10 psychological techniques that always work
Sometimes ordinary communication skills are not enough to talk to a complex person. Then you have to use some special tricks to win the interlocutor to his side and explain his point of view to him.
Website He collected for the reader ten effective techniques that help to influence the interlocutor.
It is said that Franklin, having decided to favor a man to whom he himself was not very pleasant, borrowed a rare book from him. Having received it, Franklin warmly thanked the man, thereby causing him a feeling of sympathy. He eventually became one of Benjamin Franklin’s best friends. And modern scientists, having tested this theory, have confirmed that a person begins to treat more favorably the person to whom he did some favor.
Use affirmative nods The more you nod your head, listening to your interlocutor, the faster you will arrange him to yourself. When a person sees that he is listened to and agrees with him, he subconsciously becomes more trusting and open to communication.
Ask the interlocutor more to achieve the desired If at the beginning of the negotiations to voice some overstated requirements, then their execution is likely to be refused. But if you first ask to do something impossible, and then step back and ask for exactly what you need, you get it. The person who refused your first request will feel rather awkward, so happy to accept an easier task.
Rephrase the statements of the interlocutor and use them in conversation People believe better those who understand them and express a consonant opinion on any issue. Therefore, it is important to learn to listen to people, paraphrase their own thoughts, and then voice them as their own. Then your interlocutor will believe that you are on the same wavelength, which means that your cooperation is doomed to success.
This simple technique was opened by Dale Carnegie, the author of many books on psychology. The constant repetition of a person’s name confirms his importance in your life and, therefore, makes him softer in communication.
You can argue hoarsely if you do not share the opinion of the interlocutor on a topic, but most often such discussions do not give any results. Just try to understand the position of the interlocutor and try to stand on his side, then you will easily find a common language with him.
Mirror reflection of the gestures of the interlocutor, his manners and even the style of speech on your part makes him understand that you like him. If a person notices that you unobtrusively copy him, then this will flatter him and set him up in a welcoming manner.
If you start the conversation not with an impossible request, but with a tempting offer, then your interlocutor will be interested. And if he has an interest to participate in the common cause, then he will readily fulfill almost any of your requests.
If you see that your interlocutor is all right with self-esteem, then safely use flattery and praise him. But do not apply this technique to people with low self-esteem, it causes them dislike and desire to quickly end the conversation. But in any case, the statement of compliments should not look strained or tortured.
It sounds a little strange, but in fact, a tired person is much more receptive to various requests than a cheerful and full of energy. If you ask a tired person for help, he will answer that he will help you, but tomorrow. And the next day, your interlocutor will fulfill his promise, because he will be embarrassed to abandon it.
via listverse.com/2013/02/03/10-psychology-tricks-you-can-use-to-influence-people/

Website He collected for the reader ten effective techniques that help to influence the interlocutor.
It is said that Franklin, having decided to favor a man to whom he himself was not very pleasant, borrowed a rare book from him. Having received it, Franklin warmly thanked the man, thereby causing him a feeling of sympathy. He eventually became one of Benjamin Franklin’s best friends. And modern scientists, having tested this theory, have confirmed that a person begins to treat more favorably the person to whom he did some favor.
Use affirmative nods The more you nod your head, listening to your interlocutor, the faster you will arrange him to yourself. When a person sees that he is listened to and agrees with him, he subconsciously becomes more trusting and open to communication.
Ask the interlocutor more to achieve the desired If at the beginning of the negotiations to voice some overstated requirements, then their execution is likely to be refused. But if you first ask to do something impossible, and then step back and ask for exactly what you need, you get it. The person who refused your first request will feel rather awkward, so happy to accept an easier task.
Rephrase the statements of the interlocutor and use them in conversation People believe better those who understand them and express a consonant opinion on any issue. Therefore, it is important to learn to listen to people, paraphrase their own thoughts, and then voice them as their own. Then your interlocutor will believe that you are on the same wavelength, which means that your cooperation is doomed to success.
This simple technique was opened by Dale Carnegie, the author of many books on psychology. The constant repetition of a person’s name confirms his importance in your life and, therefore, makes him softer in communication.
You can argue hoarsely if you do not share the opinion of the interlocutor on a topic, but most often such discussions do not give any results. Just try to understand the position of the interlocutor and try to stand on his side, then you will easily find a common language with him.
Mirror reflection of the gestures of the interlocutor, his manners and even the style of speech on your part makes him understand that you like him. If a person notices that you unobtrusively copy him, then this will flatter him and set him up in a welcoming manner.
If you start the conversation not with an impossible request, but with a tempting offer, then your interlocutor will be interested. And if he has an interest to participate in the common cause, then he will readily fulfill almost any of your requests.
If you see that your interlocutor is all right with self-esteem, then safely use flattery and praise him. But do not apply this technique to people with low self-esteem, it causes them dislike and desire to quickly end the conversation. But in any case, the statement of compliments should not look strained or tortured.
It sounds a little strange, but in fact, a tired person is much more receptive to various requests than a cheerful and full of energy. If you ask a tired person for help, he will answer that he will help you, but tomorrow. And the next day, your interlocutor will fulfill his promise, because he will be embarrassed to abandon it.
via listverse.com/2013/02/03/10-psychology-tricks-you-can-use-to-influence-people/
The day my mom came to get younger brother to go to bed
I bet you've never seen dogs in this perspective?