The heroin addict has created a juice Empire and became a millionaire

13 years ago, Khalil rifati was a homeless drug addict sitting on heroin. He looked accordingly — exhausted, emaciated, covered with sores. Today this man is a millionaire. The website tells how it happened. Khalil rifati is the owner of SunLife Organics — a network of juice bars in Sunny Malibu and six other spots in Los Angeles. Its bars, where you like to go David Duchovny and frontman of the Red Hot Chili Peppers Anthony Kiedis, became known thanks to the huge queues lining up for drinks the "Elixir of life" and "Happy." In just five years-rifati, who is now 46, has built an Empire on juice and other healthy drinks, which, according to him, saved his life.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) Oct 12 2016 12:12 PDT
When Khalil rifati first arrived in Los Angeles from Toledo, Ohio, it seemed that all his dreams and plans come true. He ran away from home in the backwoods from the past and memories of childhood — he was sexually abused.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) Aug 16 2016 at 1:03 am PDT
In Los Angeles he started his business of selling and supplying parts for sports cars. The business has flourished. However, apart from legitimate business-rifati marketed marihuana, and later, ecstasy and ketamine. He once tried heroin. It is the action of the drug drew him to the kid, he had dreamed of. So he always wanted to return there, to that world.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) May 9 2016 at 5:52 PDT
Quickly addicted to heroin, rifati almost died from an overdose. By 2003, he slipped to the bottom after serving time in a Los Angeles jail. And then he changed his life, and finally engaged themselves and their health — a friend showed him that you can make healthy and nutritious foods and juices.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) Jan 20 2016 at 9:41 PST
- Rifati was so pleased with the instant effect that he began to invent and draw their own juices for the patients and employees of the rehabilitation center Riviera. It was then that were born the recipe of its famous drink. Moreover, the people who even were not treated and did not work in the centre began to come to try them.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) Jan 7 2016 9:02 PST
"My juices gives strength to patients and update them. Apathy and lethargy infects a person who is trying to lead a sober lifestyle, especially after years of drug or alcohol dependence."
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) Dec 27 2015 at 1:15 PST
Rumors about the miraculous juices began to spread around the Malibu, and rifati realized that need to open your juice bar. Having 50 thousand dollars and enlisting the financial support of his friend, a professional player, he fulfilled his dream.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) Jun 13 2016 at 3:22 PDT
Opening the first restaurant, rifati just wanted "to love, heal and inspire."
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) 3 May 2016 at 1:51 am PDT
These three words are now written in the form of employees of its network, selling 32 kinds of juice, protein shakes and smoothies as well as coffee, desserts and frozen yogurt. Hiring employees, rifati people with the same problems that were with him 13 years ago.
A photo posted I Forgot to Die, Khalil Rafati (@iforgottodiebook) APR 2, 2016 at 5:20 PDT
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