Romanian photographer has showed the beauty of ordinary women around the world

Photographer from Romania Mihaela Noroc (Noroc Mihaela), which is known thanks to the project "Atlas of beauty" ("The Atlas of Beauty") is dedicated to the beauty of women around the world, continues to delight his fans with new images.
The website has prepared for you a new selection of stunning photographs which prove that there can be standards of attractiveness — beauty is unique in every woman.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Amazon rainforest

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

In Woodville, New Zealand

Wakhan corridor, Afghanistan

New York, USA

Guangzhou, China

Sydney, Australia

Kathmandu, Nepal


Istanbul, Turkey

Sinuiju, North Korea

Moscow, Russia

Kathmandu, Nepal

Sichuan Province, China

Bucharest, Romania

Stockholm, Sweden


Lviv, Ukraine

Moscow, Russia

The Source Of Mihaela Noroc
Photos on the preview Mihaela Noroc
See also
The photographer has showed the beauty of women from all over the world
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/fotograf-pokazal-krasotu-zhenschin-so-vsego-mira-856560/
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