Codes of honor to men at various times
Codes of honor to men at various times
At different times have a strong half of mankind had its own written and unwritten laws. Undoubtedly, they dictated the time and society, but there are all these rules are not only the differences but also the similarities, as well as eternal values. Below are brief excerpts from the five codes of honor: Knight, Scout, gentlemen, a duelist, and even the mafia. It is understood that the text below is not intended to be comprehensive and broad coverage of all the historical notions of manhood and honor, but gives them a general idea.
Text and images here 5
Chivalry was a moral system of the Middle Ages, which was held on qualities such as bravery, courage, honor and chivalry. All future men codes anyway repeat and idealized knightly code of the dark ages. For the first time the code was written in the "Song of Roland" - heroic poem of the XII century.
5 points from the knightly Code:
1. Knight despises monetary reward for their actions matter.
2. Respect women, protect the weak and defenseless, helping widows and orphans.
3. Never run from the enemy.
4. refuses and is not afraid to fight with an equal power of the enemy.
5. Afraid of God and the precepts of the Church supports.
(Powered by the work "Song of Roland", written in the XII century.)
During the entire existence of the term "gentleman" were written hundreds of gentlemanly codes, but one of the most stringent code can be called the oldest Military Institute of the United States - Virginia Institute, founded in 1839. Virginia is a southern state, which meant that in those years, traditional and conservative local society. The Virginia Institute were grueling training, military discipline prevailed, and there was a strict code of the gentleman: "Without strict adherence to the fundamental code of honor no one, no matter how it looks, can not be considered a gentleman. Honor requires the integrity of a gentleman of his words and the integrity of its principles. He is a descendant of the Knights, the Crusaders, he is the protector of the weak and the Knights of Justice ».
5 points from the gentlemen's Code:
1. Do not borrow money from each other, with the exception of extreme need. Money borrowed - is a debt of honor, which must be repaid as soon as possible. Debts dead parents, siblings or adult child an honest man takes over.
2. Do not get mad, do not show anger, fear, hate, embarrassment, excitement and joy in public places.
3. Do not clap on the back of strangers and not to touch unfamiliar ladies.
4. In a conversation not to mention names, and how much things cost.
5. Do not use someone else's helplessness or ignorance and not allow itself to be used another gentleman.
(Source: Code of Honor Virginia Military Institute in 1839, edition of 1997.)
CODE Scouts (1908)
British General Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement in 1908. The main objective of the merger was to make real men out of boys and exemplary citizens. Members of the movement have their own codes, uniforms, hierarchy and award marks. Two and a half years of the movement in England was already more than 400 thousand Boy Scouts Association and began to spread to other countries, primarily in the United States.
5 points from ckautov Code:
1. Debt Scout - be useful and to help others.
2. Each Scout - a friend and brother to other Scouts, no matter what social class they belong to.
3. Scout unquestioningly obey the orders of the leader of the patrol.
4. A Scout is not discouraged and smiling, no matter what difficulty did not come across on his way.
5. Scout polite and thrifty.
(Source: the book «Scouting for boys» 1908.)
CODE Duelist (1912)
Duel - honorable way to respond to the insult of honor, almost never supported by the state. Dueling code, which was used by nobles, often unwritten set of rules has been inextricably linked with the concept of honor and nobility never fixed. Nevertheless, there were generally accepted rules of the duel that General Durasov collected and published in 1912.
5 points from the duel Code:
1. After receiving an insult, insulted his opponent must declare: "Sir, I will send you his seconds." If the opponents are unfamiliar with each other, they exchange cards and addresses.
2. When a grave insult to insult, except for the right choice of weapons, has the right to choose between legitimate birth duel. When dueling pistols he owns the right to choose one of the six legitimate birth duel with pistols. When the duel with swords or sabers he chooses between continuous or intermittent duel, in which case he has the right to set the length of labor and breaks.
3. insult a woman, it does not concern himself, and falls directly on its natural defender, who gets offended person and the severity of abuse is increased by one degree.
4. The validity of the facts does not discredit the offender the right to evade the meeting, except in the case where the result of the assigned, and is a proven fact dishonor the offended person.
5. After receiving weapons, the opponents must remain silent throughout the duel. Any remarks, ridicule, shouts, screams absolutely not allowed.
(Source: "dueling code" B. Durasov, 1912.)
Omerta, or silence - code of the Italian mafia families of the main laws that everyone has heard: the family and the hierarchy above all to cooperate with the police banned the punishment of offense - death. Severe laws were mythologized movies and books, so that it becomes clear - the mafia does not feel the usual thugs and harsh laws of the Sicilian Mafia men are certain code of honor. In November 2007, the Sicilian police said that the mafia found a list of "commandments" in the shelter of a Mafia boss Salvatore Lo Piccolo.
5 points from mobsters Code:
1. Never look at the wives of friends.
2. You must always be available to the affairs of the family, even if your wife is about to give birth.
3. Family members are obliged to tell each other the truth.
4. Money other families do not have to be assigned or stolen.
5. No one can personally call each family and talk to one of us - the new man is obliged to recommend to a family member.
(Found in 2007, during a search of the home of one of the bosses of the Sicilian Mafia. Created Code specified for the appointment of a manager of Piccolo Italian lands.)
Last code. That's all. You can comment and add.
At different times have a strong half of mankind had its own written and unwritten laws. Undoubtedly, they dictated the time and society, but there are all these rules are not only the differences but also the similarities, as well as eternal values. Below are brief excerpts from the five codes of honor: Knight, Scout, gentlemen, a duelist, and even the mafia. It is understood that the text below is not intended to be comprehensive and broad coverage of all the historical notions of manhood and honor, but gives them a general idea.
Text and images here 5
Chivalry was a moral system of the Middle Ages, which was held on qualities such as bravery, courage, honor and chivalry. All future men codes anyway repeat and idealized knightly code of the dark ages. For the first time the code was written in the "Song of Roland" - heroic poem of the XII century.
5 points from the knightly Code:
1. Knight despises monetary reward for their actions matter.
2. Respect women, protect the weak and defenseless, helping widows and orphans.
3. Never run from the enemy.
4. refuses and is not afraid to fight with an equal power of the enemy.
5. Afraid of God and the precepts of the Church supports.
(Powered by the work "Song of Roland", written in the XII century.)

