In this Russian village was recorded an absolute temperature record, which will make you wince!
Three million nine hundred twenty six thousand three hundred forty five
If you believed in your town that is still cold, you've never been to Oymyakon. In 1924 there was an absolute record cold -71.2 degrees, and now the temperature in January reaches around -50°C! The website hastens to share with the reader photos, telling about how people live in the coldest city in Russia!
Oymyakon is a small village in Yakutia, which stands on the banks of the river Indigirka. In the winter it is incredibly cold, so people wear several layers of clothing and warm coats
Photo source: Amoschapplephoto.song the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the market where fish and meat are sold directly on the street, not using the freezer. Here they just do not need!
The village of Oymyakon the only road that locals call the "Road of bones"
At the entrance people encounters a sign that reads "Oymyakon, the "pole of cold""
Grandma walks past snow-covered houses to the village centre
Local dogs are particularly dense and thick hair, saving them from frost
The toilets are on the street near the houses because the construction of water supply impossible due to low temperatures. Water simply freezes in the pipes
In Ojmjakon cows live in heated barns
The village has only one shop where products are sold and things
Residents try to keep their cars only in heated garages. Left overnight in the cold car just won't start
Houses are heated with the help of plants running on coal
via factroom.ru
If you believed in your town that is still cold, you've never been to Oymyakon. In 1924 there was an absolute record cold -71.2 degrees, and now the temperature in January reaches around -50°C! The website hastens to share with the reader photos, telling about how people live in the coldest city in Russia!
Oymyakon is a small village in Yakutia, which stands on the banks of the river Indigirka. In the winter it is incredibly cold, so people wear several layers of clothing and warm coats

Photo source: Amoschapplephoto.song the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is the market where fish and meat are sold directly on the street, not using the freezer. Here they just do not need!

The village of Oymyakon the only road that locals call the "Road of bones"

At the entrance people encounters a sign that reads "Oymyakon, the "pole of cold""

Grandma walks past snow-covered houses to the village centre

Local dogs are particularly dense and thick hair, saving them from frost

The toilets are on the street near the houses because the construction of water supply impossible due to low temperatures. Water simply freezes in the pipes

In Ojmjakon cows live in heated barns

The village has only one shop where products are sold and things

Residents try to keep their cars only in heated garages. Left overnight in the cold car just won't start

Houses are heated with the help of plants running on coal

via factroom.ru
As simple and inexpensive to make a fountain on the site
Screwed: the family had not counted on SUCH addition