Natalya spondylitis: a body without a SOUL is not living
Almost two decades Natalia Petrovna was the scientific head of the Institute of human brain Russian Academy of Sciences. The famous researcher studied how the brain works healthy and sick person.
Natalia Bekhterev is the author of about 400 scientific works, her discoveries in the field of mechanisms of thinking, memory, emotions, and organization of the human brain.
Published an abridged version of an interview of the magazine “Domovoy” (N6 (43)June, 2004) Maria Wardenga
Natalya Petrovna, I said, meeting this need for me personally. I lost a close friend, he was also a doctor, oncoimmunology.
In the last meeting we talked about faith. And he said, you know, the more I do science the more strengthens the idea of the divine origin of the world.” Do you agree that pain can be overcome only by faith?
I understand, though I'm not sure exactly the question. Science nor from what point of view is not an antagonist of faith.
Another issue is that science itself at some point began to oppose itself to religion. And this, from my point of view, it is strange, because its current state just proves the veracity of the postulates set forth, for example, in Scripture.
But your own science classes and such subtle matter as the human brain, had some relation to the coming to God? Or was it completely independent from the professional activities of a process?
They were related to my method of analysis of the events. The fact that I am not the type of scientists who claim that I can't measure, simply does not exist.
Incidentally, this is the words of a respected colleague. I always say science is the way to the stars. The road into the unknown. As, for example, in this case to be the documentary evidence based on which it reconstructs the history wars? Is it confirmed the testimony of the same event is not a time for reflection and a serious document? I'm not defending the gospel needs no protection — I'm talking in this case about the system understanding the strange, extraordinary things, such as the numerous testimonies of people who saw, heard others in a state of clinical death. This phenomenon is confirmed by numerous patients, and evidence of strikingly coincide in the survey of patients by different persons at different ends of the earth. A lot of women during childbirth has experienced this condition — as if a temporary out of body and observing herself from afar...
Science knows that the violation, especially the termination of the activities of the organs of vision and hearing necessarily results in a violation of, respectively, sight and hearing. How, then, when leaving the body you see and hear? Suppose that a certain state of the dying brain. But how then to explain the consistency of the statistics: only 7-10% of the total number of experienced clinical death remember and can tell about the “phenomenon of out-of-body”...
And in your opinion, this is proof of the Maxim that “many are called, but few are chosen”?
I'm not ready to give an answer. I simply do not have. But the scientist must, above all, clearly set themselves. Don't be afraid. Today it is obvious that a body without a soul is not living. But does biological death the death of the soul — that is the question of questions. I first put it in front of him during the meeting with Vanga...
Your desire to study this phenomenon after a personal meeting with Vanga has undergone any changes?
I honestly told Wang about the research the purpose of his visit. She, incidentally, did it not offended. But the desire to study it after our meeting, I personally have not arisen.
You just had to make sure that there are unexplored the super brain? Or is it set for itself, the question of the existence of an invisible reality?
I will answer you. Despite the fact that I've devoted my life to research of the human brain, I never in my head did not come to prove that its structure convinces the origin of man from the mammal. Just up to a certain point, this issue was outside the scope of my scientific and human interests.
Are you interested in how I came to faith. This moment had no relation either to the personality of Vanga nor science. It so happened that after a trip to Vanga — it's just coincided — I am very much experienced.
I survived the betrayal of our closest friends, the persecution at the Institute of experimental medicine, which I was headed and where he announced his decision to leave the new brain Institute, and the worst — the death of my two loved ones: her husband and his son from his first marriage. They died very tragically, almost simultaneously: Alex committed suicide, and her husband not suffered his death and died the same night. That's when I really changed.
In other words, only the experience of suffering led you to some new understanding of reality?
Perhaps this is so. But not suffering itself, but the fact that this experience is completely beyond the scope known to me explain the world.
For example, there's no way I could find an explanation for the fact that my husband stood by me then in a dream, asked for help in publishing the manuscript of his book, which I haven't read and which would not have learned without him. It was not the first such experience in my life (before my father's arrest in 1937, I also saw a dream, and then reflected in reality), but here I first began to think seriously about what is happening. Of course, this new reality of the Scarecrow. But then I helped my friend, priest, rector in Tsarskoye Selo father Gennady...
By the way, I strongly advise less to talk about such experiences. I'm not a very to this Council listened and even wrote about the incident in the book is exactly the same as I used to write about any other of his observation. But with time we all change! — I carefully began to concern to this Council.
You know, my childhood had extremely anti-religious period. In those days, for example, was a very popular magazine “Bezbozhnik”, which focuses on how dark grandma, cutting a finger, tying it into a web, and smart granddaughters in these cases, smears finger with iodine. As you know, in the web then penicillin was discovered...
