Annoying – hidden tyrant

Allow me to present the next tyrant. Today is boring. He constantly acts on the nerves of others, always dissatisfied with everything and is in a bad mood. His actions cause the anguish and irritation.
Why we recorded it into domestic tyrants? Maybe if you will meet with a bore from time to time, everything will be fine. And how to live with him under one roof, raise children, choose new furniture or to plan a vacation? Let's take a look at the bore closely. So, just in case.
Characteristic features of the Nerds
Boring is constantly interfering in other people's business and gives advice (for the tenth time) on the same issue at home and at work, while smiling and feigning sincere interest in your fate and the fate of colleagues. The advice he gives is banal and long-known facts (how to save water and electricity, to cook porridge or sew a button).
The bore several times a day calls you at work to see how you're doing and give the next portion of "valuable advice". He can Express tender concern about your health, make sure that you are warmly dressed.
Boring, usually very talkative (as they say, worse than women), and plug the fountain of his eloquence almost impossible. He loves to teach others anything not being able to do myself (says a lot – doing little).
Nerds often try to find yourself choosing the teaching profession (so it can realize their need to instruct others on the right path).
How to get along with a Dork?
Boring – quite repulsive, but the most innocent and harmless of all tyrants, but you will need strong nerves to communicate with him. Learn to draw nerd attention not to spoil their nerves.
From Downer can be brushed aside like an annoying insect, sending him away without ceremony. But it will lag behind for a bit (while still povorchu sadly, that you are callous and insensitive), and after some time will continue to poison your life.
Be ready that the bore will constantly poke their nose into your Affairs and bothering your advice — he is convinced that without his help and advice, you will make a fatal mistake (no matter in what business – cooking dinner, or writing a doctoral thesis). If the nerd invites you to dress warmer (for example, change the coat or shoes on a warmer), don't argue and change will save time and nerves.
Direct his tireless energy in the right direction, come up with feasible lesson, so he could satisfy his need to be useful, insinuating voice say something like: "Only you will be able to perform this vital work, from which depends the welfare of our family."
Best solution: find a boring job where he will feel the necessity to have some power, but will not cause harm to people. You will get multiple advantages – husband will rarely be home and to pester you with my tediousness, I will start to earn money, to feel the utility of your family and get rid of the inferiority complex.
Keep in mind that with age, the tediousness will keep getting stronger and stronger, it's become an integral character trait, and you will not be able to convince a nerd, nor to open his eyes to his wrong, nor shouts. It can poison your life, not even uttering a single harsh word and a smile on her face.
If your a fan already at the stage of Dating and friendship reveals the makings of a boring (interfere in your Affairs, that you don't ask, teaches you), think carefully about whether to have a family with him (it can work, but if you're hard of hearing, or have strong nerves).
If you are an independent woman or you have a grumpy character, perhaps one day will want to hit his tedious companion with something heavy.
Boring – this is your cross, and you carry that. It refers to the type of men to avoid. Think, and you need it?