15 free resources for preparing for the TOEFL

Passing the exam TOEFL - a necessary condition for admission to many foreign colleges and universities, in order to qualify for an internship or a receipt for work requiring knowledge of English. In general, TOEFL certificate opens a lot of opportunities and prospects for development.
Website faith, if you set out to pass the exam, you need all turn out. 15 And these free sites will help you. Save and use.
ETS TOEFL - the official page of the exam TOEFL: Format, recommendations who donate resources for effective training. Learn 4 Good - contains Examples of actual test questions. Also reveals the essence of the exam and the method of calculating results. Recently, the site has been added to the base of universities accepting students based TOEFL. TOEFL.ru - examples, useful tips, mini-tests online , materials for training, coordinates examination centers.

Get TOEFL - there are not only examples of tests TOEFL, and a list of matching resources to learn English with the purpose of the exam. Test Magic - here you can find a trial version of the test TOEFL, as well as assistance in the writing exam essay tips on preparing and taking the exam. TestDEN - Practice Tests for preparing to surrender TOEFL, completely mimics the exam in a computer version. Freeesl - a collection of links to various resources on the format and strategies for preparing and submitting TOEFL. Good Luck TOEFL - parses the exam components, considering and helps in the study of each of them separately (reading, listening, speech and so on. d.).

Test Prepreview - Information about the exam, as well as a few examples of the test. In addition to TOEFL there are many other tests to check the language level. English Test - training tests, and a wide variety of exercises and materials for learning English. Quiz Tree - will pump up your vocabulary and grammar required for the exam in a pleasant interactive flash application. Graduates Hotline - a few training the TOEFL .

Nonstop English - database of exercises for passing TOEFL and other internationally recognized exams. Exercising takes place in an interactive mode, which greatly simplifies and accelerates the process. Quizlet - an online service that will help you quickly remember more than one hundred foreign words used in the TOEFL. < / Test Preppractice - several training tests, as well as links to books and materials that will be useful to prepare for the exam.
via www.testpreppractice.net/TOEFL/Free-Online-TOEFL-Practice-Tests.aspx