The activity "Live joints" arthritis
In some patients, osteoarthritis is becoming the reason of pain in joints, especially in knees. Doctors prescribe painkillers, but there are times when exercise has such effective action that pain disappear.
A set of physical exercises that help to combat arthritis
1. The activity "Live joints"straightened to his full height and put your feet shoulder width apart. Do the exercises slowly, making from 3 to 10 deep breaths during each one.
Extend hands forward at shoulder height, palms down. Raise your hands, put your hands in front of him as if you gave someone a signal to stop. The fingers should be separated.
Slightly bend your elbows, squeeze his hands into fists. To unclench hands and to touch the thumb in turn to all other so that they form the letter “O” as shown in the figure.
Pull hands apart as if you wanted to push the wall. Fingers pointing down. With each palm do 15 small circles in one direction and then in another.
Clench your fingers into the lock, pulling the hands in front of you and describe them 15 laps clockwise and the same number against.
To give up and turn your head to look over right shoulder. Repeat this motion looking over your left shoulder.
Now look straight and try to touch right ear to right shoulder, then left to left.
Lower chin to chest, and then return it to normal position.
Put your hands on your hips and slightly bend your knees. Imagine that you are standing inside of the jam and try rotating the hips and buttocks, to collect the remnants of jam off the walls of banks. Try this exercise 5 times in each direction.
To do the walk in place for 30 seconds. Then stand on your toes 5 seconds and slowly lower foot to the floor.
2. Exercise "Resting tree"
Lie on your back, straighten legs, arms along the body.
Pull right knee to chest, if the pain in the left hip, start with the left knee.
Do 5 twisting movements of the right foot in one direction and then in another.
Then slowly describe circles 5 right knee right and left, as if you want to draw circles on the ceiling.
Continue bending the right leg, put the foot beside the left knee. Possible to pull the toes of the left foot.
Throw your hands behind your head, grasp the elbows with your hands and try to lengthen your body.
Without lifting your right foot from your left foot, lower the bent right leg on the floor so as not to experience inconveniences from the excessive voltage. It does not tear off the left leg and buttocks from the floor. When you perform this exercise the first time, you can put a pillow under the right knee.
Make from 3 to 10 deep breaths. You can help right knee to the stomach and then slowly straighten your leg and put it on the floor. Repeat this exercise with the other leg.
3. The exercise of "trunk Rotation"
To face the seat of the chair. Bend right leg in knee and place it on the seat or on the crossbar under the seat so that the thigh is parallel to floor and knee is directly above ankle.
Put your left hand on the outside of the right knee, and not moving right foot, turn body to the right. To place the right hand behind the body, showing his palms outwards, and try to reach out to her left thigh.
Turn head to the right and look over right shoulder, trying not to strain the neck. It does not bend back.
Make from 3 to 10 deep breaths. Every time breathing try to maximally straighten your back and how to get higher. When you exhale, gently tilt your body to the right, maintaining balance with the hands.
Slowly return your head to normal position, look straight ahead and put hands at his sides. Repeat this exercise, starting to run with his left foot.
Experts recommend:
— Exercises to perform at least four times a week, after a warm shower.
— Do not make sudden movements, exercises should be performed slowly and stop doing them if there is pain. — If diagnosed with arthritis, you need to do very carefully. Excessive voltage can damage it. — If you have back pain or hernia, do not do exercise 3. — Listen to your own feelings during the exercise and eliminate the movements that cause pain. -Before the start of classes be sure to consult with a specialist.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_12736%2Fall
A set of physical exercises that help to combat arthritis

1. The activity "Live joints"straightened to his full height and put your feet shoulder width apart. Do the exercises slowly, making from 3 to 10 deep breaths during each one.
Extend hands forward at shoulder height, palms down. Raise your hands, put your hands in front of him as if you gave someone a signal to stop. The fingers should be separated.
Slightly bend your elbows, squeeze his hands into fists. To unclench hands and to touch the thumb in turn to all other so that they form the letter “O” as shown in the figure.

Pull hands apart as if you wanted to push the wall. Fingers pointing down. With each palm do 15 small circles in one direction and then in another.
Clench your fingers into the lock, pulling the hands in front of you and describe them 15 laps clockwise and the same number against.
To give up and turn your head to look over right shoulder. Repeat this motion looking over your left shoulder.
Now look straight and try to touch right ear to right shoulder, then left to left.
Lower chin to chest, and then return it to normal position.
Put your hands on your hips and slightly bend your knees. Imagine that you are standing inside of the jam and try rotating the hips and buttocks, to collect the remnants of jam off the walls of banks. Try this exercise 5 times in each direction.
To do the walk in place for 30 seconds. Then stand on your toes 5 seconds and slowly lower foot to the floor.
2. Exercise "Resting tree"
Lie on your back, straighten legs, arms along the body.
Pull right knee to chest, if the pain in the left hip, start with the left knee.

Do 5 twisting movements of the right foot in one direction and then in another.
Then slowly describe circles 5 right knee right and left, as if you want to draw circles on the ceiling.
Continue bending the right leg, put the foot beside the left knee. Possible to pull the toes of the left foot.
Throw your hands behind your head, grasp the elbows with your hands and try to lengthen your body.
Without lifting your right foot from your left foot, lower the bent right leg on the floor so as not to experience inconveniences from the excessive voltage. It does not tear off the left leg and buttocks from the floor. When you perform this exercise the first time, you can put a pillow under the right knee.
Make from 3 to 10 deep breaths. You can help right knee to the stomach and then slowly straighten your leg and put it on the floor. Repeat this exercise with the other leg.
3. The exercise of "trunk Rotation"
To face the seat of the chair. Bend right leg in knee and place it on the seat or on the crossbar under the seat so that the thigh is parallel to floor and knee is directly above ankle.
Put your left hand on the outside of the right knee, and not moving right foot, turn body to the right. To place the right hand behind the body, showing his palms outwards, and try to reach out to her left thigh.

Turn head to the right and look over right shoulder, trying not to strain the neck. It does not bend back.
Make from 3 to 10 deep breaths. Every time breathing try to maximally straighten your back and how to get higher. When you exhale, gently tilt your body to the right, maintaining balance with the hands.
Slowly return your head to normal position, look straight ahead and put hands at his sides. Repeat this exercise, starting to run with his left foot.
Experts recommend:
— Exercises to perform at least four times a week, after a warm shower.
— Do not make sudden movements, exercises should be performed slowly and stop doing them if there is pain. — If diagnosed with arthritis, you need to do very carefully. Excessive voltage can damage it. — If you have back pain or hernia, do not do exercise 3. — Listen to your own feelings during the exercise and eliminate the movements that cause pain. -Before the start of classes be sure to consult with a specialist.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_12736%2Fall
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