5 Easy Steps to feel like a genius.
Many wondered about the superhuman intelligence.
Being the smartest person on the planet.
But alas, unfortunately it is not given to us.
But to learn a few tricks to impress, it is possible.
So, a little bit of practice and you will succeed ...
1. Very fast read
The ability to quickly read does not require a high IQ, but it makes an impression on people's mind blowing. Learning that any person in a couple of days, provided that already knows how to read in any way. The fact is that you just need to get rid of some of the shortcomings, slow down the process. For your eyes only natural to read the text of "choppy", so you have to periodically go back through the text back and reread some places. Because of this, 30% of the time you spend on reading, is wasted. And you need only get used to slip through the eyes of only the line where you are reading, and only move forward. To get started is to use a pointer - Keep the lines with a pencil or pen. Then Stuff to do so without the materials at hand. To assess the success, pinpoint the time - so you will know how much reading for a minute before and after the application of a technique. Put a goal, leading the lines pointer, read the text twice. After some practice you will get the results - the brain is very easy to be reconstructed on the "correct" reading. You realize it or not, but reading, we pronounce the word in my head, and it slows down the reading. Eyes can view the line three times faster while fully perceive the information. Just look at the line and do not try to pronounce each word clearly to himself, as you used to do. Yes, all as always - you stop your own inner voice. Once you get used to do without it, you will begin to demonstrate their abilities to others.
2. To collect the Rubik's cube in minutes
5 so-called genius skills that anyone can learn to agree, it would be great to have superhuman intelligence. One could, for example, effectively be declared somewhere, as Dr. House or Sherlock Holmes, and show everyone that your brain works twice as fast as they have. Unfortunately, just go and become a genius you are unlikely to be able, just could not help genetics and education. But you can learn a few simple techniques that are guaranteed to impress most intelligent person. So, a bit of practice and you will be able to ... 1. Very fast read 5 so-called genius skills that can teach anyone the ability to quickly read does not require a high IQ, but it makes an impression on people's mind blowing. Learning that any person in a couple of days, provided that already knows how to read in any way. The fact is that you just need to get rid of some of the shortcomings, slow down the process. For your eyes only natural to read the text of "choppy", so you have to periodically go back through the text back and reread some places. Because of this, 30% of the time you spend on reading, is wasted. And you need only get used to slip through the eyes of only the line where you are reading, and only move forward. To get started is to use a pointer - Keep the lines with a pencil or pen. Then Stuff to do so without the materials at hand. To assess the success, pinpoint the time - so you will know how much reading for a minute before and after the application of a technique. Put a goal, leading the lines pointer, read the text twice. After some practice you will get the results - the brain is very easy to be reconstructed on the "correct" reading. You realize it or not, but reading, we pronounce the word in my head, and it slows down the reading. Eyes can view the line three times faster while fully perceive the information. Just look at the line and do not try to pronounce each word clearly to himself, as you used to do. Yes, all as always - you stop your own inner voice. Once you get used to do without it, you will begin to demonstrate their abilities to others. 2. To collect the Rubik's cube for 5 minutes so-called genius skills that anyone can learn to Rubik's Cube has appeared in the 1980s and immediately became a sensation. The average man to solve the puzzle may take a few hours (there are 519 trillion combinations to solve this problem). It seems rather difficult, is not it? In fact, in order to quickly assemble a Rubik's Cube, is not required to possess superhuman spatial and logical thinking. All you need - to learn how to memorize. Puzzle looks so complex, because it seems that each part moves around all the others; Meanwhile, in the Rubik's cube has only three types of sites: the edge, corner and in the center. The first task - to form (.pdf) «white cross" on one of the fields, and then - just to pick it up the field entirely and move to the next. By the way, the official website of the puzzle is laid out a manual quick start collecting from any combination.
