A terrible accident (29 photos)

"Mercedes" crushed by the left-pillar, the right is better. People crowbar breaks out tightly jammed doors.
He writes an eyewitness nick78rus: I do not know where to begin.
This is a rather unpleasant accident Saturday night in Volkhonka in which to remove the festering death ace deputy head of something, there CSS MIA
St. Petersburg police major, obviously posticheski refers to those laws that he was supposed to guard. And let to remove
himself - no one would have sobbed. But he puts away his two passengers, the driver of the car, not just to get me and a few others. Throughout
nonweak my driver's career never have I turned out to be in such an unpleasant situation. But perhaps I'll start from the beginning.
Actually, to tell a hundred times longer than all actually happened. It is necessary to understand and adequately assess the rate occurring on the road
processes. Photos are below, but here - text. Saturday evening, the sun at 20:35. By Volhonka comes from Pushkin to the Tallinn highway dense
line of cars. Go fast, 80-100, overtaking is very uncomfortable meet as dense flow with tears. Well, I'm somewhere in the stream,
calm and quiet. 600 meters to the Tallinn highway (for GPS-navigator) see in the left rearview mirror quickly the incident
xenon light. Again, I go in heavy traffic, intervals of 15 meters and a speed of about a hundred. What is scolding me for oncoming car
- God knows, just more than 150, is rapidly catching up. Then suddenly the time is compressed, the air becomes thick and nasty, tight and
loud as curved metal sheets. Nothing has happened, are still alive. But Anna had spilled the oil, and nothing can change.
Just a quick hair stand on end at the back of his neck, but all movements are slow and very stringy as in thick and viscous jelly.
Further - many bukf many story line - and only one and a half seconds of real time. The machine briefly drew level with me. This beautiful black "gelding" E-class, stained "in snot." I see him, I see a solid axle, for which he travels, appreciate its speed ("bypasses both standing"), I see in front of a bright sun shining on the counter ("some Jeep"). I - shit now doprygat, idiotina. I begin to shoot your foot off the gas (automatically, and traffic slowly, the time is almost worth it). The gelding has on the body in front of me, two body, three, has already surpassed ahead going. The solid axial bright shining brightly in the evening May sunshine. Towards the dark mass swoops fast jeep. Its speed is approximately equal to mine. Behind him can be seen even some cars, all too quickly, do not disassemble the parts. Braking has already begun, but the ABS is my silent - leg stupidly did not have time to push the pedal to the end. Before hitting oncoming cars on approximately 0, 1-0, 2 seconds. The speed of convergence, as I now realize, of 60-70 meters per second. For this split second "gelding" a couple of times jerks from side to side for 30-40 centimeters, but at the last moment rushes to the center, on a jeep to ram. Stopari had never lit up. I have time to think - buhoy, shit! Time more and more slowed down, coming to the bifurcation point, beyond which there will be nothing. The field of view is narrowed, leaving only the "Mercedes" and that,
what's going on right behind him on a narrow strip of road.
Another moment. Between gelding jeep and just a couple of meters bright sunlit
asphalt. Features jeep greased speed. Mercedes is seen very clearly, right and left of him on a meter of empty space.
And still is alive. Time is completely worth it, but inside the body feels downright physical pain from the rapidly growing
voltage. Mercedes albeit inadequate controls and bump against, but proud and stubborn will. Bandit, cop or a security officer. Now the Lord him
take, burn in hell. No options. It is these thugs always, sooner or later takes.
And after a pause nonexistent - and the terrible swift kick. BBBBBBBBAAMMMMM !!!
The body can no longer keep time, lets him go, and the picture is rapidly accelerating. Jeep tumbling sharp rises in Air ear and goes out of sight somewhere to the left, it obscures the black wave of heavy metal, glass and plastic debris shot up from the "Mercedes". Approximately in heavy rain clattered fall on lobovuhu strong cold wave, raised from the deep puddles oncoming truck. Debris covered the sky, flying straight at me. ABS chatters if it is slow clop-clop-clop be called chirping. Inside a cloud of debris can be seen rapidly whirling along the ground "Mercedes" out of him along the asphalt whipped butter and ohlazhdayka. "Mercedes" crushed and disfigured beyond recognition, so he stopped to spin and stopped in front of me. The wave of debris with a heavy roar finally descend on my car, scratching the face and injuring the windshield. What's around, I do not see at all. Before me only the hated black "Mercedes". Three-meter, two meters, the meter still ...
Now back to normal. My car is stationary, and with the hood, fenders, roof pillars crumble fragments of another glass. Before mutilated "Mercedes" left 50 centimeters. On the hood crumpled into a ball "Merce" shakes tied for the remains of the emblem dirty George Ribbon. Looking at the navigator - to Tallinn highway 500 meters.
All this is such a long and leisurely description, taken on the road exactly one and a half seconds from the appearance of "Merina" in the rearview mirror before the shot. But life is always so - what's going on for fifteen seconds, then always requires a long dreary hours on the design, nerves and patience.
And now, in fact, pictures in chronological order. Nervous and women - to go smoke a hookah.
The very first photo - three minutes. The men of the other machines have flooded the engine compartment and asphalt foam away from sin, and began to pick out of the car passengers. Their two. Driver pick out no one even tries - because no driver is no longer there.

