Tortilla de Patatas — a delicious Spanish omelette
Spanish omelette is a classic. For this dish you will need only 5 ingredients and some free time.
1. Wash the potatoes, prepare all the ingredients.
2. Place thinly sliced potatoes in a large pan, pour olive oil. Fry over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add the chopped onions. Continue to cook, stir for another 5 minutes (or until potatoes and onions are soft but not crispy).
3. Remove from heat and strain through sieve to remove as much oil as possible.
4. Whisk the eggs in another large bowl and add the potatoes and onions. Mix and sprinkle with salt.
5. Add one teaspoon of olive oil in a small nonstick pan. When the oil is hot, add mixture, cook at a medium low heat for 4 minutes until you see that the omelette is beyond the edge of the pan.
At this point, take a large plate (larger than the pan), cover with her the pan, flip the omelet on a plate, then slide it back Golden side up.
Cook for 4 minutes on low heat. You can flip the omelet as many times as needed until it is Golden brown on both sides. Put back on the plate.
Cook with love!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112095-tortilla-de-patatas-voshitetelnyy-ispanskiy-omlet

- 10 eggs
- 5 white potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
- 1 large onion, finely chopped
- 250 ml olive oil
- 1 tablespoon salt

1. Wash the potatoes, prepare all the ingredients.
2. Place thinly sliced potatoes in a large pan, pour olive oil. Fry over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add the chopped onions. Continue to cook, stir for another 5 minutes (or until potatoes and onions are soft but not crispy).
3. Remove from heat and strain through sieve to remove as much oil as possible.
4. Whisk the eggs in another large bowl and add the potatoes and onions. Mix and sprinkle with salt.
5. Add one teaspoon of olive oil in a small nonstick pan. When the oil is hot, add mixture, cook at a medium low heat for 4 minutes until you see that the omelette is beyond the edge of the pan.
At this point, take a large plate (larger than the pan), cover with her the pan, flip the omelet on a plate, then slide it back Golden side up.
Cook for 4 minutes on low heat. You can flip the omelet as many times as needed until it is Golden brown on both sides. Put back on the plate.
Cook with love!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112095-tortilla-de-patatas-voshitetelnyy-ispanskiy-omlet