Policeman stops a steep jeep, hoping for easy money, but there it was!
Ninety nine million seven hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred fifty seven
Out on Saturday morning to work policeman. On the road for a long time there is not a single machine, as suddenly, from the corner flew a tricked-out jeep and rushes with great speed. Of course, the policeman stops him, already rubbing his hands in anticipation of easy money.
A jeep with a wave of a striped wand slows down, and it goes from natural bum. A face wrinkled, worn clothing, smells — horror! Policeman in complete shock, says:
Sergeant Ivanov. Produce documents.
Homeless man pulls from his pocket a passport, driving license and car documents, the policeman checks them — all rank by rank, jeep are designed for the homeless.
— Man, — said the Sergeant — now That you're a real bum. You where such a cool car did you get?
— I'm a drunk "mate" gave for the fact that I was able to laugh!
— Well-ka, well-ka, how did you do that?
— I hit him on the head three times, spat, and he's got hair instead of a bald head has grown! He was so happy, laughed so hard! Then jeep gave.
— Oho! — answers the policeman, taking off his cap and showing his bum bald as a knee, a head, — I you will be able to do? And I'm fine to write I will not!
— Of course, let's lean.
Bum relish policeman spits three times on his bald head. Then out of the roadside bushes heard a wild cackling male voice:
— Damn, well, at all! Yes, I gave him for this more and the apartment will give!
via factroom.ru
Out on Saturday morning to work policeman. On the road for a long time there is not a single machine, as suddenly, from the corner flew a tricked-out jeep and rushes with great speed. Of course, the policeman stops him, already rubbing his hands in anticipation of easy money.
A jeep with a wave of a striped wand slows down, and it goes from natural bum. A face wrinkled, worn clothing, smells — horror! Policeman in complete shock, says:
Sergeant Ivanov. Produce documents.
Homeless man pulls from his pocket a passport, driving license and car documents, the policeman checks them — all rank by rank, jeep are designed for the homeless.
— Man, — said the Sergeant — now That you're a real bum. You where such a cool car did you get?
— I'm a drunk "mate" gave for the fact that I was able to laugh!
— Well-ka, well-ka, how did you do that?
— I hit him on the head three times, spat, and he's got hair instead of a bald head has grown! He was so happy, laughed so hard! Then jeep gave.
— Oho! — answers the policeman, taking off his cap and showing his bum bald as a knee, a head, — I you will be able to do? And I'm fine to write I will not!
— Of course, let's lean.
Bum relish policeman spits three times on his bald head. Then out of the roadside bushes heard a wild cackling male voice:
— Damn, well, at all! Yes, I gave him for this more and the apartment will give!
via factroom.ru