How to successfully build a career
Career... For her people are able to stoop and serve, altering the principles to go on heads, to bump elbows. The word "ambitious" bears the stamp of negativity and contempt.
But career growth you can achieve quite a decent funds without losing the respect and trust of colleagues. This is what we will talk.
And don't forget the post easier to obtain than to stay in it. If it got you in a fair, open fight, if the team does not doubt your competence and human decency, then you did everything right and deserved this success.published
Author: Mila Alexandrov
Also interesting: the 6 SECRETS of a successful career from the Millennials
28 secrets of exceptionally productive people
Source: inmedio.ru/articles/112042-kak-udachno-postroit-karieru
But career growth you can achieve quite a decent funds without losing the respect and trust of colleagues. This is what we will talk.

- Setting a goal to achieve a certain position — you can give yourself to work. That is dedication and professional achievements should promote your career.
- Level up your skills, attend special courses and seminars. In the eyes of superiors and colleagues, the promotion will look quite logical and deserved.
- Don't hesitate to highlight your professionalism and high motivation in a conversation with the Manager. This is called self-presentation. You are worth exactly how much it can appreciate. But not to sound conceited, you should be extremely tactful. You will help the self-irony and half-joking tone.
- Never shift the responsibility for their failures on others and do not ascribe to themselves other people's merits is for the weak.
- Do not start office romances – they often cause the death of a fairly successful career.
- Maintain a smooth, friendly relationship with all staff; maintain the reputation sociable person. Remove the brackets of the business relationship, their likes and dislikes.
- Do not start a friendship with the boss, which depends on your promotion. Initially, these relationships will help your career, but later will arouse suspicion of bias assessment of your well-earned accomplishments, and may discourage its further growth.
- Do not allow anyone to curry favor at your expense. If you notice colleagues attempt on your achievements, organize the workflow so that everyone is responsible for his plot. Then the secret will be revealed – the merits of each will be obvious. The admission to the competition is acceptable and will not cause censures neither from bona fide colleagues, nor his superiors.
- If the struggle for place, in no case, ne let yourself be drawn into intrigues, not to spread gossip about your closest competitor. If he behaves in a similar way, call him a Frank conversation. But when the opportunity for a production meeting to prove the incompetence of the opponent in some matters, this is your chance – all within the rules / ethics of hard struggle is not broken.To easier was this transition in the minds of the team, and in your also wise to take the day off for 2-3 days and to start work in a new, more formal suit.

And don't forget the post easier to obtain than to stay in it. If it got you in a fair, open fight, if the team does not doubt your competence and human decency, then you did everything right and deserved this success.published
Author: Mila Alexandrov
Also interesting: the 6 SECRETS of a successful career from the Millennials
28 secrets of exceptionally productive people
Source: inmedio.ru/articles/112042-kak-udachno-postroit-karieru