Good story :))
In far-predalekie a time when every child knew that the economy must be economical and that the word "peace", "work" and "May" - twins, lived a girl.
For example, Maroussia. Actually, it still feels good.
However, when she felt better than fifteen years.
And she had a dream Maroussi - slide down a steep slope on skis in a red tracksuit, so much so that all the guys just got around.
The suit must be red - and no other. The behavior of the men are not allowed options - they should not sit down, do not jump and get it.
And once the party and government ...
He took pity on the plight of the poor Maroussi, and gave her a good New Year award. Small but good.
Delighted Maroussia ran to the shops, and fun defended seven hundred kilometers of queues, bought two things:
red ski suit and a ticket to the ski resort in one of the sister republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
It remains only to come to otnablyudat stacks of such beauty lying around men.
Maroussia gone.
When a member of the Komsomol, the athlete and almost Beauty Maroussia ascended the slope in dazzling cranberry crimson jumpsuit, surrounding the men lifted the bearded mouths and slightly cracked his cervical vertebrae, leading her hungry vzlyad.
Komsomolskaya Pravda was almost happy. Not enough detail - dashing down the mountain and falling men.
Small, but very mountain instructor with the Komsomol badge on his hairy chest, carefully taught beginners the basics of ski certificates and gestured toward the hillside - drag.
Maroussia was rushed to the descent, but felt that in the near future will not be able to do so.
Until you find somewhere the wooden structure with the letters "m" and "w". It pinned its own Minorities needs.
Recall that at the end of the courtyard was a wonderful vosmidisyatyh, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, headed by the General Secretary of the Central Committee enthusiastically defended the interests of peace in the world, and she did not care about the little things like the toilets on the mountain slopes.
The party was, and there was no toilets. Pooziravshis five minutes with clenched knees, Maroussia, blushing, approached the instructor and leaned quietly whispered something in his ear.
- WC?! - Loudly asked the instructor and mountain echo repeated a couple of times: "Toilet, toilet ...»
- What do you mean, girl? Where toilets are in the mountains? ("Toilets, toilets ...") Vaughn, go bush? ("You, you ..." There also wrote., ...)
Maroussia, his face the color of their own suit, tore the bushes, pushing sticks.
- Skiing remove something, Mitya, Mitya! .. - Called after her instructor. Maroussia not heard.
It should be noted that the Soviet clothing industry, in response to decisions of the XXVII Congress of the party, has strengthened the struggle for the quality of service of the Soviet population.
More and more new products appeared on the shelves of Soviet mgazinov and including - red ski suits with the quality mark on his back.
And with a single zipper on the Adam's apple to navel. If Maroussia was a man, no question would not have arisen.
But she was a girl, longed to pee, so suit was unbuttoned Marusia and lowered to the knees.
Because of technical issues I can announce that Marusia thus remained T-shirt.
That's all. And here, when the process of unification of Maroussi with nature, physics brought about changes.
The snow squeaked underfoot and skis that Komsomol had not realized withdraw, went ahead smoothly. Maroussia waved her hands - but it was too late.
In the eyes of an astonished group of skiers, among them the much needed Maruse men, out of the bushes with a constant acceleration rolled crouched girl in a T-shirt.
Braking naked booty in the snow, she did not dare. Therefore, squealing in terror, he rolled down the slope, spacing yellowish dotted line between snow skiing. Faster, faster, faster ...
Louder, louder, louder! ..
Reinforced thousandfold echo of laughter men escorted Marusyu along the entire route.
Guys really were falling in the snow. Yes, and writhing in convulsions. But that is not all.
Burning with shame Woman brought headlong at his feet one muzhkoy. He stood with his back to the highway.
Maroussia ran into him so that the man hurled fifteen meters down the slope. But the shameful descent was aborted without panties.
From the experiences endured hypothermia and priests Maroussia cold.
Leaving the slope she did not dare - in a single on the territory of the republic red overalls learned it would be no worse than Edita. To poke fingers and laughed.
Maroussia stayed in the hospital in the village at the foot of the mountain. There on her voyage no one knew anything.
After some time the girl calmed down, and even began to look for exploring the rest of the inhabitants of the hospital, the more that men and there was more than enough.
On the third day the object was found. It was a handsome, tall handsome man of about thirty-five, with a beard then fashionable look sea captain. He was sitting at the window with plaster on his leg, and sadly played himself checkers.
Maroussia sat, struck up a conversation. Captain straightens his shoulders, joked, calling in distant lands ...
- And how do you keep up broke something? - I asked Maroussia to briefly escape from the tempting offers.
- You will not believe it - I ran into some fool with a bare ass!
According to the laws of the genre end is supposed to be like this: Maroussia hesitates, then he says that it was her, they laugh and eventually marry.
