It's hard to be the boss. Very smiled)))
They do not like me, the staff, and, on the other hand, well, for what they love me? Bonuses I slammed them? Thundered. Dress this fucking code entered. How different? With these yuppie huyappi humanly impossible. Macaques, blya.S the other hand, do not overdo it would ...
- Such gloomy thoughts from yesterday settled in virgin bald head Sergei Pavlovich poor. It must be something to do with it! -thick Sleek foot thoughtfully pushed the red button intercom.
-Svetik ... Mmm ... you do it, for yesterday's not mad? It's not me talking, it's ugly cognac telling you all this. Well, you know w ... redeem ...
-I Listen to you, Sergei Pavlovich! - Secretary -referenta voice was dry as the Gobi Desert in the summer.
-Khm! So Svetlana Arkadevna, get me a rubber products factory, which would produce a thing ... well ... let's say, on special order.
-Will Done ... vraschenets.
-Who? - I wanted to ask again poor, but the selector has mewed short beeps.
A couple of hours in the office of Sergei Pavlovich sat sullen personality in two identical leather jackets vetnamsko-Cherkizovsky tailoring.
-JSC "Eros-tehrez" - Pavlovich puzzled turned the stale business card in front of him sat sedately two unshaven men.
- Ekspartnaya rasiyskaya tyhnicheskaya ryzina, dear, - said one. I dyrektar-mirektar, and this is my friend Dzhonik, he's with me.
- You see what the problem is - Poor frantically loosened tie - I do not like the staff ...
-A! Listen! Mi tebe a strap -mapon sdelaim! Truncated satrudniki tybya for Any! Mi tebe hochesh gandon- mandon, hochish rezinovy faloimitator, hochesh woman goly, hochish gamasek ryzinavy that hochish, daragoy, we Dzhonik you did. Hochish new car? Tolka BEZ dakumentov?
Kill Paskuda! - Poor thought about Svetlana Arkadyevna and Duty smiled visitors.
-See You gentlemen ... I want to make a copy of the rubber itself.
-AAA! Shaitan! - Shook a dirty finger director, revealing a smile two rows of gold teeth.
-Dyrka The pope what size by Del awake? - I asked busily Dzhonik: Order it obviously was not surprised.
- What a hole! You are to me here! Right now I'll call the guards of the holes you have done in the ass!
To listen first! - Flushed Sergei Pavlovich. So I need a rubber copy me to deliver it to employees, so that, like the Japanese, they could have used her to break away, well, like, there Pendel to give her, say, a couple of gentle, so the atmosphere of tension removed macaques that, shit ... I am trying. Dates you horsemen, week! Grandmas Throw you on the account, will not be offended.
At the word "by" the faces of friends sorry stretched.
-A Mozhna nalichkay! -vydohnul Director of "Eros»
Okay ... Blow! A week later, look!
Exactly a week later in the hastily freed back room office adorned goblinoobraznoe rubber uebische in the old kostyumeUbogogo. To no one doubts, chest monster had a rubber plate "Giniralny derektar Poor" Erostehrez "JSC»
- Well, Svetik, znachitstsa, listen! -Sergei Pavlovich solemnly shook the air format A 4.
- I'm all ears! - She asks tenderly looked at his wrist bracelet decorated with straight from the tin.
Pavlovich pinned ochochkah thin, puffed out his cheeks and spoke:
Patamushta in our Kantor scaffold psihanevralagicheskaya apstanofka, prikazyvayyu
1. Pastavit f temnay room stuffed May.
2. fsem satrudnikam mozhna this scarecrow beat apzyvat huyami and foam smennay shoes.
3. You can not spoil a stuffed kastyum plivatstsa on nyue padzhygat, patamushta ryzinavaya Ana and I do no like and pazhar mozhet be al Etowah.
4. nicknames for ourselves to this or wakes.
Gendirektar JV miserable.
5 shtob was like yapontsef.
- Well, how?
- Seryozhenka! Shine! A bryuliki real?
- Sveta! Shit! I'm talking about the order! And you mitten razzyavila! - Pretending to frown Sergei Pavlovich.
- I catch every word, my lord! - Arkadevna gracefully demonstrated a deep decollete.
- Ugh! One thing on your mind! Call me ... tit? ... Er ... tits? ... Uh! Well, the hotel has a ... word popped up,
- Well, this one, which is the banquet beer forever blowing.
