That's why you can not rape children without knowledge!
The school year has begun and students (even elementary school) when I read for homework. Anxious parents are increasingly resorting to additional classes, to the help of Tutors and dread to think what will happen next? Children are under extreme pressure since the first grade and consequences for the immature child's body that doesn't work. But parents are quite able to save the child from unbearable oppression. You only need to understand a few important rules and to adequately assess its capacity and condition.
The website sends word psychologist Katerina Demina.
Pauline became ill with angina as soon as I went to the first class. I watched the girl to school and strongly advise mother to give up her study in six and a half years: a little girl, weak in the kindergarten did not go. And home situation was very difficult: recently, she had a younger brother, and dad in a car accident made invalid. I was advised to give her to the preparatory group of the kindergarten. The girl used to be in the team, learn to build relationships, and then the transition to school will be less painful. Absolutely tortured mother feebly nodded... and gave his daughter to English school for a full day.
By the end of the first quarter of the Pauline studied the worst in the class. Despite the strict instructions not to put in the first grade level, teachers could not abandon them altogether and was replaced at first sight, "harmless" symbols: red bear — "excellent", green is "good", blue is "bad". Polina was not at all red gummy bears, red was only underlining and crossing out in notebooks and diary (or rather, replacing it in a special notebook). Moreover, the teacher and chastised the girl in front of the class because she "stupid". Homework Polina did with tears and threats, four or five hours, read by syllables. And after a while began to hurt.
First class the girl ended up in the hospital. I was advised to take the child from school and to give back in first class on some less challenging program. But the parents decided to take the path of least resistance and leave everything as is. This time Pauline was in the hospital exactly on the first of September. Now the girl is homeschooled and works with a teacher coming from another school.
From the point of view of psychosomatic medicine, every disease is the body's response to strong emotional experiencesAngina, for example, is a manifestation of unexpressed anger. If a person is experiencing strong feelings and to Express them (say, very angry with someone, but instead of the scream is silent), then it starts to hurt your throat.
Polina — the child with a highly developed sense of self-esteem, so her reaction to the humiliation was the rage. If the child is frightened, when he shout, the answer will be abdominal pain, gastritis or vomiting before school. Less emotional kids still respond to stress, but otherwise, constant colds, SARS. One boy who didn't like how it was called (or rather was called) the teacher was constantly ill with otitis. Then the family moved, the school had to change, and the child stopped hurting altogether.
Oddly enough, the parents largely provoke teachers to the complexity of the program and stricter requirements. I heard at a PTA meeting in the Junior group of the kindergarten, as one Pope demanded from the head "to provide for his child teaching in English native speaker". This is for three years old, who speak in Russian not very clearly. Most parents choose a "strong school, strong teacher", although in fact such a teacher can demonstrate dictatorial and do not care about the mental and physical health of children.
A child in first grade has the greatest need in the sense of security This is the only condition in which the possible development of his abilities. In addition, primary school children mainly works in the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imaginative thinking, creativity, holistic perception of the world, intuition. A teaching methodology based on logic, analysis and work pattern. It is not surprising that children quickly become bored, they lose the motivation. A division of audio/visuals/cinestetico? All heard about it, but many teachers use it in practice?
I would like to focus on age. I refer to the authority of Guccini Nina, one of the largest specialists in developmental psychology, which in many of his publications strongly recommends:
"Do not give to school children before seven years. They have simply matured those brain structures that are responsible for the text analysis and character recognition, even if the child is four years old can read. Up to seven years in a child's mind is dominated by gaming motivation, but in order to learn well, the baby must prevail training".
But what we face in life? By hook or by crook parents want to send their children to school as early as possible, especially boys, over which is constantly hanging sword of Damocles of the army. Girls at the age of six years given to the school for another reason: parents think that a smart daughter with a well-developed speech that is able to read, getting bored in kindergarten. As a result, many of them excellent pupil and "heroside" — instinctively seek back to that carefree state, when you can just play with dolls.
