When people don't understand

From childhood we are taught that littering is wrong. But there are people who don't like this call absolutely no attention, and carefully throw the garbage bins. The website wants to tell the story of how one man dusted the grubby lady.

My uncle lives in a luxury house on the shore of the lake. One morning he went to the balcony and witnessed this incident:

The next house on the bridge over the lake the lady was. All so beautiful, in a good suit, it is clear that to work in a hurry. And she walked with a bag of garbage in his hands. Stopped and threw the package into the lake. Only now he was worth was not enough, and the packet landed exactly on the shore. The lady shrugged her shoulders and with an independent view continued on his way, like, I got nothing to do with, it's all nasty local boys staged the entire lake....

And this lady was a man... he drew level with the woman at the end of the bridge, and, without changing expression, picked up the package, ripped and silently emptied its contents on his carefully styled hair ladies.... And calmly went on.

The neighborhood resounded with a loud screech and selective mate, been uttered from my lips with the mind of an intelligent woman. Completed the picture running down her face, drops of a strange substance. A man — a hero! — light footed, whistling, went on, paying no attention to the cries of the ladies about what it is, they say, it wear out in the courts and her husband unleashed.

In General, raised this man up not only to himself but to all the residents of the houses, watching this picture.

via factroom.ru