- A! System administrator. Genia.
- In-in! Otminetstrator ... sis temnyy.Muhoy!
- I call, I call ... -Svetlana retired fun shaking secretarial rounded hips.
-So Listen, Jack, here! -Ubogy Put his hands on the shoulders of the narrow sisadmina.Pervoe, fuck you in jeans go to work?
Unhappy administrator pressed himself into a chair in anticipation of the massacre.
-Second, I put it stuffed, well, you know ... I have to arrange next to her, this, the camera on the computer so I could watch everything.
-Vebkameru - Melancholy I noticed Genia.
- Yes, even dick put there! The main thing that observation was. And the record! Will you come to me to turn on the computer, every morning, in the nine- as a bayonet! Jeans and take off your vows. What stared ?! Go ebni couple of times on the doll, feel better! Dissolve the fucking hippie ... huipi. Znchitstsa I -in a business trip, you three days on the run-in equipment. Are you still here? Coming, ask!
A week later, refreshed and tanned Sergei Pavlovich carefully studied the flat screen of the laptop. Nearby, the T- shaped pose, leaning gently bobbed man in a baggy suit, in which hardly can be identified sysadmin Genia, older, due to a change of image, at least ten years.
- Now, Sergei Pavlovich, that this button twice click and watch online.
- Human language is spoken - Poor painfully bit his lower lip.
-Real-Time - immediately reacted Genia - that is, now, at this moment.
On the screen appeared poristorezinovoe monster, dressed in motley coat on top of Asian costume.
-Svetka! Blyaa-aah! Who is allowed? Location pajamas? !!!
Same tanned Svetlana Arkadevna bustling hen ran into the chief's office: - Turkmens come! And just yesterday removed the Uzbek ... and now do not have time ... savages gifts is they are ... as a sign of respect.
-A-Aa ... that's another thing ... - as always in moments of reverie Poor blinded in the air zagogulinu.Nu intricate, well ...
Accepted the superior posts "well, well" at their own expense, with the speed of Genia rattled the typewriter:
-And Here we write for a week ... ... you can scroll the double-speed mode ... -Wait a minute! Unwind here! And slow down ...
Bluish laptop screen showed lurid plump woman in a smart wig, confidently looking at stuffed, she whispered:
- ... Biryukova reading magazines in the workplace, Nikolai Moisseevich playing whist with the computer, the Bulls unhappy with his salary, and our Head of throws your instructions do not read ...
-ABOUT! Those guys myself ... - Sergei Pavlovich moved closer to the monitor - Come on come on, what else is there ?!
Glazed pedant with dignity in the former entered the dark room. Carefully looking around at the sides, with the words: "Dear Sergey Pavlovich, what can I do ..." office stuffed dandy walked around and bent low.
-Pyaltsev, Recently we ... - intrigued breathed Svetochka
-And Che is he doing? - I do not believe his eyes miserable.
- Uh ... like ... this same licks ... you ... that is stuffed ... - Genia pretended that nothing surprised.
-Pyaltsev, Say ... Hmm ... sensible, say, an employee? What? What we need here are young, mean, purposeful ... - bald head Sergei Pavlovich charmingly blushed. Cinema! Shit ... We turn next!
The computer ran accelerated nervous little people. Genia gave no comments on the course:
- Well, it's brought to you by Semenov, that is stuffed pie that she baked type. It asks the chief accountant assist entering ... it is not interesting ... Oh! Misha, your chauffeur, pritarabanil gift set of keys in his place at the apartment ... It is necessary to Yegoryev sterlyadyu- vacation in July, Shishkin asks in the decree, hunting kit ... again ... the Uzbeks or Kyrgyz ... fifth gown already ...
- Stop! Unwind a minute ... who is that? - Poor frowned.
Flimsy-looking man strongly ran into the room and all the fluff stuffed savory issuing a slap in the face, pulled vskolochennoy beard and as swiftly ran.
- Zybin ... Fool ... You wanted to fire him for a long time, but it's, like, there is specialist equipment and without the kind of way - Sveta grimaced in disgust of unpleasant memories, -You still with his wife, a corporate party a ride!
-And, Yes! Pomnyu- remember ... how ...
Half an hour later, Sergei Pavlovich poor, sipping coffee, complacently reasoned with himself:
-And Yet we have a good team to pick up, with the team we have ...., Sergei Pavlovich, and not think of that "we are ...", took another sip and pushed the button selector: Svetik, prepare please order dismissing this as his, Zybina that I ... um ... with the wording "does not fit into the team!"