And for a very long time, even when I started to travel abroad, I've been in churches, perceiving them solely as a work of art. I really liked it from an artistic point of view. But I can't imagine that it will ever be close to me in another way...
And as you in this regard understand the gospel saying ”no one will believe otherwise than according to the will of the Creator”?
It is obvious that faith cannot come neither under the influence of someone else or by only one emotion, nor even because of logical reasoning. The spiritual path — too thin matter. None of the examples are not appropriate.
And how are you today, all the received scientific honors and awards, perceive the phrase “in the beginning was the Word”?
At the beginning of everything is thought. The thought of a man. I say this not in denial of the materiality of the world and evolutionary theory, although personally, I prefer a different view. Obviously another. If you have a brain, then — as you wish — everything really starts with.
The Words Of The Creator. So?
I will answer this. It is well known that creativity is way higher nervous activity. The creation of the visible from the invisible is always a great act, whether it be writing music or poems... In your opinion, is possible from this position to comprehend the process of creation of the world? The question is that the scholar under no circumstances has no right to deny the facts on the ground that they do not fit into his worldview. From my point of view, in this case it makes more sense to rethink the position.
The brain's potential
I'm always surprised when someone tries to judge how much percent downloaded the human brain.I have spent my life working with the human brain, and all the methods of brain research, I know, but I can't figure out who and how it counts.
We know that the brain is designed so that whatever it may happen, the brain necessarily aktiviziruyutsya all. He loses all possibilities and then there is minimization of areas of the brain that will be involved. Situations when the brain does not lose the options, does not happen. It once Pavlov proved. We see it all the time. And that's fine, this is the best survival mechanism of the brain.
— Do you think that this "computer" located in our skull, has a virtually inexhaustible possibilities?
— Yes, but I don't like when the human brain is compared with computer. Indeed, it was created so that I can't even imagine what the requirements of life could have brought about the emergence of such a perfect apparatus. The brain so much that it never ceases to amaze.
How strange it sounds: don't consider myself smart...
— I had a very smart mother, she passed through the camp, was seriously ill. She told me: "for God's Sake, don't get me wrong, I do not consider myself to be intelligent. You're very capable". Thanks to her, I and the blockade endured and graduated. It is, figuratively speaking, laid my head what it should be, — "memory matrix". In General, I can say this: maybe I have accumulated some life experience. All that concerns science, can comprehend. And so, I don't think I'm smart.- Some recipes improve memory you could give our readers?
In order for memory was better, it is necessary to exercise. Just as there are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back, neck, abdominals, there are exercises to strengthen memory. They are very simple, public, they can be done in any environment.
For example, many people love to acquire a large number of notebooks, personal diaries, notebooks. Why not train your memory, and don't try to memorize by heart all the phone numbers of their friends and acquaintances? It is no accident that early school children were forced to learn very much by heart. Including learn without any practice, so-called "dead languages" in which people no longer speak.
Cramming all was one of the teaching methods. We are always very criticized, and eventually eliminated. And with it thrown in the trash good exercise for the memory. Memory is very useful to study any foreign language, to learn every day at least five to ten new words.
About prophetic dreams
As a rule, dreams have no relation to the future, so the sleep should not be taken seriously. But in my life there were several dreams that were prophetic. And one of them was incredibly prophetic, down to the details. It was a dream about the death of my mother. Mom was alive and well, resting in the South, shortly before I received a good letter. And in the dream, and I fell asleep in the afternoon, I had a dream that came to me the postman with a telegram in which it was reported that the mother died. I'm going to a funeral, meet people I'd never seen before, greet them, use their names — it's all in a dream. When I woke up and told my husband about my dream, he said, "Are you a specialist in the area of the brain believe in dreams?"
In short, despite the fact that I was adamant that I have to fly to my mom talked me out of it. Rather, I let myself be dissuaded. Well, ten days later, everything happened exactly as it was in my dream. Moreover, to the smallest detail. For example, I have long since forgotten the word SEL it I just never needed it. In the dream I was looking for the village Council, and in reality I had to look it up — that's the story. It was with me personally, but I'm not the only one. There are many other instances of prophetic dreams, and even scientific discoveries during sleep. For example, the discovery by Mendeleev of the periodic system of elements.
It cannot be explained. It is better not to split hairs and say it straight: is no current scientific explanation of ways to not be have to assume that the future is given to us in advance that it already exists. And we can, at least in the dream, to get in touch either with the higher Mind, or God with Someone who has knowledge about this future. With more specific wording I'd like to wait, because the success of technological areas of brain science are so great that maybe will be something that will shed light on this issue.published
Source: /users/1077
Natalia Bekhterev is the author of about 400 scientific works, her discoveries in the field of mechanisms of thinking, memory, emotions, and organization of the human brain.

