Assan complex to enhance immunity

1. Tadasana - Mountain Pose
Tadasana - Mountain Pose is. In Sanskrit "tada" means "mountain", "dignity" - a vertical, straight, motionless.
That is, Tadasana - posture, which should stand firm and straight, like a mountain. This is the basic standing posture.
Stand up straight. Heels and big toes touching. Strain your knees, tighten the rear thigh muscles. The spine and neck straight. Hands gently pull along the sides, palms facing forward. Shoulders are relaxed.
Body weight in the "heart" of the stop - you have no heels and not on the fingers and evenly distributed among them.
2. Urdhva Hastasana - Pose hands stretched up
On the inhale lift arms up and cross our fingers in the "lock". Elbows draw in, pull up your hands and flex at the waist.
Shoulders and shoulder blades at the same time goes down. Raise your head and look at your fingers crossed. Do not pinch the neck.
Legs straight, weight in the "heart" of the stop.
3. Uttanasana - Intensive lean forward
On the inhale lean forward, put his hands on the floor on either side of the stop. The belly should touch the thighs. Legs straight, knees pulled up.
Lowers his head the crown down to the floor, the person should be given to the feet. We are pulling the spine, neck relaxed. It appears that the neck - a continuation of the spine.
4. Ardha Uttanasana - Pose polunaklona forward
In this position switch from the previous position. Presses her fingertips to the floor, straighten your arms and lift the body to breathe.
Pulling the entire length of the spine, "disclose" the chest. Look forward.
5. Chataranga Dandasana - Pose board
from the previous position as you exhale bend your knees, pressed her hands to the floor and go to the Chataranga dandasana: body parallel to the floor, rest your palms and toes, hands on the shoulders, arms bent at the elbows.
A person looking at the ground. Gone shoulders up off the floor and back of the head.
If you hold the pose hard, you can omit the knees. Perform the full version will learn with time.
6. Urdhva Mukhva Shvanasana - sipped dog
"Schwan" means "dog". The pose resembles sip a dog whose head is lifted up because it got its name.
On the inhale straighten hands and lift up the body and head. Gone shoulders down, squeeze the buttocks, inner thighs and the front stretched.
Body weight falls on the palm. The person turned up.
On the exhale, lie down on the floor face down.
7. Adha Mukha Shvanasana - sipped dog muzzle down
"Adho" means "downward", "Mukha" - the "face", "Schwan" - "dog". This posture resembles sipped dog with head down.
On the exhale hands repelled from the floor, reaching the coccyx up. His head is down, his face looking at the ground. "Unveiling" the inner thighs and pelvis.
We linger in this pose for five breaths.
8. Ardha Uttanasana - Polunaklon forward from a standing position
On the inhale portable jump feet to the hands. The tips of the fingers are pressed against the floor, hands, straighten the elbows and raise the body.
We are pulling the spine throughout the length and "reveal" the chest.
9. Uttanasana - Tilt forward from a standing position
On the exhale, lean forward and drop the palms on the floor. Chest pulled up to the knees, neck relaxes.
It appears that the head - a continuation of the spine.
10. Urdhva Hastasana - Pose hands stretched up
From Uttanasany Urdhva Hastanasa we go in - we repeat the exercise №2. On the inhale lift crossed to "lock" the hand, pulling up from the feet to the tips of the fingers and flex at the waist.
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The complex asanas to improve self-esteem.