Turmeric: unique spice and remedy
Turmeric (turmeric) spice and effective medicationTurmeric, or turmeric, belongs to the ginger family. Is a great therapeutic and prophylactic means, as well as is among the most popular spices used in many dishes around the world.
Turmeric: a spice and Medicineit is Noteworthy that the use of the drug from turmeric on the effectiveness of equivalent courses of chemotherapy, only there are no side effects. This property was discovered by accident when the oncologists in an attempt to save the lives of a group of patients of 15 people with bowel cancer at stage 4, already tried all possible options, including radiotherapy. In the end, a third of patients with cancer have been suspended.
If we talk about the spices, it is worth mentioning the curry, which he included along with the cumin, cardamom and fenugreek. Also required to add black pepper. It improves the absorbability of the active substances of turmeric, thus increasing the efficiency of its use.
In the composition of curry turmeric is 20% and is the main ingredient, so in the absence of readily available condiments is always possible to make a similar mix based on it. You will need:
Since the root of turmeric is the equivalent of the dust out of it, 1 cm it is equal to 1/4 teaspoon if adding to soups, salads and other preparing meals and drinks.
In the medical literature indicate that to achieve the desired therapeutic effect you need (depending on what is required) added to food by a quarter to a full teaspoon of powder of this plant. You can also eat the root raw or finished form. The only difference is that after heat treatment it produces a different therapeutic effect than before.
Features and contraindicationsthe Use of seasonings on the basis and with the use of turmeric is highly recommended to stop those who have:
It should be mentioned that the use of the individual components of turmeric for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer, is not even as effective as their application as additives to dishes and various drinks. Useful properties of the product are enhanced with the addition of soy and a Cup of green tea after meals will strengthen preventive anti-cancer effect.
Time does not stand still: diseases develop, multiply medicines and drugs, now it is difficult to be cured by eating fruits. However, turmeric is still recommended to eat because it is rich in nutritive and medicinal substances so that it refers to the so-called "food powerhouses".
Analogues of turmericAmong the medicines, many of those that turmeric can replace in terms of its impact due to the large number under its composition of micronutrients and minerals. Among them:
The bioavailability ofthe Active therapeutic substance in the composition of turmeric is manifested only in certain combinations. So, the water will not have any effect, but the addition of oils and fats will have a positive effect on digestibility. Mix turmeric with anti-inflammatory vegetable oils is not recommended, because then clogged its own effect. The combination with the natural fats will increase the volume of the blood flow in 7-8 times.
The addition of a mixture of a small pinch of black pepper (not more than 20 parts of a teaspoon) increases the level of absorbability in 20 times. However, it is recommended that the additive not to abuse, not to reverse it in the negative.
The activity of turmericResearch scientists from different countries have repeatedly shown that the level of activity of turmeric depends on its integrity. Thus, the use of drugs based on it helps weaker than the application part of the root or powder from it in the treatment process.
Externally, the turmeric root is similar to ginger, only a little more "skinny". Color – gold, as if fluorescent. As a replacement you can buy a powder/dust from it, or buy a curry, which includes the crushed root.
As already mentioned, turmeric different manifests its therapeutic properties, depending on, whether it is subjected to the treatment. So:
It is also recommended to pour turmeric in the vegetables and dishes from them, as well as some types of fruit smoothies, you only need a quarter or half a teaspoon of crushed root.
RecipesOne of the recipes turmeric with vegetables as follows. For cooking you will need:
Turmeric add below:
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //online-detox.com/articles/112229-turmerik-unikalnaya-spetsiya-i-tselebnoe-sredstvo

Turmeric: a spice and Medicineit is Noteworthy that the use of the drug from turmeric on the effectiveness of equivalent courses of chemotherapy, only there are no side effects. This property was discovered by accident when the oncologists in an attempt to save the lives of a group of patients of 15 people with bowel cancer at stage 4, already tried all possible options, including radiotherapy. In the end, a third of patients with cancer have been suspended.
If we talk about the spices, it is worth mentioning the curry, which he included along with the cumin, cardamom and fenugreek. Also required to add black pepper. It improves the absorbability of the active substances of turmeric, thus increasing the efficiency of its use.
In the composition of curry turmeric is 20% and is the main ingredient, so in the absence of readily available condiments is always possible to make a similar mix based on it. You will need:
- turmeric, 1,4 tsp;
- olive oil, 0.5 tsp.;
- pinch of black pepper.

