The incredible human potential
The human body is designed with plenty of opportunities. It is found that in the human spine can withstand extreme conditions of load of 10 tons.
Margin, endowed by nature, people use very rarely, once or twice in my entire life, and sometimes this stock may be altogether uncalled. The safety margin - the guarantee of our survival, biological protection, and is used only when it is a question of life and death. Fear and self-preservation at the time of an emergency, "authorizes" the human body to use fully this stock, but most people resort to its emergency reserve is quite rare. But one day, using the entire stock of its features, the man then the rest of life does not cease to wonder how he managed it. In the face of mortal danger, when the enormous threat to the life and death seems imminent, the human body can work wonders. There are many examples. Elderly man chased after him when a bull literally jumped over a fence two meters, although in his youth was an athlete.
Polar pilot repaired his plane and he saw behind his back a polar bear, which gently pushed his paw pilot's shoulder, as if inviting him to look. In the next fraction of a second pilot was standing on the wing of the plane located above the ground at a height of about two meters. Later, the pilot was unable to explain how he managed to do it. Under the wheel of the car turned out to be a child, and his mother, for the sake of his child, raises the car, if the car had no weight. In St. Petersburg, two year old child fell from the 7th floor window, his mother barely had time to grab her child with one hand; with the other hand she was holding on to a brick cornice. Moreover, not all stayed with the hand, but only the index and middle fingers, but "death grip." When a woman is shot, her rescuers with great effort hardly unclenched her fingers. Then a few hours and comforted the woman persuaded her to let go of the hand of his child. The case when in flight under the pedal in the cockpit was a bolt - control jammed. To save his life, and the car, the pilot pressed the pedal so that the cut like a blade of grass, a bolt.
In the newspaper "Week" published an interview with the pilot IM Chisovym whose plane in a dogfight was shot down "Messerschmitt" in January 1942 over the Vyazma. "... The plane began to fall," belly "up. We had to leave the car. Astrolyuk through which you can get, appeared beneath my head (and I myself - upside down). Well, and the height of the beginning of the impact: the hoses leading to the breathing apparatus, were killed. And the latch hatch is jammed! If I was told before that astrolyuk can knock out punch, no life would have believed; but I opened it that way (still do not understand how it was possible), - he told IM Chisov. The house caught fire, and the old woman - "God's Dandelion" to save their belongings behind in a lifetime good dragged from the second floor of a burning house a huge trunk. After the fire, two young, healthy male with difficulty brought this chest to his former place.
In 1997, two pretty tipsy a Belarusian climbed into an enclosure with a bison in the Bialowieza Forest; they wanted to pat zubrihu. Either she did not like the smell of alcohol, whether it was not set to a lyrical wave, it did not take tenderness of their fans. Within minutes of their acquaintance, one of them sat on the fence, while the second, less agile, was gently pry horn. Hops held immediately, the only hope was to his feet. On the other side of the fence he was three meters in the blink of an eye. As witnesses of their record was not, super-fast running and jumping an obstacle not included in the "Guinness Book of Records." In 1998, the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" told readers about the case, what happened to the carpenter from the village Bazhenovka taiga (the Kemerovo region).. Carpenter walked through the forest and came upon a sleeping bear. Funk it was so great that he grabbed lying next to a log and then rushed to him with all haste to their homes three kilometers. Only in the yard Carpenter threw a log and caught his breath. Later, when he wanted out of the way this log, I could not even lift it. Until now, the carpenter can not grasp why he needed this log, because without it he could have run much faster.
On a winter road accident occurred that resulted in casualties. To save her injured 40-year-old son, 70-year-old woman hoisted it on his back, and with such a burden was 13 km deep snow, never stopping and without dropping his precious burden. When the rescuers made their way by snowmobile to the accident, focusing on the next woman, then all the way seen only traces of a pair of legs. Human capabilities are manifested not only in stressful situations. But as a result of prolonged exercise, such as athletes. Previously, athletes do not even suggested that they submit to the height of 2 m 35 cm in length that can jump 8 m 90 cm, which can raise the bar to 500 kg in three movements: jerk, jerk, bench. In August 1985, the 23-year-old athlete from Kiev Rudolph Povarnitsyn overcome the bar to 240 cm in the high jump. And a few days later another athlete Igor Paklin subdued height 241 cm. Javelin thrower overcame 95-meter mark. In June 2005, 22-year-old Jamaican runner Asafa Powell set a new world record in the women's 100 meters - 9, 77 seconds. Now athletes dream to jump high over 241 cm in length jump over 9 meters. To raise half a ton of the two movements. Having lived most of my life and not of death will claim their opportunities, but each of us good to know that somewhere in the depths of you lurk enormous strength that you have laid a colossal memory of that moment in danger of death may save your life. POWER RECORDS