© Kakaschenko
- Such gloomy thoughts from yesterday settled in virgin bald head Sergei Pavlovich poor. It must be something to do with it! -thick Sleek foot thoughtfully pushed the red button intercom.
-Svetik ... Mmm ... you do it, for yesterday's not mad? It's not me talking, it's ugly cognac telling you all this. Well, you know w ... redeem ...
-I Listen to you, Sergei Pavlovich! - Secretary -referenta voice was dry as the Gobi Desert in the summer.
-Khm! So Svetlana Arkadevna, get me a rubber products factory, which would produce a thing ... well ... let's say, on special order.
-Will Done ... vraschenets.
-Who? - I wanted to ask again poor, but the selector has mewed short beeps.
A couple of hours in the office of Sergei Pavlovich sat sullen personality in two identical leather jackets vetnamsko-Cherkizovsky tailoring.
-JSC "Eros-tehrez" - Pavlovich puzzled turned the stale business card in front of him sat sedately two unshaven men.
- Ekspartnaya rasiyskaya tyhnicheskaya ryzina, dear, - said one. I dyrektar-mirektar, and this is my friend Dzhonik, he's with me.
- You see what the problem is - Poor frantically loosened tie - I do not like the staff ...
-A! Listen! Mi tebe a strap -mapon sdelaim! Truncated satrudniki tybya for Any! Mi tebe hochesh gandon- mandon, hochish rezinovy faloimitator, hochesh woman goly, hochish gamasek ryzinavy that hochish, daragoy, we Dzhonik you did. Hochish new car? Tolka BEZ dakumentov?
Kill Paskuda! - Poor thought about Svetlana Arkadyevna and Duty smiled visitors.
-See You gentlemen ... I want to make a copy of the rubber itself.
-AAA! Shaitan! - Shook a dirty finger director, revealing a smile two rows of gold teeth.
-Dyrka The pope what size by Del awake? - I asked busily Dzhonik: Order it obviously was not surprised.
- What a hole! You are to me here! Right now I'll call the guards of the holes you have done in the ass!
To listen first! - Flushed Sergei Pavlovich. So I need a rubber copy me to deliver it to employees, so that, like the Japanese, they could have used her to break away, well, like, there Pendel to give her, say, a couple of gentle, so the atmosphere of tension removed macaques that, shit ... I am trying. Dates you horsemen, week! Grandmas Throw you on the account, will not be offended.
At the word "by" the faces of friends sorry stretched.
-A Mozhna nalichkay! -vydohnul Director of "Eros»
Okay ... Blow! A week later, look!
Exactly a week later in the hastily freed back room office adorned goblinoobraznoe rubber uebische in the old kostyumeUbogogo. To no one doubts, chest monster had a rubber plate "Giniralny derektar Poor" Erostehrez "JSC»
- Well, Svetik, znachitstsa, listen! -Sergei Pavlovich solemnly shook the air format A 4.
- I'm all ears! - She asks tenderly looked at his wrist bracelet decorated with straight from the tin.
Pavlovich pinned ochochkah thin, puffed out his cheeks and spoke:
Patamushta in our Kantor scaffold psihanevralagicheskaya apstanofka, prikazyvayyu
1. Pastavit f temnay room stuffed May.
2. fsem satrudnikam mozhna this scarecrow beat apzyvat huyami and foam smennay shoes.
3. You can not spoil a stuffed kastyum plivatstsa on nyue padzhygat, patamushta ryzinavaya Ana and I do no like and pazhar mozhet be al Etowah.
4. nicknames for ourselves to this or wakes.
Gendirektar JV miserable.
5 shtob was like yapontsef.
- Well, how?
- Seryozhenka! Shine! A bryuliki real?
- Sveta! Shit! I'm talking about the order! And you mitten razzyavila! - Pretending to frown Sergei Pavlovich.
- I catch every word, my lord! - Arkadevna gracefully demonstrated a deep decollete.
- Ugh! One thing on your mind! Call me ... tit? ... Er ... tits? ... Uh! Well, the hotel has a ... word popped up,
- Well, this one, which is the banquet beer forever blowing.
- A! System administrator. Genia.
- In-in! Otminetstrator ... sis temnyy.Muhoy!
- I call, I call ... -Svetlana retired fun shaking secretarial rounded hips.
