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Static electricity

One Greek philosopher belongs to the aphorism: "Our shortcomings are the continuation of our merits". This is fully applicable to the wind industry. Truer words were never spoken. And do not say, it is necessary from the lack to get rid of. If there is no wind, but it is necessary — it is necessary to create. It requires energy. The circle is closed. However, moving away from stereotypical approaches, the solution is, and it looks amazingly simple, and proven for centuries.


Look good in the rustic cellar. In any season in any weather in this comfortable temperature and fresh air. Why? From the level of the outer surface of the ceiling of the cellar down to his floor pipe and the other pipe goes from under ceiling to outside at a certain height. In leading outside the pipe there is a quite noticeable constantly pointing up the air flow. It is caused by the pressure difference of the atmosphere on the level of the floor of the cellar and the upper edge of the outlet pipe.

According to GOST 4401-81 on the International standard atmosphere, the pressure difference is 1.22 kg/cm2 (that is 11,98 PA) at 1 m increments in height, making the system uneven pipes creates a circulating flow of air from the atmosphere into the cellar and from the cellar into the atmosphere. Placed in the output pipe spinner will spin. The presence of the wind outside is not required. That's the whole idea. But need more power.

The world is United in its manifestations, and if the idea works in "small", then the inevitable will work in "big". And running. In Turkey, in the village Derinkuyu stretches for tens of kilometers in length and up to 90 m deep giant underground city (built in II-I Millennium BC), consisting of a network of interconnected tunnels and rooms. In their excellent natural ventilation provided by the system a large number of mines, small diameter and small number of mines large diameter, connected by vostokovedenie tunnels. The entrances of the mines with a large diameter located substantially below the exits of the mines of small diameter. Air flow velocity in ducts is such that being in them, it is impossible to stay on his feet. It is easy to imagine that if such a duct is to place the wind power plant (WPP) will receive round-the-clock electricity generation that is not dependent on the vagaries of the weather. This is the principle. Then begins the engineering design.

According to GOST 4401-81 on the International standard atmosphere, the pressure difference is (that is 11,98 PA) at 1 m increments in height, making the system uneven pipes creates a circulating flow of air from the atmosphere into the cellar and from the cellar into the atmosphere. Placed in the output pipe spinner will spin

In Fig. 1 is a diagram of the power plant in the power houses. Let's call it "aeroelektromash" (AAAS).

And above all there is the question of the value of its possible capacity, which is determined by the formula N = FV, where F is the impact force of the atmosphere on the mass of air in the duct; V is the speed of the air flow in the area of the wind farm.

For a number of reasons, electrical part, AEAS it is advisable to perform a group WPP, sequentially installed in the horizontal part of the duct. For simplicity, assume the sameness of the space S2 of the cross section horizontal and vertical parts of the duct, the cross-sectional area S1 of the entrance will take more then:

where p is the atmospheric pressure at the inlet of the duct; δ is the increment of the atmospheric pressure at 1 m height; h — height of vertical part of the duct.

From the joint solution of rate equation and Bernoulli's equation for duct is the expression of the flow velocity in the area of the wind farm

where ρ is the air density. To get an idea about the magnitude of put S1 = 20 m2, S2 = 10 m2, ρ = 1,225 kg/m3, p = 1 kgf/cm2, h = 50 m, d = 1,23 kg/m3, hence get V = 36 m/s, N = 35280 kW.

This power should be used reasonably. But how? From the experience of purging VES rotary type in wind tunnels it is known that for normal operation, placed in the pipe VES her sweeping the surface should be no more than 15% of the cross-sectional area of the pipe (i.e., horizontal connections), and it is 1.5 m2. Impeller diameter VES — 1.4 m.

According to the formula power rotary WPP NB = 0,29 blower SB V3 get NB = 20,3 kW. Not bad, but maybe more. This horizontal duct to accommodate a wind farm fundamentally new type (VESK) — with Converter of kinetic energy of the air flow in the form of "slatted wing" who performs the oscillating movement in the transverse plane of the duct.

In Fig. 2 is a kinematic diagram of arbitration. Here 1 — a group of aerodynamic plates with an aerodynamic cross-sections (hereinafter the plans), installed with freedom of rotation around their longitudinal axis in the moving frame 2 (hereinafter — EDF).

EDF relies on the case 3 through a linear kinematic pair, which provides him the possibility of movement in the plane of the body. Plans 1 are connected by a kinematic connection 4, which ensures their simultaneous rotations in identical angles relative to the frame of the impeller, suspended in a tank suspension 5 and kinematically connected to an electric generator 6.

The change in the angle of attack plans is carried out by the mechanism 7. The oscillation amplitude of the impeller is limited to the dampers 8. Are the kinematics of arbitration is protected by the RF patent №2338923. On the existing world analogues are unknown.

The electric power of the arbitration is determined by the value of torque that the impeller can inform the generator, and is expressed by the formula

M = Fl (1)

where F is the aerodynamic force developed by the impeller when its blowing wind flow; l — shoulder of application of force equal to half the stroke of the impeller.

In turn:

where n is the number of plans in the impeller; su — coefficient of aerodynamic lift; S — area of the plan; V — velocity of air flow.

By varying the parameters such as duct and wind power stations of a new type, it is possible to obtain the desired structural performance, desired output, layout, etc. for Example, the horizontal part of the duct can be placed in an underground tunnel, and the vertical inside the building like the Elevator shaft

VESK due to the aerodynamics of the impeller may, without prejudice to the power to completely occupy the cross section of the duct. In cross-sectional area of the duct 10 m2 it is advisable to have the dimensions VESK 4 X 2,5 m, dimensions of the impeller 3 X 2.2 m, the EDF — 1 m. Under the assumed dimensions of arbitration in the impeller can accommodate 12 plans area of 0.88 m each. Calculation under formulas (1) and (2) gives the torque value 4187,4 N-m, which is theoretically enough to drive, for example, 285 generators VG-1(12)450 with a total electrical capacity of 285 kW. How to place them is another question. Now we estimate the potential capacity. It is 14 times higher than when using VES rotary type.

It was experimentally established that the impeller goes along the longitudinal axis of the duct laminar flow.

Therefore, no problem can be installed in a horizontal duct sequentially the desired number of arbitration with an interval between them in half length VESK, based only on considerations of maintainability, getting their total capacity. For example, when the length of the horizontal part of the duct 200 m will receive approximately of 10.83 MW. Annual power generation will be 94870,8 MWh. This technical solution protected by the RF patent №2500920.

The calculation has demonstration purposes only. By varying the parameters such as duct and VESK, it is possible to obtain the desired structural performance, desired output, layout, etc. for Example, the horizontal part of the duct can be placed in an underground tunnel, and the vertical inside the building like the Elevator shaft. This is another of the major advantages of AAAS — it can be placed directly at the consumer, eliminating long transmission lines. Thus, we obtain invariant with respect to weather conditions and the locations of the wind. And wind power is it? Maybe we should introduce a new term, for example, "static energy"?

It remains to answer the question "What energy is used for electricity generation in AAAS?" In the terminology of the new direction in science — part of the "energy environment" — namely, the gravitational energy of the atmosphere. This energy is inexhaustible and it can be obtained without high material costs, so energy hunger of humanity is not threatened in any term. published


Source: www.c-o-k.ru/articles/aerostaticheskaya-elektroenergetika