As a student techie revealed his creativity right in the exam
When I was starting my teaching career, I had the opportunity to work in one technical high school. Among all students were allocated one ugly kid straight a's. For all two semesters during which I taught in its group, this guy received no other assessments except "5".
It's time for my exam. The audience went the same student, bought a ticket and went to get ready for school. At first I was surprised, because even to complex questions, he immediately gave detailed answers. It's been 15, 20, 30 minutes, and this student was sitting, her head bent over a piece of paper, and something there nervously wrote it down. After another 15 minutes I broke down and called him:
— Ivanov, you may have to answer go?
The student looked scared at me and asked for five more minutes. And then another five. After some time the boy finally gathered courage and headed in my direction. Put in front of me a sheet with the answer and says:
— You excuse, the answers of the theory in the poems I've written in 20 minutes, the rest of the time had to rhyme task.
via factroom.ru