-So Listen, Jack, here! -Ubogy Put his hands on the shoulders of the narrow sisadmina.Pervoe, fuck you in jeans go to work?
Unhappy administrator pressed himself into a chair in anticipation of the massacre.
-Second, I put it stuffed, well, you know ... I have to arrange next to her, this, the camera on the computer so I could watch everything.
-Vebkameru - Melancholy I noticed Genia.
- Yes, even dick put there! The main thing that observation was. And the record! Will you come to me to turn on the computer, every morning, in the nine- as a bayonet! Jeans and take off your vows. What stared ?! Go ebni couple of times on the doll, feel better! Dissolve the fucking hippie ... huipi. Znchitstsa I -in a business trip, you three days on the run-in equipment. Are you still here? Coming, ask!
A week later, refreshed and tanned Sergei Pavlovich carefully studied the flat screen of the laptop. Nearby, the T- shaped pose, leaning gently bobbed man in a baggy suit, in which hardly can be identified sysadmin Genia, older, due to a change of image, at least ten years.
- Now, Sergei Pavlovich, that this button twice click and watch online.
- Human language is spoken - Poor painfully bit his lower lip.
-Real-Time - immediately reacted Genia - that is, now, at this moment.
On the screen appeared poristorezinovoe monster, dressed in motley coat on top of Asian costume.
-Svetka! Blyaa-aah! Who is allowed? Location pajamas? !!!
Same tanned Svetlana Arkadevna bustling hen ran into the chief's office: - Turkmens come! And just yesterday removed the Uzbek ... and now do not have time ... savages gifts is they are ... as a sign of respect.
-A-Aa ... that's another thing ... - as always in moments of reverie Poor blinded in the air zagogulinu.Nu intricate, well ...
Accepted the superior posts "well, well" at their own expense, with the speed of Genia rattled the typewriter:
-And Here we write for a week ... ... you can scroll the double-speed mode ... -Wait a minute! Unwind here! And slow down ...
Bluish laptop screen showed lurid plump woman in a smart wig, confidently looking at stuffed, she whispered:
- ... Biryukova reading magazines in the workplace, Nikolai Moisseevich playing whist with the computer, the Bulls unhappy with his salary, and our Head of throws your instructions do not read ...
-ABOUT! Those guys myself ... - Sergei Pavlovich moved closer to the monitor - Come on come on, what else is there ?!
Glazed pedant with dignity in the former entered the dark room. Carefully looking around at the sides, with the words: "Dear Sergey Pavlovich, what can I do ..." office stuffed dandy walked around and bent low.
-Pyaltsev, Recently we ... - intrigued breathed Svetochka
-And Che is he doing? - I do not believe his eyes miserable.
- Uh ... like ... this same licks ... you ... that is stuffed ... - Genia pretended that nothing surprised.
-Pyaltsev, Say ... Hmm ... sensible, say, an employee? What? What we need here are young, mean, purposeful ... - bald head Sergei Pavlovich charmingly blushed. Cinema! Shit ... We turn next!
The computer ran accelerated nervous little people. Genia gave no comments on the course:
- Well, it's brought to you by Semenov, that is stuffed pie that she baked type. It asks the chief accountant assist entering ... it is not interesting ... Oh! Misha, your chauffeur, pritarabanil gift set of keys in his place at the apartment ... It is necessary to Yegoryev sterlyadyu- vacation in July, Shishkin asks in the decree, hunting kit ... again ... the Uzbeks or Kyrgyz ... fifth gown already ...
- Stop! Unwind a minute ... who is that? - Poor frowned.
Flimsy-looking man strongly ran into the room and all the fluff stuffed savory issuing a slap in the face, pulled vskolochennoy beard and as swiftly ran.
- Zybin ... Fool ... You wanted to fire him for a long time, but it's, like, there is specialist equipment and without the kind of way - Sveta grimaced in disgust of unpleasant memories, -You still with his wife, a corporate party a ride!
-And, Yes! Pomnyu- remember ... how ...
Half an hour later, Sergei Pavlovich poor, sipping coffee, complacently reasoned with himself:
-And Yet we have a good team to pick up, with the team we have ...., Sergei Pavlovich, and not think of that "we are ...", took another sip and pushed the button selector: Svetik, prepare please order dismissing this as his, Zybina that I ... um ... with the wording "does not fit into the team!"
© Kakaschenko