9 strange things that makes the body to protect

Our body is a complex system of biological cycles and processes that are not always easy to understand. Defense mechanisms — some of them. They help us 24 hours a day and protected from things that can potentially cause harm.
The website will tell about the most unusual that is our body in self-defense.

The main purpose of yawning is to cool the brain, relieve fatigue and nervous tension, refresh the air in the lungs.

Usually we sneeze when your nose accumulates too many allergens, germs or dust. Sneezing, our body tries to get rid of the accumulated "garbage".

We instinctively stretch out in the morning to prepare our body for daily stress. At the same time, stretching tones the muscles, improves blood flow and simply uplifting.

When we eat very quickly, swallowing large pieces of food into the stomach receives a large amount of air. Our body reflexively tries to get rid of it, removing excess air using the hiccups.
A sudden drop in the dream

Remember that feeling when you fall asleep and you like pushed out of the dream? All my muscles suddenly tense up, you feel you are falling and Wake up immediately.
The fact is that, when the body sinks into sleep, breathing gradually slowing, while the pulse rate decreases slightly. At this point, the brain decides that the person dies, so he instructs the body to disembark from the state of slumber.
Wrinkles on the fingers

Scientists not so have long been able to establish the cause of wrinkles on fingers after a bath. This feature is inherited from ancestors. The fact that wrinkled fingers make it easier to climb wet rocks. That is, the wrinkles are designed to increase grip of the hands and feet with a slippery surface.
Memory loss

Memory loss often occurs after a very heavy and dramatic events in human life with which his mind is unable to cope. Our brain deliberately erases the most traumatic memories to protect us.
Goose bumps
When it becomes suddenly cold, the body tries to hold body warm layer of air near the surface of the skin by raising hairs. The phenomenon we call goose bumps. Goose bumps can also appear from the strong emotions of fear or delight.

Apart from the fact that tears help flush out of the eyes foreign objects (dust specks), they are also a mechanism of "emotional security". Scientists say that in moments of strong emotions, our body creates a new, strong source of irritation to distract us from the pain.
These are just a few of the reasons why we should be grateful to your body, because every minute he works hard protecting us struggling. In difficult situations, we sometimes just need to relax and allow our body to solve all the problems independently.
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See also
15 proven ways to improve brain work
11 facts about our body, which turned out to be myths
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/11-faktov-o-nashem-tele-kotorye-okazalis-nepravdoj-1373165/
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