Magic points for getting rid of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids — a true companion of constipation and physical inactivity. Unfortunately, with age, this problem will only get worse.
Where points, by stimulating which can be so annoying soothe hemorrhoids pain and itching?
This point of compliance of the rectum and outside the anal opening (anus). In the correspondence systems of hands and feet on the third and fourth fingers are projected, are the point of the anus you should look for in the skin between the fingers on the dorsum of the hand or foot.
Forty seven million six hundred seven thousand one hundred eighty three
Forty seven million three hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred seventy two
Seventy eight million seventy thousand five hundred sixteen
How to help yourself with hemorrhoids?
Fingers diagnostic wand or any suitable item, locate the point of compliance. After a thorough massage will fix them in a metal or magnetic stars. As plant stimulants use seeds of black pepper, buckwheat, peas, barley, and dill.
A simple and convenient method of treatment is exposure to cold at the point of compliance. To do this every day for 20-30 minutes apply ice cubes from the refrigerator to the points of compliance. During melting (heating) change them. On the second day you will feel a noticeable relief.
If the hemorrhoid is with bleeding, use elastic band tourniquet, applying it as shown in the figure.
Seventeen million one hundred nine thousand six hundred seven
"Tightening the anus" for the treatment of Gomorrha
In China the common saying: "nine out of ten have hemorrhoids". Although this statement is not quite true, it shows that the hemorrhoid is one of the most common diseases, covering up to 60-70% of the population.
At advanced stages, there are often complications such as rectal prolapse, anemia, fistula in the anus and abscess.
Described here "tightening the anus" just to perform and easy to learn, very effective for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.
The exercise contraction of muscles back passage was known in Ancient China. In his treatise "Zhen Zhong Fang (Prescriptions in the pillow") sun Simiao, the famous physician of the Tang dynasty, wrote about the compression of the muscles of the anus.
Professionals qigong also support the view that the "Hui-Yin in the perineum should be carefully protected".
The occurrence of hemorrhoids due to the difficulty of reverse blood flow through the veins. Backward flow of blood through the veins to the heart for the most part caused by compression and relaxation of the muscles. Prolonged sitting, sedentary lifestyle, physical weakness and fat in the abdominal area – all this reduces the strength of the muscles of the anus and rectum, affecting the reverse flow of blood, leading to swelling of veins and blood stagnation in the lower part of the rectum, resulting in hemorrhoids.
The exercise "tightening the anus" helps to develop the muscles around the anus, to increase their strength and thereby prevent swelling of the veins. With the help of breathing exercises, it can improve the cardiovascular system, to accelerate venous blood flow, reduce blood pressure and eliminate stagnation of blood in the rectal area and anus. In addition, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis and eliminates constipation. Thanks to "tightening the anus" improves blood circulation in the tissues located around the anus thereby preventing hemorrhoids.
Here is a summary of the exercise: "Inhale, lick, pull and hold". "Breathe" means "to take breath", "to lick" "lick the upper jaw", "pull" – "squeeze the anus", and "hold" – "hold your breath". This all should happen simultaneously.
Perform the exercise as follows:
What you should pay attention:
1. Exercise helps with internal and external hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse and anal fistulae. However, if you have severe fissures, inflammation of hemorrhoids, abscesses near the anus, rectal prolapse or acute inflammation, begin to exercise only after they get rid of.
2. You must persevere and do the exercise every day without interruption.
3. Eat less spicy food.
4. Do not linger during bowel movements and don't combine this activity with reading.
5.Try to eliminate all factors which can contribute to hemorrhoids and, in particular, can cause constipation.
6. Along with "tightening the anus" use other additional tools, wash the anus with warm water after defecation or before going to bed, hot packs on the anus, massage the muscles around it to improve blood circulation. The therapeutic effect will be higher if you'll use the qigong exercises. published
Authors: Zeng an Zindani, Liu Dozen, Pak Jae Woo, "be your own su Jok Doctor","Therapeutic exercise Chinese medicine»
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6777
Where points, by stimulating which can be so annoying soothe hemorrhoids pain and itching?