I now see a third class in which all the polls the girls moved in the fictional world of the magical land of Barrie in "Peter pan" and live there all day, distracted only for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each day begins with the distribution of roles — who will be who, the game does not stop in the classroom or at home. Children talk in great detail about events in an imaginary universe, and their parents, clutching his head — children are not interested in anything except this game.
Surprisingly, but girls there is far more parental ambition At least of the first-former, who in addition to school, attending foreign language courses, music school (a must!), dancing and art, are more common than first graders. Boys usually lead in the sports section, and, unfortunately, not always the one that wants the child, often went or wanted to go dad.
First, think ten times before handing the child to school at six and a half years. Of course, a strong big boy for sure able to master the curriculum of the first class. But not sickly girl and not a "little genius", who can read at age three, but was formed at home, surrounded by adults.
Not important "knowledge-abilities-skills" and the child's ability to adapt to a changed environment, to children and to high loadssecond, a sober assessment of the actual abilities of the child. If kindergarten is your child fond of designing and modeling, most likely, he'll go with a complex program in mathematics, but the easy life with foreign languages should not wait. Usually with foreign language acquisition and reading hand-in-hand is music. Someone who loves to draw, likely to experience difficulties with mathematics (because of the adopted in our country, teaching methodology).
Try to take all this into account when you determine the profile of the school. If just about equally, but the child is often sick, poorly tolerate change, wary and shy, it is better to give it in regular school with the most loyal teacher that I can find. Don't worry — with time, when stronger, he will be all caught up.
Third, remember: school is for you, not for school. From the teaching staff may have their own objectives and targets, but parents should determine what is useful for their child
You can insist on compliance with the letter and spirit of the law: homework in first grade is unacceptable in any form, assessment should not be contained neither in the words nor in the journal. All primary school preparation for lessons should not take more than 40 minutes a day, as well as invalid homework from Friday to Monday (except for foreign language, which is taught every day).
As already mentioned, the main task of the child in primary school is not only to acquire a certain amount of knowledge as to important social skills, learn something new about yourself and about the world, learn to interact with people. So agree, better to be in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere than to gastritis, studying at the prestigious school.A healthy child will learn everything he needs but a bit later, in time.
via mel.fm/2016/08/25/grade_retention

The website sends word psychologist Katerina Demina.
Pauline became ill with angina as soon as I went to the first class. I watched the girl to school and strongly advise mother to give up her study in six and a half years: a little girl, weak in the kindergarten did not go. And home situation was very difficult: recently, she had a younger brother, and dad in a car accident made invalid. I was advised to give her to the preparatory group of the kindergarten. The girl used to be in the team, learn to build relationships, and then the transition to school will be less painful. Absolutely tortured mother feebly nodded... and gave his daughter to English school for a full day.
By the end of the first quarter of the Pauline studied the worst in the class. Despite the strict instructions not to put in the first grade level, teachers could not abandon them altogether and was replaced at first sight, "harmless" symbols: red bear — "excellent", green is "good", blue is "bad". Polina was not at all red gummy bears, red was only underlining and crossing out in notebooks and diary (or rather, replacing it in a special notebook). Moreover, the teacher and chastised the girl in front of the class because she "stupid". Homework Polina did with tears and threats, four or five hours, read by syllables. And after a while began to hurt.
First class the girl ended up in the hospital. I was advised to take the child from school and to give back in first class on some less challenging program. But the parents decided to take the path of least resistance and leave everything as is. This time Pauline was in the hospital exactly on the first of September. Now the girl is homeschooled and works with a teacher coming from another school.
From the point of view of psychosomatic medicine, every disease is the body's response to strong emotional experiencesAngina, for example, is a manifestation of unexpressed anger. If a person is experiencing strong feelings and to Express them (say, very angry with someone, but instead of the scream is silent), then it starts to hurt your throat.
Polina — the child with a highly developed sense of self-esteem, so her reaction to the humiliation was the rage. If the child is frightened, when he shout, the answer will be abdominal pain, gastritis or vomiting before school. Less emotional kids still respond to stress, but otherwise, constant colds, SARS. One boy who didn't like how it was called (or rather was called) the teacher was constantly ill with otitis. Then the family moved, the school had to change, and the child stopped hurting altogether.