From time to time weightlifters remind the public about themselves with their original tricks with gravity, while establishing records. Press Do not forget to tell your readers about it. In the Basque Country (Spain) regularly hosts traditional competitions in weightlifting. In 1987, the strongest among the Basques was recognized Inaki Perur he raised three times in a row concrete blocks weighing 300 kg. At the end of the twentieth century a serious bid currently a teacher made the Interior Ministry Academy, Captain Vyacheslav Horonenko. First, the athlete was a favorite exercise equipment dumbbells. Using weights varying severity, he found a lot of achievements in weightlifting - more than 70 national and more than 10 senior world records. So, during the day he lifted a weight 18,108 pounds of time (nearly 300 tonnes) - the absolute world record. -Pound kettlebell athlete pushing sitting in splits, as long as it broke the record listed in the "Guinness Book of Records" - 55 times. Set records on the platform weightlifters was not enough, and he-pound weights down to the bottom of the pool and sitting in the splits for 52 seconds - the time at which it was possible to hold your breath - lifted a weight 21 times. One could argue that the law under the water Archimedes. In fact, water makes the weight easier to 7-8 kg, but the conditions for lifting weights is not entirely suitable for the person.
B. Horonenko weights soon tired. In addition, it was found out that in Europe, the weights are not taken seriously. There are delighted audiences heavy lifting, but the severity of some features. For example, in the Netherlands, athletes lift and throw boulders at a distance. Belarusan athlete weights has replaced 40-pound keg of beer after a while set an absolute world record: during the day he raised the barrel of 3150 times, for a total of 126 tons. At the same time it was necessary to comply with strict conditions: a 5-minute rest after each hour of lifting weights. Sergei Mackiewicz in 2000 set a world record in raising pood weights for five hours - without interruption jerked the weight 7030 times. In 2000, a mighty man of Belarusan Bobruisk, 39-year-old Vladimir Saveliev, set a world record: during the day he lifted a 24-pound dumbbell alternating right and left hand 19275 times, for a total of 462 tons of 600 kg. Savelyev biology teacher by profession, outwardly looks like a hero - height 175 cm, weight - 100 kg.
In November 2000, 26-year-old Vahan Sarkisian, a former champion of the Armenian Weightlifting, showed a unique force trick. First Vahan stripped to the waist, and then began to pierce themselves with hooks made of stainless steel. One hook inserted in both hands, two hooks to cling to the skin of the breast. Assistants attached to hooks steel cables stretched to the minibus weighing 1540 kg. It is amazing that this short, frail, weighing 65 kg, the man moved on the car and dragged her to a distance of about 8 meters! Hanapiev Omar, a 30-year power gymnast from Dagestan, in 2001 set a record: gripping teeth for rope budged Tu-134 and dragged him to a distance of 7 meters. November 7 of the same year in the same manner strongman dragged over a distance of 10 meters and 12 railway locomotives respectively 136 and 140 tons. Two days later at the port of Makhachkala Hanapiev budged and dragged through the water tanker with a displacement of 567 tons at a distance of 15 meters. In 2002, 30 men and 8 women from 20 countries gathered in Malaysia to show themselves and to flex its muscles. Viewers had to be surprised. Yamo Hams Dutchman moved up and reached for a 16-ton truck. Canadian Hugo Girard picked up a set of weights with a total weight of 260 kg, lifted them and carried around the stadium a few meters. Not inferior to men and women; the weaker sex has proved that he is not weak. American Shannon Hartnett has demonstrated the same as that of Hugo, but only the weight of the weights she had twice easier. Swede Anna Rosen off the ground three trucks weighing three tons. Pole Mariusz Pudzinovsky wanted to repeat this number, but he was able to raise only two-ton truck. And American Jill Mills ran around the stadium with a 80-pound shield. In September 2003, forty years of George Kristen Luxembourg nicknamed "Steel Teeth" came to Yaroslavl for one purpose - to establish a new official record of 24 in a row. At home, Christophe fairly well-known personality: his teeth raised table with sitting on it a woman pulled teeth 20-ton wagon to a distance of 200 meters, raised three sport aircraft pilots, and so on.. In Yaroslavl Luxembourger teeth budge and pulled the Volga River at a distance of 10 meters to 120-ton ship with passengers whose weight was 2830 kg.
In 2003, a multiple champion in kickboxing 29-year-old Nugzar Gograchadze teeth pulled train weighing 228 tonnes over a distance of 4 meters. It is 70 cm and 5 tons more than the record, recorded in the "Guinness Book of Records." In our time, the strongest man of Ukraine Vasily Virastjuk considered. Its parameters are: weight - 140 kg, height - 191 cm, the volume of the chest - 142 cm, the volume of the neck - 49 cm, the volume of the biceps - 49 cm. At the beginning of 2004 in Lvov, a large gathering of people, he pushed off and handed to a distance of 17, 9 meters coupling of five tram cars; each wagon weighed 20, 3 tons. Then, almost without resting, the hero took in both hands on the box-coffer with steel ingots, each box weighing 171 kg. Objective: To carry the "suitcase" as far as possible. But 19 meters Virastjuk stumbled - cargo touched the ground. Angry at the failure of the "suitcases" Virastjuk decided to budge the trailer out of ten cars "Mitsubishi-Charisma", each car weighing 1600 kg. This trailer strongman handed over a distance of 19, 4 meters.
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Margin, endowed by nature, people use very rarely, once or twice in my entire life, and sometimes this stock may be altogether uncalled. The safety margin - the guarantee of our survival, biological protection, and is used only when it is a question of life and death. Fear and self-preservation at the time of an emergency, "authorizes" the human body to use fully this stock, but most people resort to its emergency reserve is quite rare. But one day, using the entire stock of its features, the man then the rest of life does not cease to wonder how he managed it. In the face of mortal danger, when the enormous threat to the life and death seems imminent, the human body can work wonders. There are many examples. Elderly man chased after him when a bull literally jumped over a fence two meters, although in his youth was an athlete.

