Why the job of a sysadmin is always fun
Fifty one million fifty three thousand one hundred thirty five
I worked as a system administrator, went on calls. One day he called excited employees of one small firm. They were not working 1C, lost network and Internet, and nothing worked. Come, ask:
— Where is the server? He previously stood here.
— What other server?
"These," pointing to a table in the corner of the Cabinet. — Where you moved?
— Oh, so this desktop computer was, but no they did not use. So we decided the kids from the orphanage to donate.
via factroom.ru
I worked as a system administrator, went on calls. One day he called excited employees of one small firm. They were not working 1C, lost network and Internet, and nothing worked. Come, ask:
— Where is the server? He previously stood here.
— What other server?
"These," pointing to a table in the corner of the Cabinet. — Where you moved?
— Oh, so this desktop computer was, but no they did not use. So we decided the kids from the orphanage to donate.
via factroom.ru