During the entire existence of the term "gentleman" were written hundreds of gentlemanly codes, but one of the most stringent code can be called the oldest Military Institute of the United States - Virginia Institute, founded in 1839. Virginia is a southern state, which meant that in those years, traditional and conservative local society. The Virginia Institute were grueling training, military discipline prevailed, and there was a strict code of the gentleman: "Without strict adherence to the fundamental code of honor no one, no matter how it looks, can not be considered a gentleman. Honor requires the integrity of a gentleman of his words and the integrity of its principles. He is a descendant of the Knights, the Crusaders, he is the protector of the weak and the Knights of Justice ».
5 points from the gentlemen's Code:
1. Do not borrow money from each other, with the exception of extreme need. Money borrowed - is a debt of honor, which must be repaid as soon as possible. Debts dead parents, siblings or adult child an honest man takes over.
2. Do not get mad, do not show anger, fear, hate, embarrassment, excitement and joy in public places.
3. Do not clap on the back of strangers and not to touch unfamiliar ladies.
4. In a conversation not to mention names, and how much things cost.
5. Do not use someone else's helplessness or ignorance and not allow itself to be used another gentleman.
(Source: Code of Honor Virginia Military Institute in 1839, edition of 1997.)

CODE Scouts (1908)
British General Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout movement in 1908. The main objective of the merger was to make real men out of boys and exemplary citizens. Members of the movement have their own codes, uniforms, hierarchy and award marks. Two and a half years of the movement in England was already more than 400 thousand Boy Scouts Association and began to spread to other countries, primarily in the United States.
5 points from ckautov Code:
1. Debt Scout - be useful and to help others.
2. Each Scout - a friend and brother to other Scouts, no matter what social class they belong to.
3. Scout unquestioningly obey the orders of the leader of the patrol.
4. A Scout is not discouraged and smiling, no matter what difficulty did not come across on his way.
5. Scout polite and thrifty.
(Source: the book «Scouting for boys» 1908.)

CODE Duelist (1912)
Duel - honorable way to respond to the insult of honor, almost never supported by the state. Dueling code, which was used by nobles, often unwritten set of rules has been inextricably linked with the concept of honor and nobility never fixed. Nevertheless, there were generally accepted rules of the duel that General Durasov collected and published in 1912.
5 points from the duel Code:
1. After receiving an insult, insulted his opponent must declare: "Sir, I will send you his seconds." If the opponents are unfamiliar with each other, they exchange cards and addresses.
2. When a grave insult to insult, except for the right choice of weapons, has the right to choose between legitimate birth duel. When dueling pistols he owns the right to choose one of the six legitimate birth duel with pistols. When the duel with swords or sabers he chooses between continuous or intermittent duel, in which case he has the right to set the length of labor and breaks.
3. insult a woman, it does not concern himself, and falls directly on its natural defender, who gets offended person and the severity of abuse is increased by one degree.
4. The validity of the facts does not discredit the offender the right to evade the meeting, except in the case where the result of the assigned, and is a proven fact dishonor the offended person.
5. After receiving weapons, the opponents must remain silent throughout the duel. Any remarks, ridicule, shouts, screams absolutely not allowed.
(Source: "dueling code" B. Durasov, 1912.)

Omerta, or silence - code of the Italian mafia families of the main laws that everyone has heard: the family and the hierarchy above all to cooperate with the police banned the punishment of offense - death. Severe laws were mythologized movies and books, so that it becomes clear - the mafia does not feel the usual thugs and harsh laws of the Sicilian Mafia men are certain code of honor. In November 2007, the Sicilian police said that the mafia found a list of "commandments" in the shelter of a Mafia boss Salvatore Lo Piccolo.
5 points from mobsters Code:
1. Never look at the wives of friends.
2. You must always be available to the affairs of the family, even if your wife is about to give birth.
3. Family members are obliged to tell each other the truth.
4. Money other families do not have to be assigned or stolen.
5. No one can personally call each family and talk to one of us - the new man is obliged to recommend to a family member.
(Found in 2007, during a search of the home of one of the bosses of the Sicilian Mafia. Created Code specified for the appointment of a manager of Piccolo Italian lands.)
Last code. That's all. You can comment and add.