3. To win a game of chess for a few moves
Sure, chess - a game geniuses. If there are Olympic Games for the brain, it is the chess competition. The game requires the ability to think several moves ahead. To achieve the ultimate goal - to remove from the board the opponent's king - may require very, very many moves. But there are a few simple techniques, and can be used to impress new players-that is, about 99% of the people with whom you will be playing. In most cases, the tactics of the victory provides for a couple of moves, and it is great not only because it will have to play long, but also because any newcomer eventually will think you are a great master, and will not play with you again. One way - the famous "Children's mat." Usually it is put with white pieces, because white always moves first. First move - pawn on e4. The second - an elephant on c4. The third - the queen on h5. Fourth - queen to f7. The bottom line is that the queen is attacking field f7, and the elephant protects it from the opponent's pieces. So the white queen is a person on a cell on a diagonal from the black king (the king stands on the cell e8), which can make only one step forward. It automatically falls under attack queen.
4. To make the mind complex mathematical calculations
Even if you are not strong in mathematics, there are many ways to make others believe that you - a human calculator. The secret is that you need to quickly perform calculations, and this trick can be learned relatively easily. There are hundreds of ways to inculcate the habit of your mind "cheating" in the calculations. For example, to multiply two large numbers of different figures, the easiest way to do this simplification. A simple example: 32 × 125 - n, yes, quite difficult. 16 × 250 - still not very easy. 8 × 500 - almost considered. 4 × 1000 = 4000 - a breeze! That's the whole secret.
5. To master the method of deduction, Sherlock Holmes
The most memorable feature of the image of the famous detective is his method of deductive reasoning - superhuman ability of small, seemingly detail accurately reconstruct past human or picture of events. But there is nothing supernatural. All you need - to use Forer effect. In 1948 psychologist Forer Betren an experiment. He gave his students a special test to its results to analyze their personalities. However, instead of this individual characteristics, he gave all the same vague text taken from the horoscope. He then asked each student on a scale to assess the conformity of their personality descriptions of reality - the average assessment was 4, 26. Subsequently, the experiment was repeated hundreds of times. The text was something like this: "You really need to other people you loved and admired. You are quite self-critical. Do you have a lot of hidden opportunities that you did not use to their advantage. While you have some personal weaknesses, you are generally able to neutralize them. Disciplined and self-assured in appearance, in fact you tend to worry and feel insecure. At times you have serious doubts include as to whether you have made the right decision, or whether the right thing to do. " And stuff like that. The trick is to talk as much as possible generalized, vague and inconsistent. Almost all want to be understood, and be happy to play along. The main thing, remember that their "sverhlogiku" to properly present - show the other person how you find it difficult, for example, furrowed his brow as a sign of deep thought, rub your chin, carefully looks around opponent. Pause between the "revelations." Looks like you can more confidently, and then you can safely apply to join the ranks of the, if not the great detective, at least psychics.
Source: vk.com
Being the smartest person on the planet.
But alas, unfortunately it is not given to us.
But to learn a few tricks to impress, it is possible.
So, a little bit of practice and you will succeed ...
1. Very fast read

