How to recognize face health problems

According to Oriental medicine, the face is the mirror of health. The way it is: if the body is a disorder, most likely, it will affect the person. But often we do not give the due importance to the symptoms.
We are in the Website thought that each of us, it would be useful to have such information.
1. Lean and haggard face When we lose weight, a person first loses weight, because the weight loss mainly occurs due to the burning of subcutaneous fat, and the face layer is very thin. So if you are planning to lose weight, get plenty of rest and limit yourself to less food.
Of course, if your face has always been lean, most likely, it's in the genetics and natural structure of the skeleton.
2. Early wrinkles

Wrinkles can suddenly appear after a long stay in the sun without protective equipment, as the ultraviolet rays — the most common cause of premature aging of the skin.
Always protect skin with cream before you go to sunbathe. Some experts advise to use cream with SPF even on cloudy days.
3. Swollen face this problem can have many reasons, the most common are:
- fluid retention in the body;
- diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary system;
- improper diet, malnutrition;
- the lack of sleep.
4. Redness

If redness is not the result of an allergic reaction, most likely, they speak about problems with blood vessels, rosacea. Often it is provoked by:
- Smoking;
- sudden changes in temperature;
- baths, hot baths;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
5. Dry skin poor diet is usually the main reason of dry skin that is prone to early wrinkles. Remember, anti-aging and moisturizing creams are useless if not to feed your skin from the inside, not to drink enough water and different food.
A healthy diet, full of vegetables, citrus, change the situation for the better. Do not forget to regularly eat salmon and drink enough water.
6. Pallor

If your face was paler than usual, the cause may be iron deficiency anemia. Enrich your diet beef liver, and mushrooms. Eat them together with vegetables — they contain vitamin C which iron is absorbed significantly more efficiently.
7. Yellowish tinge to the skin If you noticed that the skin had a yellowish tint, without delay, visit your doctor — it could be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia or liver problems.
8. Pimples

If your diet is too much fat and sugar, it can cause oily skin and acne. Another common reason is problems with hormones.
In any case, always properly clean the face, take care of her — this will reduce the bacteria that provoke the formation of acne. Eat healthy food.
9. Dark circles and bags under eyes Generally, this problem occurs for the following reasons:
- stress;
- lack of sleep;
- incorrect head position during sleep. Perhaps you have a too high pillow;
- alcohol abuse and Smoking;
- the imbalance of hormones.
10. Chapped lips

If the cause is not weather conditions, it may be the lack of vitamins in the diet, primarily fat soluble: A, E, D.
If the corners of the mouth are formed the wounds and cracks is a sign that not enough vitamin C or b vitamins.
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According to the materials of Diario Uno
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