Figushki. Maroussia ran away from the hospital the next day. Stupid. I spoil the story.
Sent First
For example, Maroussia. Actually, it still feels good.
However, when she felt better than fifteen years.
And she had a dream Maroussi - slide down a steep slope on skis in a red tracksuit, so much so that all the guys just got around.
The suit must be red - and no other. The behavior of the men are not allowed options - they should not sit down, do not jump and get it.
And once the party and government ...
He took pity on the plight of the poor Maroussi, and gave her a good New Year award. Small but good.
Delighted Maroussia ran to the shops, and fun defended seven hundred kilometers of queues, bought two things:
red ski suit and a ticket to the ski resort in one of the sister republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
It remains only to come to otnablyudat stacks of such beauty lying around men.
Maroussia gone.
When a member of the Komsomol, the athlete and almost Beauty Maroussia ascended the slope in dazzling cranberry crimson jumpsuit, surrounding the men lifted the bearded mouths and slightly cracked his cervical vertebrae, leading her hungry vzlyad.
Komsomolskaya Pravda was almost happy. Not enough detail - dashing down the mountain and falling men.
Small, but very mountain instructor with the Komsomol badge on his hairy chest, carefully taught beginners the basics of ski certificates and gestured toward the hillside - drag.
Maroussia was rushed to the descent, but felt that in the near future will not be able to do so.
Until you find somewhere the wooden structure with the letters "m" and "w". It pinned its own Minorities needs.
Recall that at the end of the courtyard was a wonderful vosmidisyatyh, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, headed by the General Secretary of the Central Committee enthusiastically defended the interests of peace in the world, and she did not care about the little things like the toilets on the mountain slopes.
The party was, and there was no toilets. Pooziravshis five minutes with clenched knees, Maroussia, blushing, approached the instructor and leaned quietly whispered something in his ear.
- WC?! - Loudly asked the instructor and mountain echo repeated a couple of times: "Toilet, toilet ...»
- What do you mean, girl? Where toilets are in the mountains? ("Toilets, toilets ...") Vaughn, go bush? ("You, you ..." There also wrote., ...)
Maroussia, his face the color of their own suit, tore the bushes, pushing sticks.
- Skiing remove something, Mitya, Mitya! .. - Called after her instructor. Maroussia not heard.
It should be noted that the Soviet clothing industry, in response to decisions of the XXVII Congress of the party, has strengthened the struggle for the quality of service of the Soviet population.
More and more new products appeared on the shelves of Soviet mgazinov and including - red ski suits with the quality mark on his back.
And with a single zipper on the Adam's apple to navel. If Maroussia was a man, no question would not have arisen.
But she was a girl, longed to pee, so suit was unbuttoned Marusia and lowered to the knees.
Because of technical issues I can announce that Marusia thus remained T-shirt.
That's all. And here, when the process of unification of Maroussi with nature, physics brought about changes.
The snow squeaked underfoot and skis that Komsomol had not realized withdraw, went ahead smoothly. Maroussia waved her hands - but it was too late.
In the eyes of an astonished group of skiers, among them the much needed Maruse men, out of the bushes with a constant acceleration rolled crouched girl in a T-shirt.
Braking naked booty in the snow, she did not dare. Therefore, squealing in terror, he rolled down the slope, spacing yellowish dotted line between snow skiing. Faster, faster, faster ...
Louder, louder, louder! ..
Reinforced thousandfold echo of laughter men escorted Marusyu along the entire route.
Guys really were falling in the snow. Yes, and writhing in convulsions. But that is not all.
Burning with shame Woman brought headlong at his feet one muzhkoy. He stood with his back to the highway.
Maroussia ran into him so that the man hurled fifteen meters down the slope. But the shameful descent was aborted without panties.
From the experiences endured hypothermia and priests Maroussia cold.
Leaving the slope she did not dare - in a single on the territory of the republic red overalls learned it would be no worse than Edita. To poke fingers and laughed.
Maroussia stayed in the hospital in the village at the foot of the mountain. There on her voyage no one knew anything.
After some time the girl calmed down, and even began to look for exploring the rest of the inhabitants of the hospital, the more that men and there was more than enough.
On the third day the object was found. It was a handsome, tall handsome man of about thirty-five, with a beard then fashionable look sea captain. He was sitting at the window with plaster on his leg, and sadly played himself checkers.
Maroussia sat, struck up a conversation. Captain straightens his shoulders, joked, calling in distant lands ...
- And how do you keep up broke something? - I asked Maroussia to briefly escape from the tempting offers.
- You will not believe it - I ran into some fool with a bare ass!
According to the laws of the genre end is supposed to be like this: Maroussia hesitates, then he says that it was her, they laugh and eventually marry.
Figushki. Maroussia ran away from the hospital the next day. Stupid. I spoil the story.
Sent First