This point of compliance of the rectum and outside the anal opening (anus). In the correspondence systems of hands and feet on the third and fourth fingers are projected, are the point of the anus you should look for in the skin between the fingers on the dorsum of the hand or foot.
Forty seven million six hundred seven thousand one hundred eighty three
Forty seven million three hundred forty nine thousand nine hundred seventy two
Seventy eight million seventy thousand five hundred sixteen
How to help yourself with hemorrhoids?
Fingers diagnostic wand or any suitable item, locate the point of compliance. After a thorough massage will fix them in a metal or magnetic stars. As plant stimulants use seeds of black pepper, buckwheat, peas, barley, and dill.
A simple and convenient method of treatment is exposure to cold at the point of compliance. To do this every day for 20-30 minutes apply ice cubes from the refrigerator to the points of compliance. During melting (heating) change them. On the second day you will feel a noticeable relief.
If the hemorrhoid is with bleeding, use elastic band tourniquet, applying it as shown in the figure.
Seventeen million one hundred nine thousand six hundred seven
"Tightening the anus" for the treatment of Gomorrha
In China the common saying: "nine out of ten have hemorrhoids". Although this statement is not quite true, it shows that the hemorrhoid is one of the most common diseases, covering up to 60-70% of the population.
At advanced stages, there are often complications such as rectal prolapse, anemia, fistula in the anus and abscess.
Described here "tightening the anus" just to perform and easy to learn, very effective for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.
The exercise contraction of muscles back passage was known in Ancient China. In his treatise "Zhen Zhong Fang (Prescriptions in the pillow") sun Simiao, the famous physician of the Tang dynasty, wrote about the compression of the muscles of the anus.
Professionals qigong also support the view that the "Hui-Yin in the perineum should be carefully protected".
The occurrence of hemorrhoids due to the difficulty of reverse blood flow through the veins. Backward flow of blood through the veins to the heart for the most part caused by compression and relaxation of the muscles. Prolonged sitting, sedentary lifestyle, physical weakness and fat in the abdominal area – all this reduces the strength of the muscles of the anus and rectum, affecting the reverse flow of blood, leading to swelling of veins and blood stagnation in the lower part of the rectum, resulting in hemorrhoids.
The exercise "tightening the anus" helps to develop the muscles around the anus, to increase their strength and thereby prevent swelling of the veins. With the help of breathing exercises, it can improve the cardiovascular system, to accelerate venous blood flow, reduce blood pressure and eliminate stagnation of blood in the rectal area and anus. In addition, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis and eliminates constipation. Thanks to "tightening the anus" improves blood circulation in the tissues located around the anus thereby preventing hemorrhoids.
Here is a summary of the exercise: "Inhale, lick, pull and hold". "Breathe" means "to take breath", "to lick" "lick the upper jaw", "pull" – "squeeze the anus", and "hold" – "hold your breath". This all should happen simultaneously.
Perform the exercise as follows:
- relax your entire body, press down firmly on each other thighs and buttocks, take a breath, while licking with tongue the upper jaw and pull the anus up, as though holding back defecation. After pulling the anus hold your breath for some time, then exhale and relax your entire body.
What you should pay attention:
1. Exercise helps with internal and external hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse and anal fistulae. However, if you have severe fissures, inflammation of hemorrhoids, abscesses near the anus, rectal prolapse or acute inflammation, begin to exercise only after they get rid of.
2. You must persevere and do the exercise every day without interruption.
3. Eat less spicy food.
4. Do not linger during bowel movements and don't combine this activity with reading.
5.Try to eliminate all factors which can contribute to hemorrhoids and, in particular, can cause constipation.
6. Along with "tightening the anus" use other additional tools, wash the anus with warm water after defecation or before going to bed, hot packs on the anus, massage the muscles around it to improve blood circulation. The therapeutic effect will be higher if you'll use the qigong exercises. published
Authors: Zeng an Zindani, Liu Dozen, Pak Jae Woo, "be your own su Jok Doctor","Therapeutic exercise Chinese medicine»
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6777