Decided my neighbor to drink, and with whom. Calling it cat...
Forty million one hundred twenty three thousand six hundred seventy seven
My neighbor at the cottage Valera somehow wound up in the barn rats and mice. He decided not to philosophize slyly and to get a cat. Bought it on the market a huge ginger cat and brought to the country. Only this cat was not like all rodents were afraid of literally trembling in furry knees, and tantrums. Well, do not throw zhivotinku for such weakness! Left the cat and began to live: Valera himself chasing rodents, and the cat properly afraid of them.
And then in the fall came based on the country, taking a half-liter of vodka. And to drink was not with anyone! In the village only old ladies Yes kids are small, and the men are all injected. To drink a in one person is not an option, so Valery decided to introduce the cat to this man's case.
He poured himself a shot of vodka, cat generous pour in a wineglass of Valerian, seated at the table. Valery drank his bottle, the cat drank the entire glass of Valerian and started rolling on the floor with a crazed look. Then I shook my head vigorously and ran to the barn, which was full of rats... cat almost knocked his head to the door to the shed rattle a little and there appeared in the porch of the house with a huge dead rat in its mouth. Threw her body near the door and the winner has retired to the sofa.
Valera morning bright and early went out on the porch, then followed him a sleepy cat. He blissfully stretched out in the sun, then turned his head and saw... himself a dead rat! Such hysteria Valera did not see, even when I broke a favorite vase of his wife... he had again cat Valerian drip...
via lolkot.ru/2015/01/30/text36838/
My neighbor at the cottage Valera somehow wound up in the barn rats and mice. He decided not to philosophize slyly and to get a cat. Bought it on the market a huge ginger cat and brought to the country. Only this cat was not like all rodents were afraid of literally trembling in furry knees, and tantrums. Well, do not throw zhivotinku for such weakness! Left the cat and began to live: Valera himself chasing rodents, and the cat properly afraid of them.
And then in the fall came based on the country, taking a half-liter of vodka. And to drink was not with anyone! In the village only old ladies Yes kids are small, and the men are all injected. To drink a in one person is not an option, so Valery decided to introduce the cat to this man's case.
He poured himself a shot of vodka, cat generous pour in a wineglass of Valerian, seated at the table. Valery drank his bottle, the cat drank the entire glass of Valerian and started rolling on the floor with a crazed look. Then I shook my head vigorously and ran to the barn, which was full of rats... cat almost knocked his head to the door to the shed rattle a little and there appeared in the porch of the house with a huge dead rat in its mouth. Threw her body near the door and the winner has retired to the sofa.
Valera morning bright and early went out on the porch, then followed him a sleepy cat. He blissfully stretched out in the sun, then turned his head and saw... himself a dead rat! Such hysteria Valera did not see, even when I broke a favorite vase of his wife... he had again cat Valerian drip...
via lolkot.ru/2015/01/30/text36838/