"Virtuoso". Awesome story about a locksmith Mironych and stupid men

In my youth I worked at the same factory as a mechanic. And we were there most interesting man Mironych. Mironych lied. Lied to constantly and selflessly. He's not just bullshitting over nothing, he wrote these stories that were listening to him with mouths open and only at the end realized that they lied. None of Mironych was not angry, on the contrary, he was loved by all.
And once we arrived with the guys on shift on the bus, went to the entrance and decided to smoke. Then ran past Mironych, one of the men cried to him:
— Look, Mironych, but come on tell us something!
— Let go, Mihalich! Don't see I'm in a hurry! Pond Kulikovsky later, fish on the bottom — the darkness! I run to the master to ask for leave, and the bag need to get somewhere. And not all the local take away! — on the run spoke Mironych and disappeared behind the gates of the entrance.
Men with absolutely overwhelming views began to exchange glances with each other, and then, without saying a word, and in silence grabbed my things and cheerfully scratched in the side of the Kulikovo pond for free fish. I, as the youngest, left in the shop so I covered the "fishermen."
An hour later I heard the yard of the plant mate choice and the screams. It turned out that the men returned furious and began to look for the Mironych, and one of them ran and yelled good mate:
Hey, guys, why are you?! You yourself asked me to lie!!!
Since then I have met some liars. Yes, and I learned how to lie so that it was impossible to catch. But to go in two seconds to come up with a lie that would make twenty burly men to run fairly, I've never been, and will not succeed. This should be a Mironych...
via eku.ru/vysshii-pilotazh/
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