Polar pilot repaired his plane and he saw behind his back a polar bear, which gently pushed his paw pilot's shoulder, as if inviting him to look. In the next fraction of a second pilot was standing on the wing of the plane located above the ground at a height of about two meters. Later, the pilot was unable to explain how he managed to do it. Under the wheel of the car turned out to be a child, and his mother, for the sake of his child, raises the car, if the car had no weight. In St. Petersburg, two year old child fell from the 7th floor window, his mother barely had time to grab her child with one hand; with the other hand she was holding on to a brick cornice. Moreover, not all stayed with the hand, but only the index and middle fingers, but "death grip." When a woman is shot, her rescuers with great effort hardly unclenched her fingers. Then a few hours and comforted the woman persuaded her to let go of the hand of his child. The case when in flight under the pedal in the cockpit was a bolt - control jammed. To save his life, and the car, the pilot pressed the pedal so that the cut like a blade of grass, a bolt.

In the newspaper "Week" published an interview with the pilot IM Chisovym whose plane in a dogfight was shot down "Messerschmitt" in January 1942 over the Vyazma. "... The plane began to fall," belly "up. We had to leave the car. Astrolyuk through which you can get, appeared beneath my head (and I myself - upside down). Well, and the height of the beginning of the impact: the hoses leading to the breathing apparatus, were killed. And the latch hatch is jammed! If I was told before that astrolyuk can knock out punch, no life would have believed; but I opened it that way (still do not understand how it was possible), - he told IM Chisov. The house caught fire, and the old woman - "God's Dandelion" to save their belongings behind in a lifetime good dragged from the second floor of a burning house a huge trunk. After the fire, two young, healthy male with difficulty brought this chest to his former place.