The ability to quickly read does not require a high IQ, but it makes an impression on people's mind blowing. Learning that any person in a couple of days, provided that already knows how to read in any way. The fact is that you just need to get rid of some of the shortcomings, slow down the process. For your eyes only natural to read the text of "choppy", so you have to periodically go back through the text back and reread some places. Because of this, 30% of the time you spend on reading, is wasted. And you need only get used to slip through the eyes of only the line where you are reading, and only move forward. To get started is to use a pointer - Keep the lines with a pencil or pen. Then Stuff to do so without the materials at hand. To assess the success, pinpoint the time - so you will know how much reading for a minute before and after the application of a technique. Put a goal, leading the lines pointer, read the text twice. After some practice you will get the results - the brain is very easy to be reconstructed on the "correct" reading. You realize it or not, but reading, we pronounce the word in my head, and it slows down the reading. Eyes can view the line three times faster while fully perceive the information. Just look at the line and do not try to pronounce each word clearly to himself, as you used to do. Yes, all as always - you stop your own inner voice. Once you get used to do without it, you will begin to demonstrate their abilities to others.
2. To collect the Rubik's cube in minutes

5 so-called genius skills that anyone can learn to agree, it would be great to have superhuman intelligence. One could, for example, effectively be declared somewhere, as Dr. House or Sherlock Holmes, and show everyone that your brain works twice as fast as they have. Unfortunately, just go and become a genius you are unlikely to be able, just could not help genetics and education. But you can learn a few simple techniques that are guaranteed to impress most intelligent person. So, a bit of practice and you will be able to ... 1. Very fast read 5 so-called genius skills that can teach anyone the ability to quickly read does not require a high IQ, but it makes an impression on people's mind blowing. Learning that any person in a couple of days, provided that already knows how to read in any way. The fact is that you just need to get rid of some of the shortcomings, slow down the process. For your eyes only natural to read the text of "choppy", so you have to periodically go back through the text back and reread some places. Because of this, 30% of the time you spend on reading, is wasted. And you need only get used to slip through the eyes of only the line where you are reading, and only move forward. To get started is to use a pointer - Keep the lines with a pencil or pen. Then Stuff to do so without the materials at hand. To assess the success, pinpoint the time - so you will know how much reading for a minute before and after the application of a technique. Put a goal, leading the lines pointer, read the text twice. After some practice you will get the results - the brain is very easy to be reconstructed on the "correct" reading. You realize it or not, but reading, we pronounce the word in my head, and it slows down the reading. Eyes can view the line three times faster while fully perceive the information. Just look at the line and do not try to pronounce each word clearly to himself, as you used to do. Yes, all as always - you stop your own inner voice. Once you get used to do without it, you will begin to demonstrate their abilities to others. 2. To collect the Rubik's cube for 5 minutes so-called genius skills that anyone can learn to Rubik's Cube has appeared in the 1980s and immediately became a sensation. The average man to solve the puzzle may take a few hours (there are 519 trillion combinations to solve this problem). It seems rather difficult, is not it? In fact, in order to quickly assemble a Rubik's Cube, is not required to possess superhuman spatial and logical thinking. All you need - to learn how to memorize. Puzzle looks so complex, because it seems that each part moves around all the others; Meanwhile, in the Rubik's cube has only three types of sites: the edge, corner and in the center. The first task - to form (.pdf) «white cross" on one of the fields, and then - just to pick it up the field entirely and move to the next. By the way, the official website of the puzzle is laid out a manual quick start collecting from any combination.
3. To win a game of chess for a few moves

Sure, chess - a game geniuses. If there are Olympic Games for the brain, it is the chess competition. The game requires the ability to think several moves ahead. To achieve the ultimate goal - to remove from the board the opponent's king - may require very, very many moves. But there are a few simple techniques, and can be used to impress new players-that is, about 99% of the people with whom you will be playing. In most cases, the tactics of the victory provides for a couple of moves, and it is great not only because it will have to play long, but also because any newcomer eventually will think you are a great master, and will not play with you again. One way - the famous "Children's mat." Usually it is put with white pieces, because white always moves first. First move - pawn on e4. The second - an elephant on c4. The third - the queen on h5. Fourth - queen to f7. The bottom line is that the queen is attacking field f7, and the elephant protects it from the opponent's pieces. So the white queen is a person on a cell on a diagonal from the black king (the king stands on the cell e8), which can make only one step forward. It automatically falls under attack queen.
4. To make the mind complex mathematical calculations

Even if you are not strong in mathematics, there are many ways to make others believe that you - a human calculator. The secret is that you need to quickly perform calculations, and this trick can be learned relatively easily. There are hundreds of ways to inculcate the habit of your mind "cheating" in the calculations. For example, to multiply two large numbers of different figures, the easiest way to do this simplification. A simple example: 32 × 125 - n, yes, quite difficult. 16 × 250 - still not very easy. 8 × 500 - almost considered. 4 × 1000 = 4000 - a breeze! That's the whole secret.
5. To master the method of deduction, Sherlock Holmes

The most memorable feature of the image of the famous detective is his method of deductive reasoning - superhuman ability of small, seemingly detail accurately reconstruct past human or picture of events. But there is nothing supernatural. All you need - to use Forer effect. In 1948 psychologist Forer Betren an experiment. He gave his students a special test to its results to analyze their personalities. However, instead of this individual characteristics, he gave all the same vague text taken from the horoscope. He then asked each student on a scale to assess the conformity of their personality descriptions of reality - the average assessment was 4, 26. Subsequently, the experiment was repeated hundreds of times. The text was something like this: "You really need to other people you loved and admired. You are quite self-critical. Do you have a lot of hidden opportunities that you did not use to their advantage. While you have some personal weaknesses, you are generally able to neutralize them. Disciplined and self-assured in appearance, in fact you tend to worry and feel insecure. At times you have serious doubts include as to whether you have made the right decision, or whether the right thing to do. " And stuff like that. The trick is to talk as much as possible generalized, vague and inconsistent. Almost all want to be understood, and be happy to play along. The main thing, remember that their "sverhlogiku" to properly present - show the other person how you find it difficult, for example, furrowed his brow as a sign of deep thought, rub your chin, carefully looks around opponent. Pause between the "revelations." Looks like you can more confidently, and then you can safely apply to join the ranks of the, if not the great detective, at least psychics.
Source: vk.com