15 animals, of which the world has learned recently

We used to think that everyone on the planet is long since studied and now in search of the unknown people turn to space. However, on the good old Earth is still a lot of creatures unknown to mankind — every year scientists discover new species of animals.
The website is ready to introduce you to some of them.

This kind was opened in 2005 when they managed to catch and study his only representative. At first glance it seems that the crab is covered with thick hair, but in fact, this "fur" is thick and long bristles.
Burmese snub-nosed monkey

Snub-nosed monkey discovered in 2010 and live exclusively in Burma. Due to the particular structure of the nose these monkeys sneeze when it rains.
Frog "Kermit"

Open in 2015, a frog called Hyalinobatrachium dianae — in honor of Janet Diana Kubicki, mother of the researcher who discovered this species. But because of the similarity with the character in "the Muppets" the frog is often called the Kermit.
Cancer "Beautiful"

Amazed by the unusually beautiful color of the carapace of this cancer, the scientists called him Cherax pulcher. Pulcher in Latin is "beautiful", and indeed, hardly among crustaceans it is possible to find the representative beautiful.
The Frog Pinocchio

This frog was discovered in 2008 in Indonesia and the information about it published in 2010. Her long like Pinocchio, his nose rises when the frog feels threatened.
Kruglova elephant shrew

The first representative of the elephant shrews were discovered in 2006, and the new species described in 2014. Despite its small size and resemblance to rodents, these animals are distant relatives of elephants.

Olegito first predator open in the West over the past 35 years. For a long time was confused with their close relatives — of olingo, and in 2013 alone, isolated in a separate view. About the habits olegito little is known: it is the nocturnal animals, which, although they are predators, they feed mainly on leaves and fruits.
The red-bearded titi

This Primate, since 2008, unfortunately, is under threat of extinction: there are only about 250 individuals. According to researchers, these monkeys are monogamous: they create a mate for life and never change partners.
Anatolian crested newt

This amphibian was recently identified as a separate species. Crested newt is more chunky than its closest relatives, and has a length of 10-13 cm
Lankaranski dwarf lemur

This dwarf lemur, found only in Northern Madagascar, was opened in 2014.
Crab "Severus Snape"

Bug-eyed crab with a pale yellow carapace was first discovered in 1998 by researcher Harry Conley. A few days ago, when the species was finally described, it was entitled Harryplax severus. Thus the scientist Jose Mendoza gave tribute to the discoverer of the species, and my favorite series of books about Harry Potter.
The Laotian giant flying squirrel

This flying rodent is the largest protein in nature. Its "wings" actually function as parachutes, helping the flying squirrel to glide smoothly through the air.
Ink yellow rain frog

The bright yellow pigment of the skin of these frogs stain the skin if you touch them. Such coloration is usually characteristic of poisonous animals, but staining yellow rain frog, according to scientists, is harmless.
Purple crab

These small crabs are distinguished by their unusual purple coloring. However, this bright-purple tint are only females and immature males. Growing up, males become reddish.
Mol Donald Trump

Canadian biologist Vazrik Nazari called them a newly discovered moth in honor of the new President of the United States: the researcher decided that the scales on the head of the moth resemble the hairdo of Donald trump.
Photos on the preview Zuofu Xiang
According to the materials 10 Incredible Recently Discovered Animals
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