Published an abridged version of an interview of the magazine “Domovoy” (N6 (43)June, 2004) Maria Wardenga
Natalya Petrovna, I said, meeting this need for me personally. I lost a close friend, he was also a doctor, oncoimmunology.
In the last meeting we talked about faith. And he said, you know, the more I do science the more strengthens the idea of the divine origin of the world.” Do you agree that pain can be overcome only by faith?
I understand, though I'm not sure exactly the question. Science nor from what point of view is not an antagonist of faith.
Another issue is that science itself at some point began to oppose itself to religion. And this, from my point of view, it is strange, because its current state just proves the veracity of the postulates set forth, for example, in Scripture.
But your own science classes and such subtle matter as the human brain, had some relation to the coming to God? Or was it completely independent from the professional activities of a process?
They were related to my method of analysis of the events. The fact that I am not the type of scientists who claim that I can't measure, simply does not exist.
Incidentally, this is the words of a respected colleague. I always say science is the way to the stars. The road into the unknown. As, for example, in this case to be the documentary evidence based on which it reconstructs the history wars? Is it confirmed the testimony of the same event is not a time for reflection and a serious document? I'm not defending the gospel needs no protection — I'm talking in this case about the system understanding the strange, extraordinary things, such as the numerous testimonies of people who saw, heard others in a state of clinical death. This phenomenon is confirmed by numerous patients, and evidence of strikingly coincide in the survey of patients by different persons at different ends of the earth. A lot of women during childbirth has experienced this condition — as if a temporary out of body and observing herself from afar...
Science knows that the violation, especially the termination of the activities of the organs of vision and hearing necessarily results in a violation of, respectively, sight and hearing. How, then, when leaving the body you see and hear? Suppose that a certain state of the dying brain. But how then to explain the consistency of the statistics: only 7-10% of the total number of experienced clinical death remember and can tell about the “phenomenon of out-of-body”...
And in your opinion, this is proof of the Maxim that “many are called, but few are chosen”?
I'm not ready to give an answer. I simply do not have. But the scientist must, above all, clearly set themselves. Don't be afraid. Today it is obvious that a body without a soul is not living. But does biological death the death of the soul — that is the question of questions. I first put it in front of him during the meeting with Vanga...
Your desire to study this phenomenon after a personal meeting with Vanga has undergone any changes?
I honestly told Wang about the research the purpose of his visit. She, incidentally, did it not offended. But the desire to study it after our meeting, I personally have not arisen.
You just had to make sure that there are unexplored the super brain? Or is it set for itself, the question of the existence of an invisible reality?
I will answer you. Despite the fact that I've devoted my life to research of the human brain, I never in my head did not come to prove that its structure convinces the origin of man from the mammal. Just up to a certain point, this issue was outside the scope of my scientific and human interests.
Are you interested in how I came to faith. This moment had no relation either to the personality of Vanga nor science. It so happened that after a trip to Vanga — it's just coincided — I am very much experienced.
I survived the betrayal of our closest friends, the persecution at the Institute of experimental medicine, which I was headed and where he announced his decision to leave the new brain Institute, and the worst — the death of my two loved ones: her husband and his son from his first marriage. They died very tragically, almost simultaneously: Alex committed suicide, and her husband not suffered his death and died the same night. That's when I really changed.
In other words, only the experience of suffering led you to some new understanding of reality?
Perhaps this is so. But not suffering itself, but the fact that this experience is completely beyond the scope known to me explain the world.
For example, there's no way I could find an explanation for the fact that my husband stood by me then in a dream, asked for help in publishing the manuscript of his book, which I haven't read and which would not have learned without him. It was not the first such experience in my life (before my father's arrest in 1937, I also saw a dream, and then reflected in reality), but here I first began to think seriously about what is happening. Of course, this new reality of the Scarecrow. But then I helped my friend, priest, rector in Tsarskoye Selo father Gennady...
By the way, I strongly advise less to talk about such experiences. I'm not a very to this Council listened and even wrote about the incident in the book is exactly the same as I used to write about any other of his observation. But with time we all change! — I carefully began to concern to this Council.
You know, my childhood had extremely anti-religious period. In those days, for example, was a very popular magazine “Bezbozhnik”, which focuses on how dark grandma, cutting a finger, tying it into a web, and smart granddaughters in these cases, smears finger with iodine. As you know, in the web then penicillin was discovered...
