The day my mom came to get younger brother to go to bed

Forty eight million four hundred fifty four thousand one hundred sixty one

I have a younger brother. When he was three, it was impossible to put down. But one evening, suddenly found a solution to this problem.

I finished homework after a hard day at school, very tired, and then there's mom asked small bedtime stories to read. Instead, I decided to tell him about his school problems and complain about endless homework. In General, boiling me and I for some inexplicable reason decided to pour out the soul is the younger brother still do not understand.

It took about 10 minutes from the moment I started my sad tale. Look at the small eyes closed, not moving even. At first I was scared a little bit, but then I hear a soft sweet snore. The next day I tried again to apply the author's methodology. Under my story about the complexities of mathematics 8 th grade small fell asleep even faster.

A few days later I told my secret with my mom and asked her to try. Obviously, it is not fully believed me, but try not refused. What do you think? After five minutes of complaints about the high prices in shops and problems with public transport the child safely slept, his nose buried in the pillow.

So we found if not the most traditional but the most effective way to put Junior to sleep.



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