Exercises to improve blood circulation of pelvic organs
We want to introduce you to the complex of gymnastic exercises, allowing to strengthen the vaginal muscles and pelvic floor, normalizing gonadal function.
These exercises will have a beneficial effect on the female body in the case of chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and in the case of infertility on the background of neurosis.
According to doctors, such exercises should be given no more than an hour a day, which will make it still look more toned.
Six million seven hundred seventy four thousand one hundred ninety three
Exercises in the sitting position
1. The legs should cross "in Turkish», keeping your back straight, then you need to pull your abdomen and buttocks.
Tightly clenched muscles should relax and repeat the exercise twenty times.
2. The maximum spread them apart straight leg, on the inhale lift the hands up and make a tilt towards your toes, reaching, and pushing the chin to the area between the collarbones.
Make eight such slopes.
This exercise to enhance blood flow to the genitals, bladder and rectum and inhibits the accumulation of body fat in the thigh area.
3. Sit on your heels, back straight, bent knees and clasped hands in the castle behind.
Bring your right arm around your shoulder and pull the left rear towards the right, then repeat the exercise, changing hands.
Thus you will contribute to the strengthening of knee joints and to improve posture.
4. Sit with a tall one leg, and the second bent at the knee, in this position the foot as close as possible to the perineum.
Then raise your arms up and pull them to the toes of the straight leg while squeezing your buttocks, hold the position for ten seconds. Then switch legs.
This exercise has a beneficial effect on ovarian function.
5. Bend in the knees, of the foot and heel, expand, and apply them to the groin, stick hands on the toes of the feet, reducing and tightening the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles.
Repeat the exercise eight times, it relieves congestion in the pelvic area.
Forty four million seven hundred seventy four thousand two hundred fifty four
Exercises in lying position
1. Lie on your back and extend your arms along the body, legs straight. Pick one up in a straight position up, then do this with the other leg, then work your legs like scissors, you can now lower them down.
Repeat the exercise eight times follows that you will improve the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, strengthen the abdominal muscles and lower back.
2. Lying on her stomach, lightly press your forehead to the floor, hands interlock in the lock, putting his hands on the elbows and raising them above her head.
Raise the divorced straight leg as high as possible, stretching the toes and hold the position for six to eight seconds.
Thus, you stimulate the production of sex hormones and increase sexual activity.
Sit on your heels and grab hands behind your heels, lift your pelvis up and forward, bend your head and continue to pull the pelvis forward.
After which it is again lowered to the heels.
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Phytotherapy in gynecology
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, such additional physical activity will help to reduce the risk of serious disease.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdorova.info/zhenskie-bolezni/ginekologiya/gimnastika-dlya-ukrepleniya-vnutrennih-zhenskih-organov.html
These exercises will have a beneficial effect on the female body in the case of chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and in the case of infertility on the background of neurosis.
According to doctors, such exercises should be given no more than an hour a day, which will make it still look more toned.
Six million seven hundred seventy four thousand one hundred ninety three
Exercises in the sitting position
1. The legs should cross "in Turkish», keeping your back straight, then you need to pull your abdomen and buttocks.
Tightly clenched muscles should relax and repeat the exercise twenty times.
2. The maximum spread them apart straight leg, on the inhale lift the hands up and make a tilt towards your toes, reaching, and pushing the chin to the area between the collarbones.
Make eight such slopes.
This exercise to enhance blood flow to the genitals, bladder and rectum and inhibits the accumulation of body fat in the thigh area.
3. Sit on your heels, back straight, bent knees and clasped hands in the castle behind.
Bring your right arm around your shoulder and pull the left rear towards the right, then repeat the exercise, changing hands.
Thus you will contribute to the strengthening of knee joints and to improve posture.
4. Sit with a tall one leg, and the second bent at the knee, in this position the foot as close as possible to the perineum.
Then raise your arms up and pull them to the toes of the straight leg while squeezing your buttocks, hold the position for ten seconds. Then switch legs.
This exercise has a beneficial effect on ovarian function.
5. Bend in the knees, of the foot and heel, expand, and apply them to the groin, stick hands on the toes of the feet, reducing and tightening the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles.
Repeat the exercise eight times, it relieves congestion in the pelvic area.
Forty four million seven hundred seventy four thousand two hundred fifty four
Exercises in lying position
1. Lie on your back and extend your arms along the body, legs straight. Pick one up in a straight position up, then do this with the other leg, then work your legs like scissors, you can now lower them down.
Repeat the exercise eight times follows that you will improve the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, strengthen the abdominal muscles and lower back.
2. Lying on her stomach, lightly press your forehead to the floor, hands interlock in the lock, putting his hands on the elbows and raising them above her head.
Raise the divorced straight leg as high as possible, stretching the toes and hold the position for six to eight seconds.
Thus, you stimulate the production of sex hormones and increase sexual activity.
Sit on your heels and grab hands behind your heels, lift your pelvis up and forward, bend your head and continue to pull the pelvis forward.
After which it is again lowered to the heels.
Also interesting: the top secret of the critical days
Phytotherapy in gynecology
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, such additional physical activity will help to reduce the risk of serious disease.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdorova.info/zhenskie-bolezni/ginekologiya/gimnastika-dlya-ukrepleniya-vnutrennih-zhenskih-organov.html