And for a very long time, even when I started to travel abroad, I've been in churches, perceiving them solely as a work of art. I really liked it from an artistic point of view. But I can't imagine that it will ever be close to me in another way...
And as you in this regard understand the gospel saying ”no one will believe otherwise than according to the will of the Creator”?
It is obvious that faith cannot come neither under the influence of someone else or by only one emotion, nor even because of logical reasoning. The spiritual path — too thin matter. None of the examples are not appropriate.
And how are you today, all the received scientific honors and awards, perceive the phrase “in the beginning was the Word”?
At the beginning of everything is thought. The thought of a man. I say this not in denial of the materiality of the world and evolutionary theory, although personally, I prefer a different view. Obviously another. If you have a brain, then — as you wish — everything really starts with.
The Words Of The Creator. So?
I will answer this. It is well known that creativity is way higher nervous activity. The creation of the visible from the invisible is always a great act, whether it be writing music or poems... In your opinion, is possible from this position to comprehend the process of creation of the world? The question is that the scholar under no circumstances has no right to deny the facts on the ground that they do not fit into his worldview. From my point of view, in this case it makes more sense to rethink the position.
The brain's potential
I'm always surprised when someone tries to judge how much percent downloaded the human brain.I have spent my life working with the human brain, and all the methods of brain research, I know, but I can't figure out who and how it counts.
We know that the brain is designed so that whatever it may happen, the brain necessarily aktiviziruyutsya all. He loses all possibilities and then there is minimization of areas of the brain that will be involved. Situations when the brain does not lose the options, does not happen. It once Pavlov proved. We see it all the time. And that's fine, this is the best survival mechanism of the brain.
— Do you think that this "computer" located in our skull, has a virtually inexhaustible possibilities?
— Yes, but I don't like when the human brain is compared with computer. Indeed, it was created so that I can't even imagine what the requirements of life could have brought about the emergence of such a perfect apparatus. The brain so much that it never ceases to amaze.
How strange it sounds: don't consider myself smart...
— I had a very smart mother, she passed through the camp, was seriously ill. She told me: "for God's Sake, don't get me wrong, I do not consider myself to be intelligent. You're very capable". Thanks to her, I and the blockade endured and graduated. It is, figuratively speaking, laid my head what it should be, — "memory matrix". In General, I can say this: maybe I have accumulated some life experience. All that concerns science, can comprehend. And so, I don't think I'm smart.- Some recipes improve memory you could give our readers?
In order for memory was better, it is necessary to exercise. Just as there are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back, neck, abdominals, there are exercises to strengthen memory. They are very simple, public, they can be done in any environment.
For example, many people love to acquire a large number of notebooks, personal diaries, notebooks. Why not train your memory, and don't try to memorize by heart all the phone numbers of their friends and acquaintances? It is no accident that early school children were forced to learn very much by heart. Including learn without any practice, so-called "dead languages" in which people no longer speak.
Cramming all was one of the teaching methods. We are always very criticized, and eventually eliminated. And with it thrown in the trash good exercise for the memory. Memory is very useful to study any foreign language, to learn every day at least five to ten new words.
About prophetic dreams
As a rule, dreams have no relation to the future, so the sleep should not be taken seriously. But in my life there were several dreams that were prophetic. And one of them was incredibly prophetic, down to the details. It was a dream about the death of my mother. Mom was alive and well, resting in the South, shortly before I received a good letter. And in the dream, and I fell asleep in the afternoon, I had a dream that came to me the postman with a telegram in which it was reported that the mother died. I'm going to a funeral, meet people I'd never seen before, greet them, use their names — it's all in a dream. When I woke up and told my husband about my dream, he said, "Are you a specialist in the area of the brain believe in dreams?"
In short, despite the fact that I was adamant that I have to fly to my mom talked me out of it. Rather, I let myself be dissuaded. Well, ten days later, everything happened exactly as it was in my dream. Moreover, to the smallest detail. For example, I have long since forgotten the word SEL it I just never needed it. In the dream I was looking for the village Council, and in reality I had to look it up — that's the story. It was with me personally, but I'm not the only one. There are many other instances of prophetic dreams, and even scientific discoveries during sleep. For example, the discovery by Mendeleev of the periodic system of elements.
It cannot be explained. It is better not to split hairs and say it straight: is no current scientific explanation of ways to not be have to assume that the future is given to us in advance that it already exists. And we can, at least in the dream, to get in touch either with the higher Mind, or God with Someone who has knowledge about this future. With more specific wording I'd like to wait, because the success of technological areas of brain science are so great that maybe will be something that will shed light on this issue.published
Source: /users/1077
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