Since the root of turmeric is the equivalent of the dust out of it, 1 cm it is equal to 1/4 teaspoon if adding to soups, salads and other preparing meals and drinks.
In the medical literature indicate that to achieve the desired therapeutic effect you need (depending on what is required) added to food by a quarter to a full teaspoon of powder of this plant. You can also eat the root raw or finished form. The only difference is that after heat treatment it produces a different therapeutic effect than before.
Features and contraindicationsthe Use of seasonings on the basis and with the use of turmeric is highly recommended to stop those who have:
- cholelithiasis. Active substances cause contraction of the gallbladder that only will provoke a repeated attack;
- kidney stones disease. Oxalates bind with calcium and the effect similar to the above.
It should be mentioned that the use of the individual components of turmeric for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer, is not even as effective as their application as additives to dishes and various drinks. Useful properties of the product are enhanced with the addition of soy and a Cup of green tea after meals will strengthen preventive anti-cancer effect.
Time does not stand still: diseases develop, multiply medicines and drugs, now it is difficult to be cured by eating fruits. However, turmeric is still recommended to eat because it is rich in nutritive and medicinal substances so that it refers to the so-called "food powerhouses".
Analogues of turmericAmong the medicines, many of those that turmeric can replace in terms of its impact due to the large number under its composition of micronutrients and minerals. Among them:
- aspirin (used to thin the blood);
- imipramine and corticosteroids;
- lipitor (anti cholesterol);
- flux, prozac (antidepressants);
- ibuprofen, indomethacin, dexamethasone, diclofenac, naproxen (anti-inflammatory effect);
- tamoxifen (medication against cancer);
- Metformin (used by diabetics).
The bioavailability ofthe Active therapeutic substance in the composition of turmeric is manifested only in certain combinations. So, the water will not have any effect, but the addition of oils and fats will have a positive effect on digestibility. Mix turmeric with anti-inflammatory vegetable oils is not recommended, because then clogged its own effect. The combination with the natural fats will increase the volume of the blood flow in 7-8 times.
The addition of a mixture of a small pinch of black pepper (not more than 20 parts of a teaspoon) increases the level of absorbability in 20 times. However, it is recommended that the additive not to abuse, not to reverse it in the negative.
The activity of turmericResearch scientists from different countries have repeatedly shown that the level of activity of turmeric depends on its integrity. Thus, the use of drugs based on it helps weaker than the application part of the root or powder from it in the treatment process.
Externally, the turmeric root is similar to ginger, only a little more "skinny". Color – gold, as if fluorescent. As a replacement you can buy a powder/dust from it, or buy a curry, which includes the crushed root.
As already mentioned, turmeric different manifests its therapeutic properties, depending on, whether it is subjected to the treatment. So:
- cooked active substances protect the genetic material from mutations due to the transfer of any diseases and environmental influences;
- raw turmeric works effectively as an anti-inflammatory.
It is also recommended to pour turmeric in the vegetables and dishes from them, as well as some types of fruit smoothies, you only need a quarter or half a teaspoon of crushed root.

RecipesOne of the recipes turmeric with vegetables as follows. For cooking you will need:
- olive oil/butter;
- grated root/powder of turmeric;
- cauliflower/broccoli/asparagus;
- Sol (stone, aka cooking);
- the black pepper powder.
Turmeric add below:
- to get a charge of vivacity. Powder osypaetsya in cocoa, smoothies, coffee, mocha, latte or more. The main thing – the presence of fluid in the fats;
- calm. The powder interferes with the bone broth which is consumed before bedtime.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //online-detox.com/articles/112229-turmerik-unikalnaya-spetsiya-i-tselebnoe-sredstvo
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