"Mercedes" crushed by the left-pillar, the right is better. People crowbar breaks out tightly jammed doors.

two. In front of a young man, was not pristengnut. Pillow much dolbanula him in the face, but it seems that he was not so confident. Drunk
or stoned. A man lies motionless behind, not moving, barely breathing, and he clearly smelled of alcohol.
But the second party - the jeep.
Upon closer examination - Toyota Hilux Surf. An exceptionally strong car - the driver has not only survived, but also get out of it yourself,
limping. Clearly shows the benefits of high "kenguryatnik».

"Merce" meanwhile, continue to take passengers. Further obochie is marching in front of me "Deviatiny", right next to where
the collision occurred. A man smokes nervously, examining board.

The oil flows on the asphalt, and soles stick to it with a nasty sound.

Vitara spattered with oil, face covered in small ospinki to metal. Glass too Kock, at the top of the mirror crack.

Unscathed from "Merina" leaving only the back room.

First appeared on the scene cop was riding in the same column. "Outsiders, brothers, foreign ...»

"Merce" close-up. In front of her, on the border of the foam, is clearly visible trace of my braking - stopping point of my left front wheel.

It as tumbling "Surf", that here and so lay on the channel. Sorry, I have not seen.

Some time before the arrival of the first crew of traffic police had to organize the passage of cars. Cork Volkhonka was to the Kiev highway.

"Surf", the view from the bottom. A terrible blow took the whole power structure of the machine,
skew even the rear axle. In general, car restoration by no means to be. However, life master it honestly saved.

Live passengers from "Merce" taken out, the very first "fast" and took them. As it
talking into phones crew DPS officers arrived, "some unknown us soon they were taken." Now - the most exciting,
removing the corpse.

The car really sorry. It's not my fault that her boss - al.
According to the documents - police major, deputy chief of the Internal Security Ministry of the Interior something there in St. Petersburg. Surname, okay, is omitted. It becomes clear why he was running on an opposite. He, ****, with a cool iron eggs. If he was still alive, it is obvious that we are all affected by it, they would have been found guilty of attempting to murder him by prior agreement. I hate these people.
DPS on this occasion said that they saw him here at 140 two hours ago in the other direction, but could not catch up.
Especially inserted
his relatives. About an hour later ponaletela relatives howling and tears, but although Al guy more or less Russian, the howling relatives completely
Chechen-Armenian dagastanskogo spill. Wonderful we ethnic militia fucked your mother.

Once again my hood and lobovuha. The crack in all its glory. Because of this ace
purulent, which all of us nearly killed, will have to spend up to a fig of time and nerves, go to sledak order and wait for a new lobovuhu,
repair a brand new car ... The hell it - the place.

DPS crew completely blocked the move - on a long three hours. Here is the scene of the accident. The point of impact - about midway between
"Merce" and "Surf", a meter away from the center in this strip.

It is clearly seen how from the "Mercedes" flew butter until it twisted.

We are waiting for the brigade of meat extract.

A team of extracting meat begins to cut the car.

Here is the answer to the question, the driver "Surf" has managed to survive. Rudder something - right. On the left, too, everything went nafig, and the right - nothing. Taken
from the top, through the broken window.

Rescuers recovered meat.

I did not know that the fire brigade take to serve the young little girls!

Meat recovered, begins stripping metal.

Dragged several times. Dalnoboev in the cockpit, stood three hours in the first
row shows observed as a TV. Flying ace, covered with a shroud, lying on the roadside. Wailing relatives of the Chechen-Dagestani Armenian-
spill somewhere sebalis, which is typical.

After stripping the iron (a jeep is still hanging on the beam channels) my way out of the hoses. Many oils, glass and iron.

Then it was dark, it became impossible to shoot. And, in general, more completely routine.
Cop authorities of different levels. How, big shot died.
His colleagues arrived. I really liked the logic of these comrades
clean hands, warm heart and a cool head. When reading my
explanations, explanations of other people and realized that he was the fool, then
began to whine - "He was distracted, the sun shone ... if it had not flashed,
I would have survived. " And I say this - Hotel. That is to be worn on an opposite and
kill all your car - this is normal. The main thing - do not be distracted.
Serves him right, and there he and the road. Well, that anyone with a not taken.
In addition to his passengers that not a fact that will survive.
Then quite routine. Huge pile of papers, the scheme of road accident, a trip to Borovo ... as usual in such cases.
My next car will be a huge kangaroo Pafik and thick
strong rapids. Because of such aces can protect
Only thick metal layer. And most importantly - do not leave them alive.
Otherwise, with such insignia, post links and relatives blame
you'll always be. For that he stood in his way, speeding drunk on
vstrechke with double speeding.
PS: All Sunday in the ass :(