In 1997, two pretty tipsy a Belarusian climbed into an enclosure with a bison in the Bialowieza Forest; they wanted to pat zubrihu. Either she did not like the smell of alcohol, whether it was not set to a lyrical wave, it did not take tenderness of their fans. Within minutes of their acquaintance, one of them sat on the fence, while the second, less agile, was gently pry horn. Hops held immediately, the only hope was to his feet. On the other side of the fence he was three meters in the blink of an eye. As witnesses of their record was not, super-fast running and jumping an obstacle not included in the "Guinness Book of Records." In 1998, the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" told readers about the case, what happened to the carpenter from the village Bazhenovka taiga (the Kemerovo region).. Carpenter walked through the forest and came upon a sleeping bear. Funk it was so great that he grabbed lying next to a log and then rushed to him with all haste to their homes three kilometers. Only in the yard Carpenter threw a log and caught his breath. Later, when he wanted out of the way this log, I could not even lift it. Until now, the carpenter can not grasp why he needed this log, because without it he could have run much faster.

On a winter road accident occurred that resulted in casualties. To save her injured 40-year-old son, 70-year-old woman hoisted it on his back, and with such a burden was 13 km deep snow, never stopping and without dropping his precious burden. When the rescuers made their way by snowmobile to the accident, focusing on the next woman, then all the way seen only traces of a pair of legs. Human capabilities are manifested not only in stressful situations. But as a result of prolonged exercise, such as athletes. Previously, athletes do not even suggested that they submit to the height of 2 m 35 cm in length that can jump 8 m 90 cm, which can raise the bar to 500 kg in three movements: jerk, jerk, bench. In August 1985, the 23-year-old athlete from Kiev Rudolph Povarnitsyn overcome the bar to 240 cm in the high jump. And a few days later another athlete Igor Paklin subdued height 241 cm. Javelin thrower overcame 95-meter mark. In June 2005, 22-year-old Jamaican runner Asafa Powell set a new world record in the women's 100 meters - 9, 77 seconds. Now athletes dream to jump high over 241 cm in length jump over 9 meters. To raise half a ton of the two movements. Having lived most of my life and not of death will claim their opportunities, but each of us good to know that somewhere in the depths of you lurk enormous strength that you have laid a colossal memory of that moment in danger of death may save your life. POWER RECORDS

From time to time weightlifters remind the public about themselves with their original tricks with gravity, while establishing records. Press Do not forget to tell your readers about it. In the Basque Country (Spain) regularly hosts traditional competitions in weightlifting. In 1987, the strongest among the Basques was recognized Inaki Perur he raised three times in a row concrete blocks weighing 300 kg. At the end of the twentieth century a serious bid currently a teacher made the Interior Ministry Academy, Captain Vyacheslav Horonenko. First, the athlete was a favorite exercise equipment dumbbells. Using weights varying severity, he found a lot of achievements in weightlifting - more than 70 national and more than 10 senior world records. So, during the day he lifted a weight 18,108 pounds of time (nearly 300 tonnes) - the absolute world record. -Pound kettlebell athlete pushing sitting in splits, as long as it broke the record listed in the "Guinness Book of Records" - 55 times. Set records on the platform weightlifters was not enough, and he-pound weights down to the bottom of the pool and sitting in the splits for 52 seconds - the time at which it was possible to hold your breath - lifted a weight 21 times. One could argue that the law under the water Archimedes. In fact, water makes the weight easier to 7-8 kg, but the conditions for lifting weights is not entirely suitable for the person.

