Screwed: the family had not counted on SUCH addition
Folks that keep at home exotic animals, know that it is important to purchase them from breeders with good reputation. Only then can we avoid the trouble and buy a really purebred animal. The website decided to share with the reader the story of one couple who wanted to buy a miniature pet pig, but something went wrong!
The couple kept at home a lot of different animals: cats, dogs, rabbit and even raccoon
But this zoo was not enough for them, and they decided to get a mini pig
However, the price of a miniature pet pig seemed to them too high so they went to a friend of the farmer. He sold them a tiny Piglet, assuring that the baby will grow up, but not much
The first couple of months the pig was really little, but then began to grow rapidly
Of course, she was no dwarf, but a very ordinary pig!
The owners, by the way, not eager to part with his large pet. The pig immediately found a common language with other Pets and has taken a special place in the hearts of the owners
via factroom.ru
In this Russian village was recorded an absolute temperature record, which will make you wince!
Houston, we have a problem: in such a situation it is better not to fall!