This is what happens when in the hands of the sculptor — the camera and the frame — dancers
Twenty eight million six hundred sixty nine thousand eight hundred ninety nine
What if the master, who has long created exquisite sculptures, perekvalifitsiruetsya photographer? It happened with Vadim Stein (Vadim Stein). Taking as models of professional dancers, he creates fantastic photographs. And to believe that they did not filigree work of an experienced sculptor, but real people, is almost impossible.
The website overwhelmed with the talent of the author and is pleased to share this incredible beauty.
Photos on the preview Vadim Stein
Photos on the preview Vadim Stein
See also
The origin of human life
Here is the loneliness that freedom
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/syurrealisticheskie-avtoportrety-401505/
What if the master, who has long created exquisite sculptures, perekvalifitsiruetsya photographer? It happened with Vadim Stein (Vadim Stein). Taking as models of professional dancers, he creates fantastic photographs. And to believe that they did not filigree work of an experienced sculptor, but real people, is almost impossible.
The website overwhelmed with the talent of the author and is pleased to share this incredible beauty.

Photos on the preview Vadim Stein
Photos on the preview Vadim Stein
See also
The origin of human life
Here is the loneliness that freedom
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/syurrealisticheskie-avtoportrety-401505/
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