The night without pain: how to Wake up healthy
Some wise guy 60 years ago declared that it is useful to sleep on solid, and even better on the Board. And now all his words. But spiral shape of the spine from a solid bed sags and is close in form to the concrete pillar.
In addition, it interferes with the circulation of blood as a result of squeezing it out of the vessel in the place fit the torso to the bed. After 1.5-2 hours of sleep the person feels numbness and "tingling" in the torso, which is located on the solid part of the bed.
But if you sleep, observing certain rules, you can not only get rid of pain, but to also help the body to restore and increase vitality while you sleep!
So lie down and sleep, we recommend the following:
Just one natural product will help with arthritis, toothaches, and coldsFind out what side it's right to sleep and why
Source: aupam.narod.ru/pages/fizkult/solo_dlya_pozvonochnika/page_12.htm
In addition, it interferes with the circulation of blood as a result of squeezing it out of the vessel in the place fit the torso to the bed. After 1.5-2 hours of sleep the person feels numbness and "tingling" in the torso, which is located on the solid part of the bed.
But if you sleep, observing certain rules, you can not only get rid of pain, but to also help the body to restore and increase vitality while you sleep!
So lie down and sleep, we recommend the following:
- need to sleep on semi-rigid bed on bottom solid wooden Board on top of the soft part with a height of at least 15-18 cm, i.e. 2-3 new cotton mattress – not all orthopedic mattresses possess such qualities;
- for pain in the spine is often difficult to sleep lying on the stomach, however, accustomed to this position, it is difficult to find another, more convenient; you can use a pillow, putting it under the belly – it provides straightening bending forward in the lumbar spine and can sometimes reduce pain;
- return of pain in the leg is recommended under the knee joint to encase the roll of towels;
- in some cases, whether you sleep on your side, putting one leg on another, and hand under the head, this pose is suitable for most people suffering from back pain;
- reading, lying down, need to take care not to bend the neck much better to get in bed half-sitting, so that the load on the cervical vertebrae was minimal;
- to get out of bed without causing myself pain, in the acute period of the disease can be difficult, so it is recommended to facilitate this process – first to turn on its side, then move as close as possible to the edge of the bed and gently put my feet on the floor, while leaning on the couch by the elbow and stand up should not heavily tilting the upper body forward;
- head while sleeping should be on soft or rectangular orthopedic pillow so that her shoulder was lying on the couch, and the pillow is filled the distance between the shoulder and the head;
- lying on the side of the head should be parallel to the couch.published
Just one natural product will help with arthritis, toothaches, and coldsFind out what side it's right to sleep and why
Source: aupam.narod.ru/pages/fizkult/solo_dlya_pozvonochnika/page_12.htm