B. Horonenko weights soon tired. In addition, it was found out that in Europe, the weights are not taken seriously. There are delighted audiences heavy lifting, but the severity of some features. For example, in the Netherlands, athletes lift and throw boulders at a distance. Belarusan athlete weights has replaced 40-pound keg of beer after a while set an absolute world record: during the day he raised the barrel of 3150 times, for a total of 126 tons. At the same time it was necessary to comply with strict conditions: a 5-minute rest after each hour of lifting weights. Sergei Mackiewicz in 2000 set a world record in raising pood weights for five hours - without interruption jerked the weight 7030 times. In 2000, a mighty man of Belarusan Bobruisk, 39-year-old Vladimir Saveliev, set a world record: during the day he lifted a 24-pound dumbbell alternating right and left hand 19275 times, for a total of 462 tons of 600 kg. Savelyev biology teacher by profession, outwardly looks like a hero - height 175 cm, weight - 100 kg.

In November 2000, 26-year-old Vahan Sarkisian, a former champion of the Armenian Weightlifting, showed a unique force trick. First Vahan stripped to the waist, and then began to pierce themselves with hooks made of stainless steel. One hook inserted in both hands, two hooks to cling to the skin of the breast. Assistants attached to hooks steel cables stretched to the minibus weighing 1540 kg. It is amazing that this short, frail, weighing 65 kg, the man moved on the car and dragged her to a distance of about 8 meters! Hanapiev Omar, a 30-year power gymnast from Dagestan, in 2001 set a record: gripping teeth for rope budged Tu-134 and dragged him to a distance of 7 meters. November 7 of the same year in the same manner strongman dragged over a distance of 10 meters and 12 railway locomotives respectively 136 and 140 tons. Two days later at the port of Makhachkala Hanapiev budged and dragged through the water tanker with a displacement of 567 tons at a distance of 15 meters. In 2002, 30 men and 8 women from 20 countries gathered in Malaysia to show themselves and to flex its muscles. Viewers had to be surprised. Yamo Hams Dutchman moved up and reached for a 16-ton truck. Canadian Hugo Girard picked up a set of weights with a total weight of 260 kg, lifted them and carried around the stadium a few meters. Not inferior to men and women; the weaker sex has proved that he is not weak. American Shannon Hartnett has demonstrated the same as that of Hugo, but only the weight of the weights she had twice easier. Swede Anna Rosen off the ground three trucks weighing three tons. Pole Mariusz Pudzinovsky wanted to repeat this number, but he was able to raise only two-ton truck. And American Jill Mills ran around the stadium with a 80-pound shield. In September 2003, forty years of George Kristen Luxembourg nicknamed "Steel Teeth" came to Yaroslavl for one purpose - to establish a new official record of 24 in a row. At home, Christophe fairly well-known personality: his teeth raised table with sitting on it a woman pulled teeth 20-ton wagon to a distance of 200 meters, raised three sport aircraft pilots, and so on.. In Yaroslavl Luxembourger teeth budge and pulled the Volga River at a distance of 10 meters to 120-ton ship with passengers whose weight was 2830 kg.

In 2003, a multiple champion in kickboxing 29-year-old Nugzar Gograchadze teeth pulled train weighing 228 tonnes over a distance of 4 meters. It is 70 cm and 5 tons more than the record, recorded in the "Guinness Book of Records." In our time, the strongest man of Ukraine Vasily Virastjuk considered. Its parameters are: weight - 140 kg, height - 191 cm, the volume of the chest - 142 cm, the volume of the neck - 49 cm, the volume of the biceps - 49 cm. At the beginning of 2004 in Lvov, a large gathering of people, he pushed off and handed to a distance of 17, 9 meters coupling of five tram cars; each wagon weighed 20, 3 tons. Then, almost without resting, the hero took in both hands on the box-coffer with steel ingots, each box weighing 171 kg. Objective: To carry the "suitcase" as far as possible. But 19 meters Virastjuk stumbled - cargo touched the ground. Angry at the failure of the "suitcases" Virastjuk decided to budge the trailer out of ten cars "Mitsubishi-Charisma", each car weighing 1600 kg. This trailer strongman handed over a distance of 19, 4 meters.

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