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Bloating: the 5 major causes of the problem

Gases are an unpleasant problem, which brings much inconvenience to anyone.

Although the causes of Gaza, quite a lot, the main factor affecting their appearance, is the food.

The inconvenience caused by gases, are of a personal and social nature. Rumbling in the abdomen and belching cause us shame in front of others.

Each of us can imagine a sticky situation when gases catch us at the most inopportune moment: during a meeting at work or a family dinner.

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If you are familiar to this problem, try to make a mint broth. It is equally important to avoid foods that can aggravate the situation.


1. The first thing you need to understand what foods lead to the formation of gasesSo, gases can be caused by these types of food, as:

  • Fiber (and the abuse of food with high fiber content and its deficit)
  • Dairy produce
  • Seeds and beans
  • Leaf lettuce
  • Sodas
  • Gum

It is important to establish what foods cause flatulence in your case, to exclude them from your diet.

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This problem has its own individual characteristics of each person. The formation of gas depends on the portability of certain types of food in each case.

This means that to prevent gas formation you need to carefully consider the choice of food.

Do not forget that every body in its own processes the incoming food. So if your friend can't eat seeds, that does not mean that you will have such a reaction.

Most often the culprits of the appearance of the gases becomes the following products:

  • Coffee
  • Various types of cabbage
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans)
  • Spicy foods (e.g., Chile)
  • Fatty and undercooked food
  • Carbonated and alcoholic beverages
  • Dairy products and yogurts
  • Some seasonings (e.g. curry)
  • Nuts and fruits (Apple, banana, peach, grapes)
 2. Eating in a hurryAlso gases can occur when we eat in a hurry and on the run. In this case, we do not have time to chew eat food.

That's why so many gases and belching bothering people experiencing tension, stress and nervous attacks of hunger.

Therefore, we recommend that you carefully approach the selection of food, but also to monitor their emotional health. Try to devote more time to herself.

It is very important to respect the meal is in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere effortlessly.


3. The medicationTaking certain medicines disrupts the production of necessary digestive enzymes.So it happens that the gases be a side effect of such treatment.

Think about exactly when you started to disturb Gaza. It is possible that the onset of the problem coincides with the beginning of the course of treatment with medicines.

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If so, tell us about it your doctor.Find out whether there is a relationship between you appointed treatment and gases. In this case, the doctor will tell you whether it is possible to choose a different treatment or prescribe additional drugs to protect your stomach.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to stop treatment without consulting with a medical professional, even if you're sure that it was the cause of gases.


4. Bowel problemsAlthough the most common cause of gas formation is hidden in the food, it is recommended to pay attention to how often you get gas.

Sometimes gases are a signal that our body is not all right.

Thus, the abundance of gas in the night hours is the main symptoms of such diseases as irritable bowel syndrome.

The main characteristic of this disorder is intolerance to many foods. In this case, the gases are accompanied by a severe abdominal pain and nausea.


5. Bacterial microfloraComing into the human body food does a surprisingly complex way.

When entering from small intestine to large intestine the food is partially digested.It was at this moment we accept only the bacteria of the intestinal microflora.

This process can lead to the formation of gases, which begin to seek a way out of our body.


How to get rid of gases?There are a large number of home recipes for you to calm a bloated stomach gases.

The most common and effective are herbal teas such medicinal plants as:

  • Chamomile
  • Anise
  • Different types of mint
  • Ginger
  • Fennel

It is recommended to try each of these teas in order to know which one is most effective in your individual case. In General, we can say that these plants bring good result.However, they do not have side effects.

Can try to take solution of Apple cider vinegar. To do this, add a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in 1 Cup of water. If desired, you can add a little lemon and baking soda.


What to do if too much gas?If gases are too many to control them is difficult, and treatment natural remedies does not bring results, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a gastroenterologist.

This specialist will be able to supply you a correct diagnosis and to identify the roots of the problem.

As we have said, the causes of gases may be different. Their detection will be the key to solving your problem.published 


The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: //steptohealth.ru/chastye-gazy-5-osnovnyh-prichin-problemy/