult for a robot or a danger to passengers and pedestrians situations - at level crossings, near schools, on parking lots of supermarkets, roundabouts (where, according to Google, many drivers did not know and did not comply with the rules of the road), as well as in fog and rain. In addition, during the exam itself, the machine "did not dare" to overcome their own sophisticated twist, where part of the road was closed due to repairs:

«Approaching the repair area, the car stopped and demanded to go to manual mode» i>
Since Google honestly warned examiners about these limitations, and given that regardless of the degree of autonomy of the vehicle, the wheel must be a person, it does not become an obstacle to obtaining a driving license. In most situations, both on the highway and in city traffic, both day and night, an unmanned vehicle showed himself well.

Interestingly, Google almost did not use a driver's license in Nevada. After May 2013, when the first license has expired, the corporation had not updated it for eight months. The fact that almost immediately after receiving the license Google managed to agree on the admission to public roads with the authorities of California and no longer ride in the neighboring state.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/237001/
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