Supernatural human abilities

On the topic of supernatural abilities philosophers of all time have discussions. They agreed only on what is most important to identify these abilities is the analysis of a person's life. Plays the role of everything from living conditions and social circle, to the period of time during which the person owns a particular feature.
What is the ability? The term "capacity" is used quite widely. B. M. Teplov, doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, head of laboratory "Psychology of individual differences", has identified this term three concepts:
— "ability" is not any individual human characteristics, but only those that are directly related to the perfect execution of any activity.
— abilities — this individual psychological characteristics that actually separate one person from another.
— the concept of "ability" is irrelevant to specific skills or knowledge that already is able to possess people.
If the person is not going to develop, and his ability won't exist. If its a specific ability that the person will not develop, it will certainly fade with time.
The classification abilities of the person. Ability may be natural or natural. Natural abilities include thinking, perception, memory, and the ability to basic communication on the level of expression. They are directly related to innate human instincts, but in any case not identical to them. They will be formed as life experience, as well as the development of learning mechanisms.
Supernatural powers. What is it? Supernatural human abilities is the ability to do something beyond the power of most people. At different times, such people are attributed to sorcerers, witches, and even the servants of the devil. The second name for these abilities is an anomaly. In our world there are people who have such abilities. We can deny the existence of aliens, but the fact that among us there are people who can see the future or see events that occur on a far distance, we can't. Some people are endowed with, for example, telepathy, bioprotection, telekinesis and teleportation.
Telepathy is the ability with which people can convey their thoughts at a distance. However, science didn't prove that this ability exists at least someone.
Biopiraterie items – this ability to hold on to any part of the body objects such as Cutlery, without the aid of hands.
Telekinesis – ability to move objects at a distance without hands, just one look and the power of thought.
Teleportation – the ability of a person to move their body from one place to another, and unusual us way, that is, not simply to move from one place to another, and to disappear and reappear in a completely different.
Scientists at the moment can only confirm the presence of such supernatural powers as biocriteria. Other abilities scientifically unproven and scientists completely refute them. Many people can explain, who are telepaths. Telepathy is conventionally subdivided into 2 types: sensory and conceivable. Sensual telepatia is based on data in the form of feelings and sensations, while conceivable based on obtaining information in the form of sound and visual images.
The research was conducted, during which scientists concluded that telepathy associated with the so-called "third eye". It develops in all children in the womb up to 2 months and then it gradually dissipates. The "third eye" can be considered, to a certain extent, the body as it has photoreceptors, nerve endings and lens. But complete extinction does not occur, it still exists under the cerebellum in the form of a pea Burgundy color.
Psychic abilities. Abilities considered to be psychic, associated with such concepts as the occult Sciences, esoteric knowledge, such scientific phenomena that are beyond all human understanding. ESP people think something like one of the human senses, apart from hearing, sight, feeling, touch and smell. All the feelings inherent in man, have clear boundaries, all but extrasensory perception as it is felt on a subconscious level, not through organs. Phenomena such as clairvoyance (perception at a distance), spiritualism (the ability to summon spirits and communicate with them), telepathy (feeling at a distance), magic (ability to control certain forces in the world, as well as other people), proscope past and the future (vision of the past or the future, and predictions) and some others. Psychic abilities can be of natural origin. A person can be born with them or acquire them through special training. There are many cases when this ability might emerge in humans in a variety of extreme situations. For example, when there is an immediate threat to life, or after his injuries.
Specialists claim that all people are born with psychic abilities and can use them without even knowing it. Of course, each of them developed to a certain extent.
What is the supernatural abilities of the human tale, the myth, the legend or the truth? This topic is interesting not only to scientists, spirituality, but also ordinary people. As you know, the human body is so versatile, and his abilities have no boundaries and no it is not possible to study it. Here's one example: the human brain has tremendous abilities and we use it a maximum of 10%. As if the minds of the world do not argue, anyway, in life there are times when people actually have abilities that no one can explain. But the belief or unbelief doesn't make it a lie.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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