17 ways to package the gift to be remembered for a lifetime
Cool the packaging increases the value of your gift at least twice. And remember this gift will be long!
The website was out of ideas for original gift packaging, which literally awaken the imagination.
Green wreaths
Boxes with gifts can be decorated thin branches of evergreen plants such as arborvitae, rosemary. The boxes themselves can be easily made out of cardboard by yourself.
Fun monsters
Any bright box can be turned into a "monster" that she has attached eyes, teeth, and tongue. The kids will love such a gift.
Box with holes
And, you can pack the gift to its packaging element, such as these beads.
Houses of paper
All you need is to cut the blank from a large sheet of heavy paper or cardboard and glue out of her house. In this box, even an ordinary home-made biscuits will be a special gift.
Decor photos and postcards
Any photos and pictures, even cute magazine clippings — all perfect for decorating packages and gifts. More ideas of this kind can be found here.
Jewelry box of walnut shell
In the presence of imagination, you can use the most unusual materials. Peeled walnuts, a little glue, glitter and ribbon and that fabulous box ready.
The bow on the left side of
This gift will appeal to fans of the film and photographers. See how harmoniously looks like a regular newspaper in the role of wrapping paper.
The feathers look great as decor. It does not matter if the hand is not present, — cut them out of colored or white paper and attach to the parcel.
Kites can also be a great packaging for small gift. Fasten bag with staples and add decor.
Dekor thread
See how differently you can use ordinary thread. This is where you can unleash the imagination.
Ideas with buttons
Who would have thought that even buttons can have a great decorating bundle! String them on strings and tape or glue on the wrapper, or just add a festive bow with a button.
Decoration of ribbon
Such a star will add solemnity to any package. And to make it even from old magazines: just follow the instructions, and the star staple stapler.
Box in the form of anything
Add to the wrapping paper just a few details, and here's your gift sorry already open.
For flag production, suitable pieces of colored paper or fabric that need to be glued to the twine, and the twine to stick to a convolution.
Make these cozy boxes quite simply. They usually pack the shawls and scarves of fine fabrics as well as decorations made with your own hands.
White on white
Package the gift in white paper, tied with a white ribbon and add the white tag sounds unexpectedly. Nevertheless, the result looks amazing!
The bottle caps
Take a bag of crisp, bright fabric, seal it with a glue gun. Glue the nose and a beard — and a bottle of wine will turn into a cheerful gnome.
Photos on the preview entertainmentmesh
See also
15 ideas for gift packaging that it is a pity to open
30 ideas of how to pack Christmas gift
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/30-idej-kak-upakovat-novogodnij-podarok-605055/
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