15 vital facts that you need to know all
Saying that Caesar could do several things at once. I believe you, but we are not Caesars, so the combination of two or three things for us is not so simple. The website offers the reader some very useful facts and tips that can protect you from injury and even save lives!
You are able to simultaneously control the walking and using a smartphone On a combination of these two actions, the human brain spends too much energy that can lead to blindness caused by attention deficit. So if you go and look at your phone, you will not be able to see that moving directly to you, the cyclist, and to go his way.
Don't eat snow to quench your thirst If you find yourself in an emergency situation in the winter, then in any case do not eat snow! For its processing in liquid your body will spend a lot of energy, and, therefore, will not be able to maintain the temperature, and you run the risk of freezing.
Take a few minutes to configure the mirrors of your car In the correct position in the mirror you should see the side of the car. This reduces blind spots and therefore helps to avoid accidents on the road.
Don't forget about antihistamines in travel the First thing you need to bring when going to another country, is the remedy. Until you try this or that exotic food, you know that you may be allergic to it, so have a pill antihistamine before eating.
Choose the right clothes in the winter In the cold season you need to prefer woolen clothing instead of cotton. Cotton perfectly absorbs water, but bad keeps you warm while the coat is perfectly warm body and absorbs much less moisture.
If you are lost in the mountains, then descend down As a rule, are located in the lowlands settlement, so if you get lost, you have to go down the mountain. Do not think that if you stay on some hills, you soon will notice. Also notice the streams and rivers go downstream and you will come to the people.
You can help themselves if choked If you are stuck in the throat food, and no one is around, then squeeze one hand into a fist and place it above the navel, and the second hand put on him. Then take a powerful push upwards and inwards several times, it will help the stuck food out.
The condom has many uses besides the obvious one If you don't want to water any small equipment, put on her condom and tie it tight. It will help and in nature, if you forget a water bottle, and if you cut your finger, but you didn't have the band-aid, bandage the finger and put it over the condom, it helps not to soak the wound.
How to extinguish a burning oil In the first place do not panic and try to extinguish the flames with water. This will only increase the fire, because the water is in contact with the oil gives the fire more oxygen for combustion. Simply cover the outbreak of the pan or pot with oil, cover and step away. After a few moments the fire die down by itself.
If you received a wound with a knife, don't get him It's fraught with a lot of blood loss and infection. Try to call for help, and until then, until it is received — place tie the wound with a piece of cloth.
Always carry a flashlight It will not only scatter the darkness of the night, but and will save your life if you are attacked. Using a bright flashlight can blind the attacker and to escape from it.
During a fire, most people die from smoke, not fire If your dwelling caught fire, drop and attach to the face with a wet cloth, and then move to the exit and call for help. Smoke rises, so near the floor there is a space with a more or less clean air, thanks to which you will be able to survive.
During the flight, be on the lookout at the end and beginning According to statistics, eighty percent of accidents occur in the first three minutes after takeoff and eight minutes before landing. Therefore, sitting in a chair, listen carefully to all instructions given by the flight attendant, and pay special attention to the location of emergency exits.
What if the plane landed on the water In this case not in a hurry to put on and inflate life vest once, it makes it harder to get to the exit. So take the vest with you and inflate it after evacuation of the sinking plane.
The limit of resources of the human body is bound to the figure 3 it is Proved that man can live three days without water, three minutes without air, three hours without proper shelter in an emergency situation in bad weather and three weeks without food.
via www.businessinsider.com/life-saving-facts-everyone-should-know-2017-2/#your-brain-cant-handle-walking-and-using-your-phone-at-the-same-time-so-look-up-1

You are able to simultaneously control the walking and using a smartphone On a combination of these two actions, the human brain spends too much energy that can lead to blindness caused by attention deficit. So if you go and look at your phone, you will not be able to see that moving directly to you, the cyclist, and to go his way.
Don't eat snow to quench your thirst If you find yourself in an emergency situation in the winter, then in any case do not eat snow! For its processing in liquid your body will spend a lot of energy, and, therefore, will not be able to maintain the temperature, and you run the risk of freezing.
Take a few minutes to configure the mirrors of your car In the correct position in the mirror you should see the side of the car. This reduces blind spots and therefore helps to avoid accidents on the road.
Don't forget about antihistamines in travel the First thing you need to bring when going to another country, is the remedy. Until you try this or that exotic food, you know that you may be allergic to it, so have a pill antihistamine before eating.
Choose the right clothes in the winter In the cold season you need to prefer woolen clothing instead of cotton. Cotton perfectly absorbs water, but bad keeps you warm while the coat is perfectly warm body and absorbs much less moisture.
If you are lost in the mountains, then descend down As a rule, are located in the lowlands settlement, so if you get lost, you have to go down the mountain. Do not think that if you stay on some hills, you soon will notice. Also notice the streams and rivers go downstream and you will come to the people.
You can help themselves if choked If you are stuck in the throat food, and no one is around, then squeeze one hand into a fist and place it above the navel, and the second hand put on him. Then take a powerful push upwards and inwards several times, it will help the stuck food out.
The condom has many uses besides the obvious one If you don't want to water any small equipment, put on her condom and tie it tight. It will help and in nature, if you forget a water bottle, and if you cut your finger, but you didn't have the band-aid, bandage the finger and put it over the condom, it helps not to soak the wound.
How to extinguish a burning oil In the first place do not panic and try to extinguish the flames with water. This will only increase the fire, because the water is in contact with the oil gives the fire more oxygen for combustion. Simply cover the outbreak of the pan or pot with oil, cover and step away. After a few moments the fire die down by itself.
If you received a wound with a knife, don't get him It's fraught with a lot of blood loss and infection. Try to call for help, and until then, until it is received — place tie the wound with a piece of cloth.
Always carry a flashlight It will not only scatter the darkness of the night, but and will save your life if you are attacked. Using a bright flashlight can blind the attacker and to escape from it.
During a fire, most people die from smoke, not fire If your dwelling caught fire, drop and attach to the face with a wet cloth, and then move to the exit and call for help. Smoke rises, so near the floor there is a space with a more or less clean air, thanks to which you will be able to survive.
During the flight, be on the lookout at the end and beginning According to statistics, eighty percent of accidents occur in the first three minutes after takeoff and eight minutes before landing. Therefore, sitting in a chair, listen carefully to all instructions given by the flight attendant, and pay special attention to the location of emergency exits.
What if the plane landed on the water In this case not in a hurry to put on and inflate life vest once, it makes it harder to get to the exit. So take the vest with you and inflate it after evacuation of the sinking plane.
The limit of resources of the human body is bound to the figure 3 it is Proved that man can live three days without water, three minutes without air, three hours without proper shelter in an emergency situation in bad weather and three weeks without food.
via www.businessinsider.com/life-saving-facts-everyone-should-know-2017-2/#your-brain-cant-handle-walking-and-using-your-phone-at-the-same-time-so-look-up-1