Popular spice protects against cancer, depression and diabetes

Popular spice turmeric, used in curry may help a person to fight a number of diseases. During the research it has shown to be effective against cancer, depression and diabetes.
Seasoning turmeric, mustard through which acquires its characteristic yellow color, is effective in the treatment of many dangerous diseases from cancer to depression. This is the conclusion, researchers from the University of Texas, who undertook a study of the impact on the body of the plant. They emphasize that science knows a lot about the effect of curcumin - turmeric component. But most of the information is much less turmeric.
Meanwhile, many centuries, this plant is used in folk medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases, bowel problems, hepatitis, infectious diseases and blood disorders. Modern science confirms the effectiveness of turmeric in the fight against all of the above diseases. Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs based on turmeric various ingredients, including polyphenols, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenoids, sterols and alkaloids.
Turmeric is 2-5% of the curcumin, and it is the most studied of its components. Although a beneficial effect on the organism can be explained turmeric contained therein curcumin, other plant ingredients unrelated to him. American study has shown antimicrobial, antimutagenic, radioprotective, anticancer and antiparasitic potential of turmeric. And experiments on researchers show that this spice is effective in the fight against cancer and neurodegenerative diseases as well as diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis and depression.
Hot spice helps prevent stroke
Traditional Indian food seasoning turmeric may help prevent hemorrhagic stroke, say doctors at the University of Georgia, USA. Experts have come to that conclusion, it is estimated that the substance contained in turmeric - polyphenol - significantly reduces the size of blood lumps
. Traditional Indian spice turmeric, may become one of the recognized means of prevention of stroke. At its root includes curcumin compound that is able to reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage and bleeding caused by rupture of blood vessels. Typically, in such cases, surgical intervention is assigned, but the use of curcumin is able to do without the surgeon's scalpel.
According to modern stastike, about 17% of strokes - hemorrhagic. Characteristic they are for people with high blood pressure and the symptoms of persistent headache and nausea. Now, perhaps, a new method for the treatment and prevention of these types of stroke. Polyphenols, part of curcumin reduces the size of blood lumps. This is probably due to the action of antipodstrekatelnymi and antioxidant characteristics of curcumin. The conducted experiments on mice have shown that the timely introduction of the blood etog supplements will avoid many of the hemorrhage and internal bleeding.
Turmeric save from liver cirrhosis
The researchers found that blood vegans 8 times more effectively resists cancer cells