This relaxing facial works wonders!
Dry facial massage aims to release tension in the tissues of the individual areas. It is particularly effective at the end of a busy day, before bed.
The technique: a gentle, caressing motion of a well-warmed palms.
Placing warm palms on the tense areas of the face and pausing in this position for some time, you will feel relax under the influence of heat, all sandwiched region. Continue the manipulation until the complete disappearance of stress.
1. Gently put on the face of both palms as shown in the figure. You will immediately feel a pleasant, soothing sensation.
2. Very gently place on his forehead, splayed fingers, then slowly move your hands to her hair, relaxing the whole stress field.
3. Position on both sides of the forehead two fingers, feel the warmth and relaxation. Slightly slide your fingers again and hold. Move to the sides towards the temples.
4. Put the finger of one hand on the bridge, a finger of the other hand perform a stroking motion downwards along the nose and Vice versa.
5. First, placing two fingers on the upper lip, weaken the site. Then in the same way relax the area under the lower lip. The warmth of your fingers is effective at tissue of the face.
Then gently move your fingers (that bringing together them, distancing) on both sections of the lower part of your face.
6. Similarly massage the area around the chin. Remember that the skin should be treated in different ways.
7. Position hands as shown in the figure, feel the warmth, relaxation of the muscles and tissues of the face.published
"Massage for the whole family," Deborah grace
How to remove unwanted hair: 5 natural recipes
Get rid of double chin: 15 basic exercises
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6641
The technique: a gentle, caressing motion of a well-warmed palms.
Placing warm palms on the tense areas of the face and pausing in this position for some time, you will feel relax under the influence of heat, all sandwiched region. Continue the manipulation until the complete disappearance of stress.

1. Gently put on the face of both palms as shown in the figure. You will immediately feel a pleasant, soothing sensation.

2. Very gently place on his forehead, splayed fingers, then slowly move your hands to her hair, relaxing the whole stress field.

3. Position on both sides of the forehead two fingers, feel the warmth and relaxation. Slightly slide your fingers again and hold. Move to the sides towards the temples.

4. Put the finger of one hand on the bridge, a finger of the other hand perform a stroking motion downwards along the nose and Vice versa.

5. First, placing two fingers on the upper lip, weaken the site. Then in the same way relax the area under the lower lip. The warmth of your fingers is effective at tissue of the face.

Then gently move your fingers (that bringing together them, distancing) on both sections of the lower part of your face.
6. Similarly massage the area around the chin. Remember that the skin should be treated in different ways.

7. Position hands as shown in the figure, feel the warmth, relaxation of the muscles and tissues of the face.published

"Massage for the whole family," Deborah grace
How to remove unwanted hair: 5 natural recipes
Get rid of double chin: 15 basic exercises
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6641
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