12 laws of life that work, even if you don't believe in them

Newton's third law States: "For every action there is a reaction." But this concerns not only physical phenomena — in fact, the same thing happens in our lives. When we think, say or commit any act that we driven force, which will meet us in the same way.
The website shares with you 12 life laws that will help you become happier and more confident:

Whatever we have created in the Universe, it always us to get it back. Therefore, if we desire to find love, true friendship and happiness, first we must love the family, be a true friend and to make people happy.

The key to the proper internal condition — the independence from the outside world. To achieve it, you need to be yourself and surround yourself with those people and those things that we really love and want to see in our lives.

We will not be able to change the situation until, until you take it. But if we someone can only see the enemy, it means that we are not yet focused on a higher level of existence.

The main thing for us is to have changed and grown ourselves and not the people of the city or the technology around us, because life and the time allotted to us is all we really have.

Life is a mirror. When something goes wrong, it means that we ourselves have internal problems, so we have to take responsibility for what is happening, and not to look guilty.

Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important to do this because everything in the Universe is interconnected. The first step may not be more important than the latter, and Vice versa, as they both needed to accomplish the task.

It is impossible to think about two things at the same time. If you focus on the search for something important, like spiritual values, the head is no space for greed or anger.

We truly understand and accept only what is learned in practice. If we believe something to be true, but not willing to prove it — so we have only opinion and not knowledge.

Digging into the past and haunting dreams about the future distract us from what is happening in the moment, and old behaviors and old dreams prevent us from finding something new.

History will be repeated until, until we will learn lessons from it that will change our path, because it is not necessary every time to do the same thing while expecting different results.

Any reward requires an investment of labour and true joy of life is to continue to work hard, knowing that sooner or later we will achieve our goal.

We get only what they deserve, after all, the true value of something is equal to the energy and forces that we've spent to get what you want. But the only one who likes to give, able to get something inspirational.
Source liwli.ru
Photos on the preview Columbia Pictures
See also
When I began to love myself
12 life laws of grace
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