Code of Good Nutrition

1. Number of meals per day
3-5 times per day. For most people this is the optimal frequency. For example, I go out about 4 receptions. Typically, this is a 2 main and 2 snacks or 3 primary and 1 snack.

For several years, I have repeatedly watched the people who have tried or a rare frequency of meals per day, or more often. As a result, many have noted that the two cases (1-2 or 6-7 meals a day) is quite uncomfortable for the mind and body and is very uncomfortable for modern society.
2. The use of clean water
The most rational recommendation - to drink so much that the urine was light. Not seen doctors who would not agree with this recommendation. Likewise, I never heard. that doctors said that modern people drink too much water.
It is understood that the 50-pound girl, and a 100-pound man needs a different amount of water, so the general advice, such as drink 1.5 liters of water a day just untenable.
References to drink water as much as you weigh, multiply by 30. That is, with the weight of 80 kg I need 2400 ml. (80 × 30 = 2400). I like this and leaves.
It is understood that in the heat or high water consumption increases fiz.nagruzki. Also, of course, that if kidney problems, should first consult a doctor.
It is better to drink unboiled water, after expelling it through a filter. Sometimes the water can be squeezed a few drops of lemon juice.
I do not like soup, so my diet out of the water - only chicory drink, but sometimes herbal teas. Cheesecake cocktail cocktails and the like - is food, not drink :)
3. Liquid calories
Some of the empty calories - it's LIQUID. A striking example - Sweet drinks, sweet whey drinks, juices (both artificial and natural), and so forth. If you drink these drinks sometimes, do not worry, take life easier. But constantly using them pointless, since no benefit, but they change the taste is quite strong. Not to mention about the artificiality of some ingredients.

4. Breakfast
I have 3 types of breakfast - a fruit or something protein (cheese or eggs) or nothing at all. The last couple of years, I like the second option :) Listen to yourself. Even with the current recommendations, always listen to yourself.

Someone does not believe that you can dial the desired number KBZHU day, someone does not believe that it can be not to touch, someone does not believe that healthy food can be delicious, someone does not believe that KBZHU and power Training - is the best way to change the composition and appearance of the body ... But it all works, regardless of whether people believe it or not. Such cases))
Anyone who tries certain period of time is responsible for accounting KBZHU, then watching the results and tranquility in mind, it is gradually released from the painful, depending on the food. Suddenly no longer interested in any information about new diets and other diet madness, it released a lot of energy that can be devoted to other matters.
6. The last meal
Last time to eat than after 18-19 hours, and approximately 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you go in 00 hours, dinner at 22 - this is normal. There just before going to bed to give nourishment to muscles, leaving those who still is still heavily dependent on food.

7. Proteins
1, 5 g of proteins per 1 kg of the desired weight. This amount of protein for many women, and most men is not a problem of the conventional type power supply. If you can not do it - not at hand right products or you're an athlete, weighing a hundredweight, then 30% of your daily protein needs can dial whey protein. It's not chemistry, but a simple protein purified from various impurities.
8. Fat
1 g per 1 kg of the desired weight. It can be more possible, but why ?!
Do not just exclude all that is considered harmful, simply include your products in such a KBZHU. Keep in mind that tastes are gradually changing. The point is not misrepresented to live longer and to live qualitatively.
9. Carbohydrates
From 2 to 6-7 g per 1 kg of the desired weight. Avoid two extremes - the uncontrolled absorption of carbohydrates and carbohydrate-free diets. Although, for the sake of truth, it should be noted that the latter is impossible in principle because carbohydrates are present in many existing products.

10. Moderation
This is the only recommendation the power with which all physicians agree modernity and antiquity, healers and witch doctors, representatives of different religions. Can you imagine? All agree! In today's world, most people overeat. It even does not depend on material wealth.
Even the wealthy can overeat delicacies, and a poor student at weekends drink a few liters of beer. Just by the way, look at any modern American series about real men (Hawaii 5: 0, for example). They are slender and muscular, and if a party drink beer, something on the table for each pair of small bottles (0, 33 L), which they sip the entire party.
Everyone makes a choice he
11. Food and TV
We entered the house a good rule - the main meals necessarily carry the table, not in front of the TV. Tea drink, dessert, eat, and can be a good movie. After the introduction of this rule, the amount of food consumed has decreased, and enjoyment of food has become a lot more.
12. Plan ahead
I had even planned nothing, as there is power supply circuit, which is like that benefit. The online service has hammered all possible combinations of food that they consume, so the account goes SECONDS!
The emphasis is on protein component - the morning of protein - eggs or cottage cheese for lunch and dinner - something meat or fish. Vegetables in every main meal. A fat and carbohydrates quietly "smear" during the day. Easy to solve! :)

13. Never anyone proves nothing
The sooner this is understood, the easier it will be to live. Share their experiences, their vision of the subject - it please. KBZHU - it's cool. Would you recommend it to everyone? Of course not. It is suitable only for those who want to stop worrying and start living.
The amazing properties of flax oil. Lose weight sensibly.
Cila will to weight loss - 5 Recommendations.