Oddly enough, the parents largely provoke teachers to the complexity of the program and stricter requirements. I heard at a PTA meeting in the Junior group of the kindergarten, as one Pope demanded from the head "to provide for his child teaching in English native speaker". This is for three years old, who speak in Russian not very clearly. Most parents choose a "strong school, strong teacher", although in fact such a teacher can demonstrate dictatorial and do not care about the mental and physical health of children.
A child in first grade has the greatest need in the sense of security This is the only condition in which the possible development of his abilities. In addition, primary school children mainly works in the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imaginative thinking, creativity, holistic perception of the world, intuition. A teaching methodology based on logic, analysis and work pattern. It is not surprising that children quickly become bored, they lose the motivation. A division of audio/visuals/cinestetico? All heard about it, but many teachers use it in practice?
I would like to focus on age. I refer to the authority of Guccini Nina, one of the largest specialists in developmental psychology, which in many of his publications strongly recommends:
"Do not give to school children before seven years. They have simply matured those brain structures that are responsible for the text analysis and character recognition, even if the child is four years old can read. Up to seven years in a child's mind is dominated by gaming motivation, but in order to learn well, the baby must prevail training".
But what we face in life? By hook or by crook parents want to send their children to school as early as possible, especially boys, over which is constantly hanging sword of Damocles of the army. Girls at the age of six years given to the school for another reason: parents think that a smart daughter with a well-developed speech that is able to read, getting bored in kindergarten. As a result, many of them excellent pupil and "heroside" — instinctively seek back to that carefree state, when you can just play with dolls.
I now see a third class in which all the polls the girls moved in the fictional world of the magical land of Barrie in "Peter pan" and live there all day, distracted only for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each day begins with the distribution of roles — who will be who, the game does not stop in the classroom or at home. Children talk in great detail about events in an imaginary universe, and their parents, clutching his head — children are not interested in anything except this game.
Surprisingly, but girls there is far more parental ambition At least of the first-former, who in addition to school, attending foreign language courses, music school (a must!), dancing and art, are more common than first graders. Boys usually lead in the sports section, and, unfortunately, not always the one that wants the child, often went or wanted to go dad.
First, think ten times before handing the child to school at six and a half years. Of course, a strong big boy for sure able to master the curriculum of the first class. But not sickly girl and not a "little genius", who can read at age three, but was formed at home, surrounded by adults.
Not important "knowledge-abilities-skills" and the child's ability to adapt to a changed environment, to children and to high loadssecond, a sober assessment of the actual abilities of the child. If kindergarten is your child fond of designing and modeling, most likely, he'll go with a complex program in mathematics, but the easy life with foreign languages should not wait. Usually with foreign language acquisition and reading hand-in-hand is music. Someone who loves to draw, likely to experience difficulties with mathematics (because of the adopted in our country, teaching methodology).
Try to take all this into account when you determine the profile of the school. If just about equally, but the child is often sick, poorly tolerate change, wary and shy, it is better to give it in regular school with the most loyal teacher that I can find. Don't worry — with time, when stronger, he will be all caught up.
Third, remember: school is for you, not for school. From the teaching staff may have their own objectives and targets, but parents should determine what is useful for their child
You can insist on compliance with the letter and spirit of the law: homework in first grade is unacceptable in any form, assessment should not be contained neither in the words nor in the journal. All primary school preparation for lessons should not take more than 40 minutes a day, as well as invalid homework from Friday to Monday (except for foreign language, which is taught every day).
As already mentioned, the main task of the child in primary school is not only to acquire a certain amount of knowledge as to important social skills, learn something new about yourself and about the world, learn to interact with people. So agree, better to be in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere than to gastritis, studying at the prestigious school.A healthy child will learn everything he needs but a bit later, in time.
via mel.fm/2016/08/25/grade_retention
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